Shire of York

Shire of York

Tuesday 13 January 2015

                     MANUAL OF WA GOVERNMENT GIBBERISH (2015 Edition)



Standard Reply – Pro-Forma  (use other words when necessary when you know their meaning!)
(Totally confuse the Punters where necessary)

Dear What’s-your-name!

Complaint of a Minor Breach against Former Councillor Tony Boyle

I refer to your Complaint of Minor Breach dated 5 December, 2014, made by you about an alleged
minor breach under the Local Government (Minor Breach Rules of Conduct) Regulations 2007 directly pertaining to minor breaches and which should duly be considered to be a minor breach only by Cr Tony Boyle of the Shire of York’s Council under any and all definitions of current minor breach regulations.

The Local Government Standards Panel (the Standards Panel) which rules on the Minor Breach (the Minor Breach) has noted that 8 December 2014 Cr Boyle resigned (the Resignation) from his position (of Councillor) and ceased ( ended, halted, stopped, concluded, terminated, finished) to be an elected member of the Shire of York.

The Department (the Department) has obtained advice (the Advice) regarding the appropriateness
(suitableness, fitness, aptness, usefulness) of the Standards Panel (the Standards Panel) considering the Complaint of a Minor Breach (Minor Breach Rules of Conduct) Regulations 2007 (the Complaint) when the person against whom (whomever) the complaint is made no longer (ceased-to-be) a council member. The advice (the Advice) concludes (thinks, seals, engineers, clinches) that it would not be appropriate for consideration to be given to the conduct of a person who is not currently a council member.

The Department’s position on the definition of Minor Breach (Minor Breach Rules of Conduct Regulations 2007 (also known as innocuous oversight, minute misdemeanours, piddling little offences, miniscule misdeeds, tiny transgressions, unavoidable errors) includes but is not limited to
slanderous abuse of ratepayers, threatening coercive behaviour towards ratepayers, all forms of financial mismanagement and non-compliance under Corporations Law standards, failure to adequately protect municipal funds, non-compliance regarding Conflict of Interest, ad nauseam.

The State Administrative Tribunal (SAT , supported by one’s buttocks, recline, pose, model, rest)
has also confirmed that the Standards Panel (the Standards Panel) does not have the jurisdiction
( leadership, control, power, mastery) to determine a complaint of a minor breach against a former council member.

Accordingly, the Standards Panel’s  (the Standards Panel’s) dealings with the above mentioned  complaint will be suspended ( removed, eliminated, rejected, ejected, rusticated) and the complaint placed on file ( at the new SITA waste dump near York) for future monitoring (watching, checking surveillance-ing) by the Standard Panel’s (the Standard Panel’s) coven of waste-watching experts (the Experts).

It is open for the complaint to be reactivated should Mr. Boyle be elected as a member of council in future and our coven of waste-watching experts ( the Experts) dig up the SITA Waste Site (the TIP)
and locate the teensy-weensy  Complaint of Minor Breach (the Complaint of Minor Breach).

Yours sincerely

Jenni Law
CC David Taylor


  1. Tony Boyle got out before he could be breached. So it's too late to have him 'lanced'.

    I wonder what are the chances that he will stand again for election?

    Satire and ridicule are the finest weapons we can wield against the follies and excesses of the powerful. Vous etes Charlie!

    1. Tony got lanced alright - bit embarrassing for him really.
      I hear tell, a couple of people are making noises about writing a book on all of this.
      Should make good reading and may even finish up as a TV serial - bit like the ABC "Bed of Roses"

    2. une fille de Normandie (oops:York)14 January 2015 at 02:39

      Nous sommes chaque personne Charlie, n'est-ce pas? (We are all Charlie, are we not?) Seems pretty true to me, we being all citizen journalists now.

    3. Je suis Charlie. Vive la liberté d'expression et la satire!
      (I am Charlie. Long live freedom of expression and satire!)

    4. Book should be Game of Thrones

  2. Love the take on the Department of Focal Governbent letter (the letter).
    I noticed the complaint was dated 5 December 2014 which was a Friday and Boyle resigned on Monday morning 8 December 2014, is this a coincidence or a consequence.
    I also noticed the complaint has been suspended and "placed on file for future monitoring purposes", I imagine Ms quasi Law will be hanging off the edge her seat waiting to see if Tony puts his hand up in October.
    If he can get his hand out of the cookie jar and sticks it up in October, what then, two strikes he's out, before he's in?

    1. Tony cannot nominate at the next election coz he resigned.
      Of course the Minister may change the rules to accommodate his friend Tony Boyle.

    2. Tony has to wait two years before he can stick his hand up - he probably thinks people will forget what he has done to our Town and forgive him for being a lier. NOT likely Tony.

    3. OK Yorkgate, where does it state that Tony cannot nominate for the next election?
      Clearly, Ms Law, who prima facie would have considerable more knowledge on the subject than you, believes otherwise.
      On the point of changing the rules to accommodate his friend Tony Boyle, in referring to rules, I presume you mean statute? If yes, then no, the Minister can't just change the "rules" only Parliament can do that.
      Maybe you intended your remark be 'off the cuff', if yes, then well done!
      If not, go do some reading!

    4. Gee someone took that bait, wonder if it was the DLG.

  3. I wonder why Simon Saint rubbed his name out, everyone knows it was him who put the complaint in. I am pretty sure good ole simon will notify the dept if Tony is re-elected, then the complaint can be looked at. And as for you stew, just cause a complaint is lodged, doesn't mean anyone is guilty.

    1. Nice to see the 'dark side' contributing.

      If Tony wasn't guilty why did he resign?

    2. Give us a break, Simon is not the only person who has lodged a complaint.

      If Anon definitely knows it was Simon, then using the same analysis one can assume Anon must be Tony or his missus.

    3. It might be the Moderator who blacked the name out — not the person the letter was written to.

    4. That is why we think you are so disgusting Tony (or one if your pathetic acolytes) because you name and shame people. We can name you because you were not considered a natural person. Mr Saint however is. I have more respect for Mr Saint than I ever had for you and your nasty circle of conniving wanna be's

  4. Anonymous I wonder why you think it was Simon Saint, Mr Saint is not the only one with a beef with the shire and neither am I, but at least he has the balls to tackle it. what's your excuse for not putting your name Anonymous? Just because a complaint is lodged doesn't mean someone is guilty? also doesn't mean they are innocent. unfortunately now we may never know the truth. and the truth is what's important.

    1. Yes, it is Simon with his daring to make things transparent (sorry, perspicuus) that has given courage to others to get the ball rolling so that none of this need remain hidden any more — if we play it right and stick to our guns.

    2. I agree, Simon (and Heather) have led by example, at great personal cost.

      Simon also stood up for the rights of various people (generally Women) who were not in any position to handle the relentless bullying from the cowards on council.
      York owes a great debt to Simon and Heather because THEY exposed the corruption in the first place and showed all of us what it is to have courage.
      Thank you Simon and Heather.

  5. The 12 Days of Christmas14 January 2015 at 05:28

    This is a bit off subject but there are a few people out there who just love the shire, In most country towns beautiful decorations adorned their main streets on all the old historical buildings lovely. Now lets have a look at York , The town Hall had a bit of decoration the two trees in the parks some of their lights were not working .But The SHIRE OFFICE was set up like a proverbial winter wonderland, garland on the counter, trees, gold lanterns on stands , coloured lights adorned the façade not to mention other decorations, and to top it all off the bloody place was closed over the 12 days of Christmas, I grew up knowing that Christmas was a time for giving not having the best decorated shire office while the town looked like MR Scrooge has visited. Thanks to the shop owners for going to the trouble of decorating and to the person who threw a few strands on the nice trees Ray had planted in the street. I say that tongue in cheek Ray..............

  6. The first paragraph in the letter above signed (written??) by Ms Law does not make sense. The whole letter is gobble gook.
    So they cannot deal with the complaint because Boyle resigned, but he can stand for council again. Bloody scary stuff I say.
