Shire of York

Shire of York

Friday 30 January 2015

Australia Day Address 2015

I was hugely impressed by Mr Best’s bold statement that ‘The splintering of the media has increasingly given a voice to those people at the extremes-not only are the voices of passionate extremists louder and more pervasive- through social media they are now focused more on their self-interest at the expense of the community interest- more focused on personal attack than on matters that build our Social Capital’.

Obviously, Mr. Best has a certifiable University Degree in Communications, focusing on the negative impact of social media on mainstream media in the 21st Century. His thesis must have been written with a particular emphasis on the development of a class of self-interested extremists in Rural, Regional and Remote Western Australia.  A Fundamentalist, Jihadist, Social Media-Extremist Splinter Group bent on personal attack on the institution of Local Government and the destruction of community ‘Social Capital’.(Best may also have a degree in Social Economics)

Mr. Best must have shared many hours of animated discussion with News Limited’s, Rupert Murdoch, the Editor-in-Chief of West Australian Newspapers Ltd, Bob Cronin, and TV Executives such as Channel 7’s, Mario D’Orazio, to form such a clearly defined, academic, holistic evaluation  of the current fragmented media situation in Western Australia, Australia and the entire Western World. And how, in particular, this ubiquitous splintering of the media equates to York and its’ people?

Mr Best’s inference is that York- has within its community ranks- ‘extremists’ (a word that I would be very careful in what context I used it). It has a ‘dictatorship’ by a passionate minority- which is untrue, and a thinly veiled insult! It also seems that the extremist, dictatorial population of York should understand what civic obligations are- which is also insulting.

Most offensive of all is that these extremist dictators, in Mr. Best’s estimation, are focused on their own self-interest at the expense of their community interest.

What is extremely amusing among all his pretentious, offensive drivel is Mr Best’s quote from WB Yates “The Best lack all conviction- The worst are full of passionate intensity”.

This means a ‘Best’ has a lack of conviction’ which certainly guarantees York has, and I quote, an “uncertain future” with Commissioner Best.  I think that most people in York would rather be ‘the worse for passionate intensity’.

Mr. Best has obviously found a real buzzword “Social Capital”. He has used it as an ‘anaphora’, the meaning of which he will probably have to ask someone.

To be fair to Mr. Best, I highly doubt he wrote this speech. It smacks of political interference, and the jargon used by Ministerial, advertorial acolytes called Dumb and Dumber. Otherwise he downloaded it all off the Net. This is called plagiarism.

David TaylorYork Ratepayer.


If, like me, you missed Commissioner James Best’s Australia Day speech, don’t despair.  You can find the complete text at

It’s not the Gettysburg address, ‘Fight them on the beaches’, or ‘I have a dream’.  James is not that kind of orator.  He doesn’t have dreams.  He envisions visions—that is, when he isn’t ideating ideas. 

Talking about civil society…

James wants to stir up in York ‘a debate about civil society’.  This would require ‘a whole of community vision’ and ‘building a cohesive and future-focused set of actions that we can agree on.’   

[Translation: ‘Let’s get together and talk about the kind of community we want to be and make plans to improve the shire for everyone who lives here’.]

…and Social Capital

James regards York as ‘a disengaged and dispirited community’ needing to build up ‘Social Capital’, that is, ‘the network of trust and collaboration that links individuals into a society’.

[Translation: ‘You’re a sorry lot right now, Yorkites, but if you could have a bit more confidence in yourselves and each other and learn to work effectively together your lives would be happier, more successful and probably more fun’. NB: This is a free translation.]

His plan is to gather together all the different organizations in town—from the CWA to the RSL, from the Croquet Club to the Church of Christ, from the Men’s Shed to the Salvation Army—and encourage them to ‘build a common identity’ through a process of ‘Community Visioning’.  In fact, he will be ‘facilitating a series of Visioning Forums to bring the community together and build York’s social capital’.

[Translation:  ‘I’m going to organize and oversee a series of town meetings where all the clubs and groups in York can get to know each other better, find out what ideas and dreams they have in common, unite to forge a common destiny and share their hopes for the future.’  NB: This is a freer translation, because of the linguistic challenges posed by the original text.]

‘Away, you passionate extremists!’

But there’s always a serpent in Eden (my metaphor, not James’s).  In York, the serpent consists of all those nay-saying reprobates, or ‘passionate extremists’, taking advantage of social media to promote ‘their own self-interest’ and focus on ‘personal attack’.

[Translation: ‘Those bloggers are a damned nuisance.  David Taylor’s the worst, followed by that Plumridge fellow and the cartoonist, whoever he is.  They must be in it for themselves in some way, because in my world everybody’s busy looking after number one, unless of course they’re completely selfless, like me.  I wish I knew what those radicals are after, and why they keep having a go at me!  It’s not fair.  All I want to do is lead my people—they are my people, Tony Simpson said I could have them—from the Slough of Despond into the Promised Land.’  NB: This is freer still, but I think captures the spirit of the original.]

Instead of ‘participating in safe and productive dialogue about our uncertain future’, the extremists ‘disengage from politics’ or become ‘single issue evangelists’, a ‘trend’ leading inexorably ‘to the dictatorship of the passionate minority’ (as distinct, presumably, from what York knows only too well, the dictatorship of a privileged few).

[Translation:  ‘And the bastards just keep harping on in English.  Why don’t they talk in high-sounding, vacuous riddles like Brad Jolly, Margaret Wheatley and me?  Do they think they can defeat Tony Simpson and take over the world?  Jeez, it’s worse than Islamic State round here!’  NB: not really a translation at all, just reading between the lines.]

The Second Coming—please, Lord, not another one, we’re still trying to get over the first!

James decks out his argument with a couple of lines from ‘The Second Coming’, by W B Yeats (not Yates, as James spells it, perhaps confusing the Irish poet with the author of a well-known garden guide): ‘The best lack all conviction, while the worst/ Are full of passionate intensity’.

This apocalyptic poem, composed, Yeats said, in a mediumistic trance, ends with a kind of prophecy: ‘And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, / Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?’

Well, our ‘rough beast’ came and went, slouching home at last to Dianella…

‘We don’t want no council training, we don’t want no thought control…’

James, York doesn’t need a ministerial appointee to help sort out its troubles. It was your deceitful minister, his ham-fisted predecessor, and senior figures in their department who, if they didn’t actually cause York’s problems, allowed them to flourish unchecked.

York doesn’t need ‘community visioning’ and a series of ‘visioning forums’ to bring its community together.  It needs a clear-sighted, democratically elected shire council willing to involve members of the public in decision-making and as informal advisers on matters of policy. 

That’s what Matthew Reid offered us.  That’s why so many of us voted for him.  That’s what your Minister stomped on, for the benefit of his political mates.

York doesn’t need dire warnings about ‘passionate extremists’ busy launching personal attacks via social media.  If only your minister and his predecessor had paid attention in the past to some of those ‘passionate extremists’, you, James, would be focusing on your chances of pre-selection for parliament instead of wasting your time and our money trying to fix us up.

I’ve said this many times before, but it bears repeating:  there can be no peace and healing in York until we’ve had an impartial, full and open inquiry into the issues canvassed in the Fitz Gerald Report.  Get Minister Simpson moving on that one, James, and you will have earned the respect of the York community and a noble place in the history of the town—perhaps even a statue, or better still, a shrine.

‘Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that reads it. Habakkuk, 2:2.’

James Plumridge

A response to James Best’s Australia Day Address  Jane Elise Ferro

In your Australia Day address, Mr Best, you made some comments and statements that puzzle me. Would you mind telling me what they mean?

Here goes:

1.“… town hall meetings that end in tears.”

I can’t recall any tearful endings to meetings while Shire President Matthew Reid’s conduct of meetings was being monitored by the DLGC.  Most residents were pleased with Cr Reid’s style of governance and saw no reason to weep.

How different from previous years, when Ray Hooper and his compliant councillors were in charge of meetings! There was plenty to cry about then, during the era you seem determined to close off from review with your now-famous ‘line in the sand.’

2. “…debate since Federation has made a difference”.  York has endured 10 years of a shire council and administration that many believe to have been corrupt. So how is York going to move forward without a lively, unfettered debate on what was inflicted on its people during those years?

3.Why are you concerned about “the current state of citizens’ engagement” when the OECD ranks Australia as a world leader in that category? How can you expect citizens to engage willingly in social and political processes when confronted by a wall of discouraging managerial jargon like ‘strategic facilitation’, ‘cohesive and resilient organisations’, ‘envisioning meetings’ and so on?  You can say the same things much more clearly in simple language that everyone can understand.

4. Your “concern for our children” is well founded if it arises from a broader concern over the decay of democratic institutions and processes and a corresponding rise in political corruption.  Here’s an instance of what I mean by corruption. Not long ago, in Northam, an indigenous kid was arrested and charged for stealing a chocolate frog. By contrast, in nearby York, a major government department is now doing its best to draw a veil over the illicit conversion of public moneys to private ends by pretending it’s too trivial (read ‘embarrassing’) to pursue. 

Sweeping wrongdoings under the carpet, and using insults and roughshod tactics to silence those who refuse to bow and submit, is hardly behaviour our children should model.  So I’m concerned, too.

5. What do you mean by “safe and productive dialogue about our uncertain future”? Productive, yes, but why ‘safe’? Should we submit to power for safety’s sake, instead of ‘speaking truth to power’? Remember Hitler (the blog hasn’t let you forget about him!) his henchmen, and all the ‘good people’ in Germany who played it safe by burying their heads in the sand.  Is that the way we should go?

6. Do you really want a change-for-the-better? If so, such change is increasingly made possible by Social Media rather than via ministerial support! Those who are choosing to take a stand against further suppression of the truth are using this avenue for expression in order to bare the realities of years gone by (you know, those years behind your line in the sand).

7. How can you justify your insinuation that those who express themselves through social media (eg, we bloggers) are extremists who are focused more on their self interest rather than community interests? Quite the opposite is true. Had Kalgoorlie or Chittering been able to publicize what their towns were encountering / enduring during the ‘reign’ of Ray Hooper, York may have been spared his more-of-the-same. If you read the blog entries carefully, we do not want the same situation to occur ever again. We want a vibrant, active town, a legacy for future generations.

8. The one statement of yours I agree with is: “There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about.” Try honesty, integrity, justice, fairness, respect, communication, freedom, joyfulness, balance, equality, interaction, good governance, truthfulness, discernment, openness, free speech, security, understanding, wisdom, sincerity, humour, courage, flexibility, kindness, humility, compassion, generosity, gratitude, harmony, peacefulness, TRUST.

Jane Elise Ferro


  1. Very well said and thank you for your time and effort on behalf of the York community. It is unfortunate that you are now considered a terrorist, destroying the united fabric of the community. Commissioner Best (a great title) will not be listening to you my friend - a radical who sems to believe that the regime activities outlined in the Fitz report was not good government.

    It is now crystal clear that best, simmo, the kremlin and KGB all believe that old regime was great and should never have been replaced by a democratic process. So trash the community representatives with a trumped up audit and kangaroo court, and then have the gall to say it is our fault.

    Best and his cohorts are writing themselves into the history of york.

    Careful consideration needs to be given to an appropriate form of public memorial that will record these people for posterity. It is a shame that there is no new sewerage pond.

  2. Best must be a loony to refer to people as "extremists", has no one learnt anything after Ray Hooper's demise? Hooper had a perverse addiction to making defamatory comments about anyone who disagreed with him. Now we have a Hooper clone who believes he has the right to do the same. If people choose to share an opinion on 'social media' then suck it up, if James is going to play with the big boys and enter the world of politics, he'd better toughen up.

  3. wild bill itchcock30 January 2015 at 19:33

    Cohorts, acolytes, immoral, perpetual agitators, trouble- makers, naysayers, newcomers, scurrilous, vindictive, vexatious, dishonest and now "extremist".
    Nice one James, you twat!
    P.S. Did I forget any?

    1. Another disgusted ratepayer30 January 2015 at 21:24

      I second that wild bill itchcock.

      I congratulate you Mr. Best, you have managed to insult the York Community in record time, even faster than Ray Hooper.

      Is this part of your 'big plan', to alienate the entire community and have us declared unmanageable or vexatious?

      Well, I have a word that describes you Mr. Best - Machiavellian.
      You are cut from the same roll of cloth as Ray.

      The 'insult batten" must have been handed over from Ray Hooper when you were parachuted into York?

      Perhaps we should consider getting some T-shirts made with all the the above

    2. I've been called all of them30 January 2015 at 21:29

      I would wear a T-shirt with the words listed by wild bill itchcock printed on both front and back, and I'd wear it proudly!

    3. Wild Bill- You can add self serving tot he list.

    4. Vilification was a favourite word of Hooper's

    5. I used to vote Liberal but not any more2 February 2015 at 18:36

      What Minister Simpson and sky diver Mr. Best fail to realise, the longer this whole mess goes on, the more obvious it is becoming to the wider West Aust. community that a Government cover up has been implemented.

      I believe Minister Simpson and his power charged advisors from the DLG thought they would stomp on the heads of those exposing the ineptness of the previous York Council, CEO and DLG and the problems would miraculously all go away.

      They could never have been more wrong.

      This blog is being read widely (through out W.A and overseas) and it is unbelievable the Premier has not realised the fallout could be politically damaging for him.

      It's time Premier Barnett explained why his Minister for LG intervened and stood down a Council that undertook to investigate (and address) all the problems, problems that had been growing in York for almost a decade.

      The Fitz Gerald Report, provided the first chance (since Ray Hooper caste his shadow over our Town) for the truth to be told. Now that Report has been stolen from us - why?

      Was Minister Simpson frightened the Fitz Gerald Report would end his career?

    6. I have voted coalition all my voting life, over 50 years and will never vote for them again due to what they have done to our beautiful town. We were all over the moon when Matthew Reid was elected and started cleaning up what the disgraceful Ray Hooper had done to this town and then bingo in come the clowns from the DLG to Minister Simpson. I think they should start looking around!!

  4. Sally 'one of the ordinary folk'30 January 2015 at 21:58

    I prefer the translation provided by James Plumridge.

    If Mr. Best heeds your advice James and convinces Minister Simpson the wisdom in following due process, openness, accountability and fairness by holding an independent inquiry re Fitz Gerald Report, we may not have sufficient funds to built a Statue or a Shrine, given the over run costs of the Wreck centre, however I am sure the 'trouble makers' would dip into their pockets for an inaugural Simpson Medal for him.

    The medal would look good listed on your CV Mr. Best, particularly IF you are considering a career in State Politics. It would give you a shoe in so to speak.

  5. Sorry Mr Best I have maintained dignity and played fair with you lot so far but this latest episode........absolutely disgusting. With the horrendous events occurring around the world today, classifying individuals or groups as 'extremist' is a very dangerous claim to be making. Unforgiveable and certainly not something to address on Australia Day - Very, very un-Australian....shame on you!

    Have you actually spoken with any of the alleged 'perpetual agitators' yet or just the self proclaimed 'important people'?

    1. Well said. What relevance did that speech have to Australia Day?
      Hi, my name is ......? and I am a blogger. I have a problem and that is why I have joined 'Bloggers Anonymous'.
      I also admit I have had very good reason to agitate in the past.
      How dare you judge me Mr Best? You have not spoken with me to discuss my problems and you have not made contact with me to do so.
      The only extreme I am at the moment is extremely angry!

      My suggestion to you, don't waste any more time on google looking for famous quotes and authors that you can't spell. Look up the meanings of communication, explanation, saying sorry....better still, go into the WA Ombudsman's website to read up on what it is to 'apologise'.

    2. I am another one who is disgusted with Mr. Bests un-Australian speech in York on Australia Day. How dare you include the term 'extremist' in your address to our Community.
      No good apologising now, the damage is done.

      By the way, York has already had the single issue evangelist - his name was Ray Hooper - his single issue was to destroy York!

  6. Excellent analysis gentlemen, interesting synonymous opinions.

  7. As I've said before, let's not be beastly to Mr Best. I have the distinct impression that Tony Simpson and his eldritch crew didn't prepare him very well for the challenges of governing York.

    Usually, when a local council is suspended or sacked, there is dancing in the streets of the city or shire concerned. That is probably how the populace here in York would have greeted ministerial intervention of that kind if it had brought to an end the reign of either Mr Boyle or Mr P Hooper and dispensed with the services, if so they may be called, of CEO Hooper.

    What the Minister failed to understand, and his advisers apparently declined to tell him, is that the council he decided to stand down at the behest of his political cronies was popular and its president respected and well-liked. So, inevitably, there has been a strong backlash against his decision. He has made matters worse by refusing to explain or discuss the reasons for that decision. It takes arrogance of a very high order to generate stupidity on that scale.

    Enter the unfortunate Mr Best, who is now saddled with the task of managing a justifiably angry citizenry more inclined to give him two fingers than the time of day. James, if I may so call him, is obviously not a stupid man. But he is out of his depth, and in real danger of becoming a figure of ridicule, so long as he persists in addressing us in ManagementSpeak, a grotesque perversion of our noble English tongue, and more seriously, in ignoring the real concerns of our community.

    I think our attitude towards James might change if he became our champion by telling Tony Simpson that we must have our inquiry, whether he and his mates like it or not, and to restore the council to office right away. Goodness, I think I'm having a vision again...

    BTW, when is the 'training' supposed to start? I'm told our councillors are still waiting for school to commence . Is that true?

    1. You are quite right James (Plumridge), I will try and be a little more understanding of the unfortunate situation Mr. Best is in.

      I hear on the grape vine Mr. Best reads the blog.

      As he has not spoken to me directly, I will take the opportunity of writing a small message directly to him here.

      Mr. Best, I understand you made a point of contacting 'people of consequence' in York and in doing so I believe this got the hackles up of many those who have been unfairly treated and in many cases seriously damaged.
      You see Mr. Best by talking to those people first and foremost, you were more than likely talking to the people who caused (or contributed to) the damage in the first place.

      You may have been provided with names of those in York considered to be the trouble makers. You may have been advised by the DLG, Minister, certain Senior York Staff and 'those of consequence' to avoid these people completely. If this is true, then you have been given the worst advice possible.

      Mr. Best have you ever heard the term 'secondary trauma'? If you haven't, could I suggest you read up on it. It may help you understand what many in York are currently experiencing.

      Mr. Best if you would make the time to start talking to the ordinary people of York. Put aside all the information you have been given on certain people.. Talk privately with, and get to know those people tagged as the trouble makers. You will find they are very nice people, genuinely nice people, with some very harrowing stories!

    2. I think Mr Best used the phrase 'important people' rather than 'people of consequence' which I threw into the mix.

      It's certainly my impression that, as you suggest, he has been very badly advised.

      Perhaps the so-called 'trouble-makers' could make a point of speaking to him and telling him what happened to them when the old guard was in power.

      Why not give him a call? Instead of having a 'visioning meeting', why not hold a 'rear-view visioning meeting' where he can learn first hand what happened in York and why so many people are so angry?

      Mr Best, why not set up a meeting like that in the Town Hall? It would have to be informal, with an independent chair but not hamstrung by slavish adherence to the normal rules of debate.

      Remember the wise words of Thomas Hardy: 'If way to the better there be, it exacts a full look at the worst'.

      You've got off to a bad start. It's not too late to recover from it, but first you must stop relying on 'important people' and recognise that the ordinary folk of this town are not fools and will not be fobbed off with nonsense. Tell that to the minister, too.

    3. James, for those that have been burnt there is little incentive to want to give Mr Best a ring. My attitude is -I have heard it all before. He will make promises he has no intention of keeping when it comes to treating everyone equally. He's already proved that.

      Anyway, I am fed up to my back teeth of people telling their harrowing stories only to have it fall on deaf ears. Boyle promised all the skulduggery would stop, but he lied, the DLG didn't care, the CCC didn't care,. CEO Michael Keeble heard it all, supposedly cared deeply and burnt us again, Matthew Reid cared but they suspended him.

      To get it all off one's chest in the Fitz Report should have been cathartic for the "troublemakers" but it wasn't. Instead those people just relive the stress again and their family and friends have to relive it too. All the while knowing the corruption goes right to the top and nothing was ever going to come of it.

      Now I hear the CEO is taking advice from Medusa and Tyshoo about who is trustworthy and likable and who isn't. I can only assume based on Mr Bests behavior so far he too is taking advice on who the trouble makers are and who the important people are.

      Mr Best sounds like a pompous twat and I am in no hurry to hear his bullshit.

    4. James (P) I don't want to meet with Mr. Best. He has been in York a month and has only been interested in talking to those he considered important. He is not interested in those who were subjected to a living hell by Ray Hooper, the Councillors and staff.

      Mr. Best has come here with his fancy consultancy spin words and speeches that have no real substance. He figures if he ignores those who suffered (the extremists) they will somehow cease to exist.
      In six months time he will provide the Minister with a glossy bound report and York will be added to Mr. Best's CV as another 'former'.

      None of the Councillors involved in the bullying - Tony Boyle, Pat Hooper, Brian Lawrance and Trevor Randell have the guts to make eye contact with me. This tells me every single time they come face to face with me, they are reminded of the despicable things they were involved in.
      I hope each and every one of them rots in hell!

  8. If Mr. Best believes York has a ‘dictatorship’ by a passionate minority, can he explain why that dictatorship has not managed to force the Minister to give back our Shire President, Council and hold an independent inquiry?

    Mr. Best sounds like he has been listening to the propaganda again. Chats over cups of tea with those considered to be of importance in York was it?

    I suggest Mr. Best at least makes some effort to talk face to face with each and every one of those residents who have had their lives turned up side down by the previous council and their employee Ray Hooper.

  9. Hooper used "minority group" on occasion as well.
    In a supposedly democratic westernised country like Australia with, to quote James, a "civic society", to target any specific group and categorise them is socially unacceptable. Just because a number of people choose to engage in something lawful which the establishment may disagree with, according to the upper echelon then they are disengaged, dispirited and motivated by self-interest.
    Who do you think you are and what gives you the right to refer to me as an extremist because I dare to post on a blogsite. What a complete load of twaddle, Australia is purportedly a multiracial country which embraces differing opinions and views, or so we're led to believe!
    Self interest, everyone has self- interest James, what could yours be? Wealth, power, political advancement, or do you just like helping people?
    James, in your position as Commissioner, you have made the situation worse, your elitist attitude has made it so. Everyone is 'important' , not just those people you deem to be.

  10. I recommend these alternative options for Mr Best:
    • Instead of continuing to seek council with the self proclaimed important people of York (as mentioned prior) get amongst the real people of York, they'll tell you 'as it is'. (Those self proclaimed wannabe's really are the 'self interest group' - you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours and I'll bet they were the first to make appointments to meet you - they might need some planning favours, write off of rates or some financial gratification - get real Mr Best!)
    • Arrange to meet with ALL past Councillors and ask them these questions:
    1. Why (when the community had been telling you and opening up their hearts to you for so long) did you ignore issues still bubbling away today?
    2. It is a Councillors role to ensure municipal funds are spent wisely - Why didn't any of you identify that credit card and other financial problems existed back to 2008?
    3. Why didn't any of you ask to see documents for credit card and financial information? (don't let them just say "Oh I did but I was ignored ! - not good enough, show us the minutes where it records their your time, you will not find any)
    4. Why did you retrospectively approve finances that you hadn't even scrutinised?
    5. Will you take responsibility for allowing municipal funds to be squandered due to your failings?
    6. Will you be accountable and accept that you may be asked to repay the money yourselves should this community have the balls and decide to take action against you all (as did the community of Toodyay)?
    7. As a result of your failings, various community members were destroyed in some way because they dared to ask questions that you ignored, giving the former CEO free reign to punish them - will you apologise to them?
    8. Will you ALL apologise to this Community for letting us down?

    Get those answers Mr Best and you will be back in favour with the 'real people' of York who had a 16%+ rates hike because we had no money!

    1. Well said. I think you will find that your past Councillors believe that they have little responsibility for their past actions. If that is so, they should do a little reading for themselves (Local Government Act would be a good starting point)!

    2. Past Councillors simply did not understand their responsibility to the community they represented.

      They also did not understand Ray Hooper WAS THEIR employee. They thought he was THEIR Advisory Consultant....dumb ay.

    3. Further Up the Valley31 January 2015 at 18:09

      The previous York Council was the best comedy show in the Avon Valley. We could always bank of a good laugh every single month. Wonder why they were not sacked.
      Seems someone came in a bit too late and punished the wrong people in council

    4. Sorry Bob you are only partly correct, yes Ray Hooper as your CEO was employed by the Council. He was actually engaged for administration purposes to advise and report to Council, implement policies and decisions and to fulfil daily operational tasks. In effect he was an adviser, that said (other than under delegated authorities) it would be the responsibility of the Councillors to make decisions.

  11. Mr. Best, in your Australia Day address you encourage people to engage in conversation with their neighbours. You also mentioned the bringing together of people with widely different views, robust Australian debate and that you are worried over the current state of citizens engagement.
    You then propose, "we need a whole of community vision, starting with a conversation, acknowledging the inevitable dilemmas and tensions together in a partnership, and building a cohesive and future focused set of actions that we can agree on".
    Then in the very next breath, you contradict yourself by accusing members of the public who have engaged in all the above, of being "extremists"! Why, because "social media" was their choice of medium.
    Don't you think YOU are being ever so slightly hypocritical?

  12. Silly question I know...why did Ray Hooper resign?

    1. It was a code of conduct matter, Hooper crossed the line and had no where to hide. Had Pat Hooper or Tony Boyle been Presidents, Hooper would have gotten away with it. Ray Hooper would have also known that at some point he would be called on to explain his casual spending of municipal funds and what authority he had to award himself cash payments. Go read the files in the CEO's office.

  13. You'd have to ask him that. There must have been a trigger, presumably some issue or bundle of issues on which he wasn't getting his own way. I wouldn't want to probe too deeply into the workings of Mr Hooper's mind. Remember Nietzsche's warning: if you stare too deeply into an abyss, the abyss will stare back into you. A more fruitful question might be: why did the Council accept his resignation?

  14. Series of emails regarding the three files of evidence (1500 pages) which the Shire President referred to at the special Council meeting in December.
    I suppose this now makes me an 'extremist'?

    From: Simon Saint
    Sent: Monday, 12 January 2015 8:56 AM
    To: Graeme Simpson
    Subject: COUNCIL RESOLUTION: 041214

    Dear Mr Simpson

    At the special Council meeting 11 December 2014, Council voted and passed Resolution 041214, to, “authorise the Acting Chief Executive Officer to immediately forward a copy of the Show Cause Notice and all annexures to an appropriately empowered investigatory body”.
    Could you please advise me whether the annexures have been forwarded to an appropriate body?


    Simon Saint

    From: Graeme Simpson
    Sent: Monday, January 12, 2015 11:21 AM
    To: Simon Saint
    Cc: Records
    Subject: RE: COUNCIL RESOLUTION: 041214

    Dear Mr Saint,

    The response to the Show Cause Notice and the annexures were delivered to the Minister for Local Government and reported to the Police Department and the Crime and Corruption Commission.


    Graeme Simpson
    Acting Chief Executive Officer

    From: Simon Saint
    Sent: Thursday, 15 January 2015 7:55 AM
    To: Graeme Simpson
    Subject: RE: COUNCIL RESOLUTION: 041214

    Dear Mr Simpson

    Thank you for your email.
    Please clarify if the annexures were actually forwarded to the Police Department and the Crime and Corruption Commission. Were the annexures accepted and registered as inwards correspondence and was proof of receipt furnished. What response was given to you (council) by the said bodies regarding the Response.

    Kind regards

    Simon Saint

    From: Graeme Simpson
    Sent: Friday, January 16, 2015 8:20 AM
    To: Simon Saint
    Subject: RE: COUNCIL RESOLUTION: 041214

    Dear Mr Saint,

    The Police Department and the CCC were not interested in the reports. The Police insist that the first point of call has to be the CCC and the CCC clearly advised that most of the matters had already been investigated and that it is my personal and professional duty at law to refer specific matters to it if I had formed the opinion that there has been a breach of law committed.


    Graeme Simpson
    Acting Chief Executive Officer

    From: Simon Saint
    Sent: Monday, 19 January 2015 7:34 AM
    To: Graeme Simpson
    Subject: RE: COUNCIL RESOLUTION: 041214

    Dear Mr Simpson,

    I am surprised that the Police Department and CCC have declined to take an interest in the reports.

    Can you please inform me:

    1. According to the CCC, which of the matters to which the reports refer have already been investigated?

    2. What were the results of those investigations?

    3. Are those results in the public domain? If not, to whom have they been communicated?

    4. Equally to the point, which of the matters referred to does the CCC say it has not investigated?

    5. Have you formed the opinion regarding any specific matter that a breach of law has been committed? If so, have you brought it to the attention of the police?

    This matter has generated considerable public interest and will continue to do so I am sure. Therefore, complete candor would go a long way to quelling a charged issue.


    Simon Saint

    From: Graeme Simpson
    Sent: Monday, January 19, 2015 9:09 AM
    To: Simon Saint
    Cc: Records
    Subject: RE: COUNCIL RESOLUTION: 041214

    Dear Mr Saint,

    The officer of the CCC informed me the matter, including the Fitz Gerald Report, had been referred to them by my predecessor Mr Keeble and there were a couple of issues referred to the Department of Local Government. They know they have been dealt with because they read copies of the local papers. The officer then went on to say their findings were confidential and if there are any new issues I believe are of a criminal nature it was my responsibility to forward them to the CCC. I was already well aware of this responsibility.

    This information was conveyed to the Shire President prior to Christmas


    Graeme Simpson
    Acting Chief Executive Officer

    1. Looking at the dates, James Best knows exactly whats going on, if this isn't corruption, what is?
      Its becoming so obvious why James Best is here, his brief is to cover up past actions of the Council. Matthew Reid was uncovering the corruption, theft and bullying, consequently the Department of Local Government were put in the spotlight, for this reason enter James Best to cover up.
      One month down James, five to go.

    2. It's pretty clear the State Govt are not going to do anything about investigating our long standing claims. Anyway, even if the Minister said that he will instigate an investigation, his department would be investigating themselves and we already know how that will go.It is even less likely he will ask another group to investigate his department.

      So it pains me to say it but we might just have to wait until we have Matthew back in the drivers seat and then we can take another look at investigating the credit cards, Fitz Report and other related matters. It's not good enough I know, I want justice now but Mr Best has made it clear there will be no investigation.

      Whats he going to do suspend them again?

    3. I find that astonishing. If a file of credit card transactions are delivered to the police and the police are told there is concern over misuse of credit cards then they have just been informed of a possible theft. Yet they said they're not interested? Sounds like a load of hogwash to me.

      Likewise the CCC. If matters in the Fitzgerald report had been dealt with before wouldn't the people making the claims be questioned?

      The CEO's statement "They know they have been dealt with because they read copies of the local papers" is confusing. Is he suggesting the CCC know the DLG dealt with the issues referred to them because the newspapers said so? Surely not!

    4. You mean to say the CEO based his response on a newspaper report, give us a break. THAT is such an unprofessional and irresponsible response.
      These people have dug themselves into such a big hole, the dirt is starting to fall in on them.

      They all need to be bloody careful what lies they tell us because down the road this could all blow up in their face. It would not be the first time our State Government has attempted to bury corruption - remember WA INK.

  15. Typical example of how corrupt Local Government deceive and con the public, deliberately whitewash and cover up council maladministration, knowingly conceal documented evidence of maladministration, willfully misrepresent facts to favour incompetent and/or corrupt council officers, condone council malpractice, and disregard their own resolutions and published guidance on good administrative practice with the intent of perverting the course of justice.

  16. Well there you have it. We all refer it to the other in a cosy ring a rosy, we say investigated but the public have no idea what has been investigated and what the findings were, apparently no complainant has been interviewed which demonstrates how thoroughly the investigation were. For example, someone leaked highly confidential information (the Fitz report) but apparently no one is guilty of that. The fact it occurred is just inconvenient truth which highlights the whitewash.

    And a couple of matters have been referred to the DLG!!!! Where they disappear into a big black hole - problem solved. The DLG will say that the CCC or the Police investigated, the Police say that the DLG or CCC investigated,

    There you go, wave a magic wand and there has been no historic problems at York because we say so.

    But all that does is highlight the gross unfairness and manufactured show cause notice and decision to suspend the council on trumped up charges of some mystical breach of the local government act that cannot even be outlined. It also shows the hoops and manipulation by the DLG to ignore all the past issues and only focus on a very narrow short period of time to justify the suspension.

    So they think the York community is stupid and just going to roll over and forget this travesty of justice.

    How wrong can they be.

  17. A cranky Ratepayer1 February 2015 at 17:24

    The Queensland Deputy Premier said this morning: Campbell Newman and his staff came from Local Government background, consequently they did not understand the culture within the State Government and how it operates.

    We in York are experiencing this in reverse.

    We have the State Government 'culture' stomping into the York Community, without any understanding of what has happened here.

  18. The York Blog is a magnificent exposé.

    I am from another Local Government area in W.A. and I am deeply disturbed about the way issues in York have been (mis)handled and swept under the carpet.

    Something is very wrong and it is starting to look like a 'take-over' by a State Government in an attempt to hide some very very serious problems in York.

  19. Wii S. Chu Sir Cularity1 February 2015 at 20:54

    My goodness! I read from the set of e-mail data that Simon Saint has copied in that Mr. Graeme Simpson was told (that's how it reads to me, anyway) by the officer of the CCC who "informed me the matter, including the Fitz Gerald Report, had been referred to them by my predecessor Mr Keeble and there were a couple of issues referred to the Department of Local Government.They know they have been dealt with because they read copies of the local papers." SO THEY BELIEVE EVERYTHING THEY READ IN THE LOCAL PAPERS? (presumably this refers to the articles in The Gazette). Local papers are not documents which can inerrantly demonstrate the truth of any claim. If this is what Mr. Graeme Simpson was told, then those who said it have made themselves seem totally lacking in the rigour required of our public servants. More than that, unfit for the job they are [not] doing.

    I wonder how often the CCC can expect Mr Graeme Simpson to 'do the right thing' and report to them 'any new issues [he] believe[s] are of a criminal nature' when it is likely to get the same runaround this previous material and complaints have received. We who have no statutory requirement to report such matters get tired of letters and complaints 'going nowhere'. Imagine being in the shoes of Mr. G. Simpson who does have statutory requirements on him to report what needs reporting, only to see the energy wasted!!

    Simon, thank you for relaying this material to us. It clarifies how much we and also our current A/CEO are liable for 'the runaround' whenever we try and get matters dealt with by officials if it means some [so-called] 'important people' might get shamed.

  20. Truth and Justice and Rational Solutions1 February 2015 at 22:02

    Going back to the words of James Plumridge: "there can be no peace and healing in York until we’ve had an impartial, full and open inquiry into the issues canvassed in the Fitz Gerald Report":

    I add also the full Credit Card saga as well as the hurts and damage inflicted on some people by The-Shire-as-it-was up to the April Revolution and even by 'failure to hear' up to and including the present — including what happened to some people whose stories never got told in the Fitz Gerald Report for whatever reason. There were such other people who suffered severe and irreperable harm, who may be able to pull through (and are doing their best in some cases) and be vindicated at least. But (a) that resilience should not be assumed, and (b) the Shire must take responsibility for what it has done individually and collectively — collectively because 'the good' should not have turned a blind eye to or voted for actions which did harm which could have been avoided if matters had been handled with maturity on the part of all players if the will had been there.

  21. Truth and Justice and Rational Solutions1 February 2015 at 22:06

    Again, re the quote from James P re healing:
    South Africa had/has a Truth and Reconciliation Commission ( There were 3 elements to this: "The TRC effected its mandate through 3 committees: the Amnesty Committee, Reparation and Rehabilitation (R&R) Committee and Human Rights Violations (HRV) Committee". Human rights have been violated in York, whether some want to believe it or not. So even though we do not see this as such a major situation as the situation under Apartheid in South Africa, some elements of the South African concept are relevant for us to think about.

    "Human Rights Violations (HRV) Committee
    The task of the HRV Committee was to investigate human rights abuses that took place between 1960 and 1994, based on statements made to the TRC. The Committee established the identity of the victims, their fate or present whereabouts, and the nature and extent of the harm they have suffered; and whether the violations were the result of deliberate planning by the state or any other organisation, group or individual. Once victims of gross human rights violations are identified, they are referred to the Reparation and Rehabilitation Committee."

    "Reparation and Rehabilitation (R&R) Committee
    The enabling act empowered the R&R Committee to provide victim support to ensure that the Truth Commission process restores victims' dignity; and to formulate policy proposals and recommendations on rehabilitation and healing of survivors, their families and communities at large. The envisaged overall function of all recommendations is to ensure non repetition, healing and healthy co-existence. A President's Fund, funded by Parliament and private contributions, has been established to pay urgent interim reparation to victims in terms of the regulations prescribed by the President."

    "Amnesty Committee(AC)
    The primary function of the AC is to consider that applications for amnesty were done in accordance with the provisions of the Act. Applicants could apply for amnesty for any act, omission or offence associated with a political objective committed between 1 March 1960 to 6 December 1993. The cut-off date was later extended to 11 May 1994. The final date for the submission of applications was 30 September 1997. Being granted amnesty for an act means that the perpetrator is free from prosecution for that particular act."

    Well, at present there is no mood among the aggrieved in York for Amnesty. I imagine the Amnesty is dependent upon certain conditions. From, amnesty was not granted in all cases. I imagine, but can't vouch for it, that to receive Amnesty one would have to have, at the very least, acknowledged having committed the claimed Offence.

    If prosecution is not justified in York's case (and I am not saying that it couldn't be justified in any of the cases), then perhaps elements of the TRC could be applied?

    The Fitz Gerald Report did not cover all the breaches of human rights committed by the Shire (CEO and certain Councillors and Officers). York still needs to follow through with getting healing in relation to those issues, but also to the others.

    It is time for York to mature and Shire (who are in a position of power) and Citizenry (subject to that power in terms of day-to-day-realities, but trying to get the Shire to 'see reason') to have a process which enables the finding of reasonable solutions.

  22. Truth and Justice and Rational Solutions1 February 2015 at 22:17

    Returning again to James P's insistence on a process required for healing:

    Even if our situation in York is 'smaller scale' compared to the Apartheid situation and its scale of damage in South Africa, the harm to an individual may be just as serious in its impact to that individual and their family and even to those who witnessed the acts causing the damage, believe it or not — for the individual at least, the trauma of the specific event/s and the secondary trauma of repeatedly not being 'heard' and if listened to in the one sense, not being 'heard and believed and having their reputations and/or physical or financial circumstances restored". Remember the case of Vietnam Veterans who were despised and not honoured and respected when they returned to Australia? So many instances of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder resulted and are with us even today. Post Traumatic Stress is not confined to after-effects of War or of Rape, or of Domestic Violence, for instance. It can be the result of what has happened to people such as our own people who have tried again and again to have their circumstances understood by The Shire, the CCC, the Minister, etc... — tried and tried again to get each incoming CEO, for instance, to set right the wrongs done to them by the previous régime, and have got nowhere, and in some cases received more and greater insults.

    Now those darned Social Media and respondent Bloggers have been the Next Level Up in our attempt to be heard. I here repeat, for the benefit of Mr Best and with permission of the blogger "Enough is Enough is Enough, Mr Best" who is a close friend of mine and will not sue me:

    "As for the Blog, cannot Good Mr Best understand that it is a mechanism for the frustrated citizens — frustrated by all the things you ask about and all the instability caused by change after change as well as trauma caused by unresolved 'follies, crimes, and misdemeanours chronicled in the Fitz Gerald Report' which, as you said in the other letter, James P, 'can’t simply be brushed aside as though nothing bad ever happened'. For a start they can't because the damage left behind them gets worse every time 'no-one listens' (in the sense of listening and doing something to correct it).

    And so that more people can understand what has happened to the people's psyche, collective as well as individual, the Blog is serving to let people know some facts that many of them did not know.

    It is also helping us to clarify our thoughts on the whole morass we have found ourselves in and why we have.

    Come on, Mr Best, keep your mind open to what is being said to you here, and aim for being a real healer of the ills that ail us instead of just another official who hears but does not hear and so becomes an instrument for further harm to people and further disintegration and degradation of our community, town and shire."

    1. Clean clinical and concise, well said.

  23. Well, great news that Peter Greste has been released. Over the past 400 days, many Australian pundits and politicians have carped on about how important it is that journo's are allowed to report freely and the importance of free speech. Meanwhile in York, our newly appointed Commissioner, Mr Best, has other ideas.

  24. Media reports thst the DG Ms Matthews wil now decide whether to proceed or not take legal action against a former CEO folowing a 2013 CCC investigation and recommendation to prosecute the CEO for a failure to declare gifts. The CCC handed over a dossier of evidence to the DLG and it has taken those super sleuths over a year to complete its investigation. Wow, the team is working overtime, no wonder nothing happened about york until late 2014.

    BUT, will the DG prosecute? Dont hold your breath as it is far easier to suspend a innocent council and let your mates walk free. The DLG will muddy the waters including whether the CEO received any personal benefit rather than the CCC recommendation of simply whether he made the appropriate declaration.

    The CCC recomendation is clear - but not to the DLG. It will muddy the waters to find a reason why not to prosecute. And that is how it is done. York gets the treatment and a CEO walks free.

    Sound familar. Over 12 months to reinvestigate what the CCC had already proven, probably longer than the CCC investigation itself, hope everyone forgets, time to come up with an out and thats how they do it.

    Probity audit, show cause notice, ignore shire response and suspend the council. Something smells rotten.

    1. Are you referring to the ex kalamunda CEO in your first paragraph? If so, Director General Mathews has not got the authority to prosecute a CEO. If she had, she would never prosecute one of her own kind, can't you see that?
      Cronyism is an epidemic within the Public Sector, that's why its got so bad!

  25. Yep, thats the CEO and the media report said that the DG would make the decision, but your right, there is no way that there will be any prosecution. Its not like its serious mind you, only up to 2 years gaol or $10,000.

    Obviously the CCC got it wrong and the DLG brains trust, after a thorough investigation of the same evidence, must have found a declaration, or thought there may be a declaration, or there could be a declaration and they just could not find it. Ah well, your right, we should not expect justice where the DLG is involved.

    It still brings into sharp focus the stark difference with york suspension. No inquiry, no evidence no breach just guilty.

  26. A fed up ratepayer2 February 2015 at 15:58

    I struggle to understand how those Public Servants, who knew for years there were serious problems with previous Councillors and Ray Hooper, including Ms. Mathews, are not conscience-stricken.

    Did these people miss out on something in their DNA to make them devoid of basic standards, conscience, ethics and principles?

    Unless we excise the corruption, that malignant evil will continue to mutate until our beautiful free Australia reaches the depths of depravity where there is no law.

    "You do not wake up one morning a bad person. It happens by a thousand tiny surrenders of self-respect to self-interest. "~Robert Braul

  27. The really sick point is that it is the DLG that sits in judgement of all others in local government and makes out is far holier than thou and dictates what is the standards and probity, but is actually the worst offender of all. It is morally bankrupt and a sick decaying organisation.

    But it knows it can get away with it. That shows the sheer arrogance and dishonesty thst exists in the system. But al least this blog will record that for the world to see.

  28. Yep to the "thousand tiny surrenders". Case of "the devil's in the house and can't get out" (Goethe's 'Faust'). They are so deep in now, that it will make it all the harder to come clean. And guess what: they have made bargains, compacts, with others who suppress the truth. Well, whether they have actually signed compacts, but there are apparently 'unspoken', implied compacts.

    (Mephistopheles is a demon featured in German folklore... familiar spirit of the Devil in late settings of the legend of Faust.)

    Mephistopheles: As he came leaping in, the poodle did not heed it.
    The matter now seems turned about;
    The Devil's in the house and can't get out.

    Faust: Well, through the window - why not there withdraw?

    Mephistopheles: For devils and for ghosts it is a law:
    Where they slipped in, there too must they go out.
    The first is free, the second's slaves are we.

    Faust: Does Hell itself have its laws then?
    That's fine! A compact in that case might be
    Concluded safely with you gentlemen?

    And the compact made? Mephistopheles will put on a great entertainment for Faust, but secretly when Faust is lulled into dreams he conspires with his henchmen this is his plot:
    " He sleeps! Well done, ye tender, airy throng!
    Ye truly lulled him with your song,
    And for this concert I am in your debt.
    Enchant him with a dream's sweet imagery,
    Plunge him into an ocean of untruth! .......
    Faust [awakening]: Am I again a victim of delusion?
    That streaming throng of spirits - gone are they?
    Dreamt I the Devil through some mere illusion?
    Or did a poodle only leap away?"

    Make of the comparison what you will, but there's some truth in it somewhere for York.

  29. Yes it is very very sick and needs to be extracted.

    The anti-viral solution is a Royal Commission.

  30. Sally 'one of the ordinary folk'2 February 2015 at 18:51

    The DLG sits in judgement and Local Government IS NOT even recognised by the Australian Constitution.

  31. A man walks into a Parliament office and says to the receptionist,
    "I would like to put my name forward for the forthcoming elections to be a Liberal M.P.
    The receptionist replied, "Certainly sir. Please fill in this form.''
    He was filling the form OK until he came to the question - ''Are you circumcised?''
    So he asked the receptionist, "Is this question necessary?"
    She replied, "If you are circumcised you are not eligible."
    He then asked, "What difference does it make if I am circumcised?"
    She replied, "To become a Liberal MP you have to be a complete dick."

    Thanks G

  32. sally 'one of the ordinary folk'4 February 2015 at 03:58

    3rd Feb. joke made me laugh for the first time in a week - thank you.

  33. Congratulations Jane - well put.

    Now we have another intelligent resident speaking up for 'the people' - thank you.

  34. Yes, well said jane. A very good summary of the situation. And the dark side think they have got away with it. Another sign of just how far out of touch with reality they are.

    The truth is coming and will not be stopped.
