Shire of York

Shire of York

Saturday 10 January 2015

Freedom of Information request - Department of Local Government

Are there any likeminded members of the community who would be prepared to lodge a collective freedom of Information request with the Department of Local Government?

I have contacted the Blog master, who is keen to publish the process, from start to finish. More importantly, all documents released by the Department will be published on the Blog.

Consider this, the Department had a representative(s)  at most Ordinary Council meetings and most Special meetings last year. Those representatives made notes (which are records of the agency), those notes would have been presented at meetings, meetings where Ms Mathews, Mr Jolly, Mr Morris and Ms Law would have attended. These meetings would have generated more notes (records of the agency), these notes would then lead to the creation of reports etc. 

This public scrutiny, should theoretically, ensure the Department of Local Government  deals with the request transparently, as well as being held to account.
Anyone wishing to remain nameless will have their wishes respected, the same goes for anyone happy to go on record.

The more the merrier, maximum exposure while spreading the cost. The initial application fee is a reasonable $30-00. Once the Department identifies how many documents fall within the scope of the request, they may prepare an estimate of costs. These costs are for photocopying, contacting third parties etc, these costs cannot be excessive, the spirit of the act is to release information at least cost to the applicant.

In order for the request to be a valid one, it will be necessary for one person to put their name to the initial application.

The gist of the request would be; all records relating to the probity inquiry and subsequent report to the Minister and any other records that may be of interest.

Anyone interested, please email



               (With reference and deference to Mrs. Heather Saint’s outstanding expose)

The Minister for Mayhem, Simpson, the man with two senior donkeys, Jolly and Jenny, has in one foul swoop  killed of the Local Government  democratic process and started World War 3.

Simply put, Simple Simpson and his salient sidekick’s salvation was to tell the two councillors named in the FitzGerald Report, Hooper and Boyle, to step aside while the content of this publically owned document, paid for by the ratepayers of York, was properly investigated. 

Simpson was asked to do this as he has both the power and the obligation to do so. Instead he tarred the whole council with the same brush, made a salacious attack on the Shire President, and suspended democracy.

Not only did he become a poor man’s dictator- but surreptitiously inferred that Hooper and Boyle  are innocent and all the people of York who lodged complaints in the report are pathological liars. 

“Surreptitious” is a Simpsonism, not one of mine. Unfortunately he probably had to be told by his donkeys what it means. Now Simpson, please refer to “scurrilous” regarding your own behaviour and ask Jolly and Jenny what that means. They should also know what opprobrious means. Then again- probably not! 

The Commissioner is Simpson’s pet- let Simpson pay the debt. Why should York pay for someonewho is not duly elected, just enforced upon them?

Let Simpson pay for everything, like York had to do. This was down to Ray Hooper’s in-flight, Business Class sick-bag after over-indulging on one of his many cross-continent junkets.

York Council now has no Chief-Executive- Officer and most of its’ senior staff are missing-because of their actions. (MBOTA not MIA!).

In a six month suspension, saved Council salary payments will be in excess of $300,000 which should be returned to York ratepayers as a rate rebate.  But then did Wilbur and Orville Pig make the first powered flight?

Remember this Simmo!  Politicians are like anyone else, they only deserve respect when they earn it.

And that’s how they get re-elected.

David Taylor- Shire of York ratepayer who is more than happy to give to the FOI Appeal.


  1. wild bill itchcock9 January 2015 at 17:25

    Image he pain the Department will be going through knowing its actions are being monitored by mere mortals, quite ironic really, almost our very own 'probity inquiry'!

    1. Yes Wild Bill, the collective FOI will be residents very own Probity Audit on the DLG. It is called turning the tables.

  2. Social media........1

  3. This is an excellent proposal. I've put my name down to support it. Please, fellow blogspotters, do the same.

    1. Yes I have emailed the blogger and put my name down - great idea,

    2. I have put my name down

    3. Jude E de J.....'lle9 January 2015 at 21:54

      I have responded likewise

    4. FOI is that short for fried onigiri. I have a serve.

    5. Great idea and happy to join the 'FIGHT ON' INITIATIVE Appeal.

    6. Congratulations to Mr Plumridge for volunteering his name for the FOI.
      More information on this should be available soon.

  4. The DLG's website, under Freedom of Information, states:
    The aim of FOI is to:
    strengthen democracy
    promote open discussion of public affairs
    open discussions to informed and rational debate
    ensure the community is kept informed about the operation of government agencies and
    avoid undue secrecy about the activities of government and its agencies.
    The Departments interpretation of the above will differ hugely from that of the ordinary human being!

  5. Sincere thanks to the person who came up with the idea of the FOI application to the DLG. Brilliant.

  6. Brilliant Simpson and the donkey(s) story David.

    Would you consider running for council IF we have an election? You would keep the bastards honest!

    1. Yes, great Simpson/donkey(s) story.
      I really cracked up laughing with tears streaming down my face, coz a female donkey is technically referred to as a Jenny!

  7. Good to see sedition is alive and well in York. Smart move with the FOI, puts the Department in the spotlight. Public scrutiny is exactly what it doesn't want, regardless of all the propaganda they throw up.

  8. No Chief Executive Officer, David? When we had Gavan Troy we had a CEO: Ray Hooper. They appeared to work together fine, however that may be interpreted. But as for the rest: no dispute.

  9. Just out and about11 January 2015 at 01:26

    I was at a rather large gathering in Perth last night where the discussion of the now labelled York Fiasco.

    A group of people lets say 7 including myself and my wife were standing discussing the fiasco. As time went on the group started to grow with several more people, glasses in hand milled and squeezed in to make the circle of conversation bigger.

    One woman remarked oh that's got nothing to do with any one else but YORK, what came next shocked even myself and my wife,

    A gentleman started talking and said on the contrary Miss, if the government put that tip in York the people in Perth will be having their drinking water poisoned by their own waste products, because it is getting built almost on the Perth water catchment. Medical waste, industrial waste, household waste all leeching into your drinking water. which there is significant evidence that this has happened before and not much was done about it.

    He then went on to say, that some people in York are fighting in theory for you and I by exposing, certain people who have taking your rights in a democratic system away from you for their own personal gain, Your basic human rights are to have a government in place that works for the betterment of its community.

    Do you think if we all let the robber run from the bank that this would be right ? no we ring the police and tell them what we saw.
    Do you think if we Knew that a man was abusing children sexually we would be Quiet ? no we would be appalled and ring the police.
    while you work hard for everything you have and you see a guy on centrelink payments and he works as a road construction worker earning good money and drives a porche do you say oh good on him ? no you ring whoever is appropriate and you make complaint.

    He went on to say when people keep quiet about these things they are no better than those doing these things. That he admired people who could stand up and fight injustice, because in the country where he came from the government would probably shoot you for questioning things, while 70 % of his country live in poverty lucky to make a ripe old age, the other 30% live in the lap of luxury with the best of everything committing evil vile things everyday to keep themselves in the lifestyle they are accustomed to.
    Is that what you want for Australia for yourselves for your children because if good people don't hold other people to account for their actions that Miss is what you will get and as a woman you will most likely suffer the worst because of your gender.

    Does it concern people in Perth? yes it should actually concern the whole of Australia because when one thing in a basket goes rotten in my experience the whole basket becomes foul.

    People have the right to question the government on any thing they do. People also have the right to be answered, people have the right to information.
    The government gave the people the right now they must deliver! and if they do not then miss believe me you will see the effects, you will have to live with them as your right will be nothing. much to say more people joined the conversation as he was talking no one challenged what he said.

    1. An inspiring story, and one that draws attention to the undercurrent of defeatism that pervades our society, especially when we find ourselves opposing decisions of government and powerful corporations - even corporations, like SITA, that have their centres of power overseas.

      We can already hear defeatist commentary in York. 'The government has made up its mind, there's nothing we can do about it'... 'We should accept the new situation and work with it' (without wishing to make grandiose comparisons, that was a popular sentiment in parts of occupied Europe during WW2)...'The tip's going to happen whether we like it or not...The suspension's only for 6 months, why worry about it...' and so on.

      All I can say in reply is that suspending a democratically elected Council for no good reason - and the Minister, whether because of laziness, cowardice, mental incapacity or moral paralysis, has not given a good reason and is now refusing to explain his actions altogether - is wrong, wrong, wrong.

      I’m not saying the Minister doesn’t have a reason of sorts for his action. I am saying that if he has a good reason, it isn’t obvious and he hasn’t told us what it is. What’s more, he has made it plain he doesn’t intend to tell us. His Show Cause Notice was pure hokum (and very amateurishly drafted). Cr Reid and his advisers comprehensively refuted the nonsensical allegations it contained but to no avail.

      The Minister knew best (no pun intended)…

      At school, a very long time ago, I read a poem by the English writer Arthur Hugh Clough (1819-1861) that says everything that needs to be said about defeatism in all its guises. The language is old-fashioned, the sentiment eternal. Here it is. I commend it to you. If you like it, copy it, print it out and stick it on your fridge.

      "Say not the struggle naught availeth,
      The labour and the wounds are vain,
      The enemy faints not, nor faileth,
      And as things have been they remain.

      If hopes were dupes, fears may be liars;
      It may be, in yon smoke conceal’d,
      Your comrades chase e’en now the fliers,
      And, but for you, possess the field.

      For while the tired waves, vainly breaking,
      Seem here no painful inch to gain,
      Far back, through creeks and inlets making,
      Comes silent, flooding in, the main.

      And not by eastern windows only,
      When daylight comes, comes in the light;
      In front the sun climbs slow, how slowly!
      But westward, look, the land is bright!"

    2. I've never met James Best, I have no wish to meet him, so why do I dislike him immensely?
      He represents everything I dislike about politics, the exact opposite to democracy.
      James, you're right about defeatism it's a disease!

    3. Love the encouragement from the last 2 verses: particularly the little, apparently insignificant creek and inlets trickling in to create the mighty river (and ultimately, in my mind, into the wide open ocean which is visible to all). But heaven forbid, maybe I am guilty of Mr. Best's now 'ideation and envisioning'! (

    4. Nothing wrong with having ideas and visions (we used to say 'dreams' in the good old days before the corporate revolution). But 'ideation' and 'envisioning'? God help us!

      Glad you enjoyed the poem. I recall now that Winston Churchill quoted it to the British people when, finally, the USA joined in the war against Hitler. I have always found it comforting and inspiring in times of crisis and doubt.

  10. Just out and about: I guess the Woman who made the comment together with majority of people really do not care where their rubbish goes, so long as it is not still in their bin after the rubbish truck has been.
    Priority is empty the bin ready for a refill. So long as their rubbish goes over the escarpment and is out of sight of those 'precious' people who do not want to see ANY rubbish after the Garbo has gone. By selecting a rural town, the decision makers are guaranteed minimal outcry with absolutely bugger all in the way of support from those who produce the rubbish in the first place, including Colin Barnett.
    Nice to see they are at least aware we have been shafted (twice), once with the First Inland Mega Rubbish Tip and secondly with our democracy being stripped away from us.
    What that Woman does not realise is Governments always run tests before they implement the full programme.

  11. Count me in! A fantastic idea, having experienced the benefit of the FOI I put in November 2012 to find out about the goings on between the Shire and SITA. Everything I suspicioned and more was going on between the 2, in spite of denials on both sides. Of course, the Shire wouldn't give me much, so External Review it had to be! I concur, costs are affordable to apply and procure documents.

  12. Well done James, want to borrow a flak jacket?
    Good luck with the Department, seems they are a law unto themselves.
    I'm looking forward to see how keen they are to keep us informed.
    Of course they will keep us informed, alas it will more than likely be the usual wishy-washy bullshit.
    At least doing it this way, we will be able to see right through them.
    I think the Department may have shot themselves in the foot, so to speak.
    Here's hoping

    1. Congratulations and thank you James. I doubt you will need a flak jacket.
      With everything so very public on this blog, it would be really foolish for anyone to attempt to bully you.
      The DLG may just have tripped them selves up in their rush to 'bring down' Matthew Reid.
      They underestimated those seeking the truth.

    2. Thanks, everyone, for your expressions of support.

      I've emailed an FOI letter of application to the Department and paid the initial fee. Something tells me that the letter will find its way on to the blogspot before very long.

      Unfortunately, I headed my email to DLGC 'Freedom from Information Act' (I got the letter right, thank goodness). Honest, it wasn't deliberate, but a genuine Freudian slip.

      Now, there's someone I'd like to thank, but I have no idea who she is.

      On Saturday afternoon, a lady turned up at my back door asking if I was James Plumridge. When I said yes, she pressed $200 into my hands, saying that it was a contribution towards our FOI campaign.

      She refused pointblank to identify herself or to provide any clue as to who she might be. She said she wanted to donate to the campaign because of the disgraceful treatment our popular Shire President, Matthew Reid, has received at the hands of the Minister, Tony Simpson, and his department.

      I'm off to the Bendigo Bank shortly to open a DLGC FOI Fighting Fund Account, starting with that lady's generous donation. Some of us are discussing the possibility of reviving the York Ratepayers Association. If that happens, I'll find some way of making the association responsible for the account. Until then, my wife Bairbre, a practising lawyer, and I will operate the account as signatories, keep proper financial records, and issue receipts for donations wherever possible.

      I believe this campaign is going to be a good deal more expensive than is usual. When you see the letter of application, you'll understand why.

      All donations, big and small, will be acknowledged and gratefully received. If you prefer to donate anonymously, please use a pseudonym for recording and receipt purposes.

      Once the account is up and running, I'll post details on this site so that donations can be made by direct transfer.

      Again, thanks for your support. And don't worry about my health and safety; I've been bullied by experts, and survived every time with honour, dignity, teeth and bones intact!

    3. wild bill itchcock12 January 2015 at 01:47

      Good job James, you seemed to have covered everything apart from what they had for breakfast. Number 15 will be very interesting, it might cost thousands of dollars because there were an awful lot of them.

    4. The Bendigo Bank account is now up and running.

      Title: FOI Campaign York

      Signatories: Bairbre Lewis, James Plumridge

      BSB: 633-000

      Account No: 153758503

      Under section 20 of the FOI Act, the DLGC may refuse to accept the application on the grounds that to respond to it would take up too much staff time and drain departmental resources. I've taken expert advice on that possibility, and know exactly what to do in reply.

      In the unlikely event that money is left over from the campaign, the balance will go to York Ratepayers Association, if again operational, or otherwise to another community organisation.

      The application is on the new site, where everything to do with it will presumably be posted from now on. This campaign will be open, honest and accountable - as local government ought to be.

  13. Extraordinary show of generosity, a sincere thank you, whoever you are.

  14. Now that I've read this, too: what a wonderful lady to donate that sum totally anonymously. Now we will forever be wondering who she is. Thank you for taking this on, James. And you have support already.

  15. I can hear the DLG shredders shredding already.

    Remember, York people now control the timeline and it is the Minister and the DLGC that is in the spotlight and needs to be open and accountable - whew, a flying pig just swooped past.

    My suggestion is that there are four basic fronts to be pursued:

    1. The CEO Hooper appointment and period of tenure and all associated issues and complaints.
    2. The Fitz Gerald Report and the probity audit period, and why the DLG picked that limited scope (bearing in mind all that preceded it).
    3. The Show Cause Notice, the Shire response and the information and advice on which the suspension was based.
    4. The appointment of Best (the Ministers man), and to keep him open and accountable by all means possible including public question time, letters and FOI.

    So the FOI approach may need multiple players.

    It is clear that the Minister, DLGC and Best are determined to ignore the past and will do anything to conceal what has taken place previously.

    The people of York need to make a stand and that includes promoting the cause widely through MP's, Templeman, the media and other Shires. The Minister and DLG will hate exposure.

    Can someone please start publishing the key documents? A simple example is the purchase orders allegedly signed by President Reid but refuted in the Shire response. If the show cause issues can be unpicked one by one it will demonstrate just how the DLG operates.

    Once this nation had the revered Simpson and his Donkey, but alas, now we only have Simpson the donkey.

    1. Those documents are in the Ceo's office for viewing only

    2. Which is exactly why someone has lodged a Freedom of Information application!
      There are serious flaws in in Simpson's Show Cause Notice.
      Visit the CEO's office and read for yourselves, listen to the recording on the thumb-drive. Read the purchase orders with Keeble's signature.
      Then comment here and tell us what you think.
      Don't leave it to long though, I presume Mr Best could make the documents confidential.

    3. I know James Plumbridge lodged an FOI with the DLG for , but has someone actually lodged one with the Shire of York for the purchase orders etc.?
      Can this be confirmed on the blog please.

    4. Do it Bernice!
      I've seen the Purchase Orders and they have Keeble's signature on them.
      When you get them under FOI, it will be interesting to compare them with whatever the Department releases to James.
      All you need to do is write to the Shire and ask them whether anyone else has asked for the same documents under FOI,if not, do it.
      I'm sure it would be of interest to the Blogmaster, would prove what we already known, they (the Department) are liars.

    5. Hi Peter,
      Anonymous states above 01:44 that someone has already lodged an FOI for the documents. I am waiting for this to be confirmed.

  16. I have read them and listened. If the Minister is going to ignore all of that hard evidence then he is hardly going to act because of anything we write here.

    I cannot to this day believe he just ignored it!

    Then again how many times have I heard myself say I just can't believe it in relation to the SOY or the DLG.

    1. Tolduso
      Was the language as bad as I heard it was? Young Dupa told a friend of mine that Matthew had lost at the meeting.

  17. Regrettably not all of us can visit the Shire Office during work hours to view these documents but if what you say is correct and that both the timeline issues of the purchase order signatures and the tape recording are evidence that the DLG timeline "evidence" is fabricated then that is the smoking gun that the media should love and pursue.

    How can the DLG "investigators" get such fundamental facts so wrong, unless their whole objective and role was the "fabricators"?

    One reporter that may take interest is Joe Spagnolo from the Sunday Times. Only one reporter needs to be convinced of the "story" and then will have a field day.

    And as for Commissioner Best making these documents confidential - well that will show just how committed he is to open and accountable government and prove that he is simply a tool of the Minister, who is simply a tool of the DLG.

    Open and accountable government? Why is the government so committed to covering up what took place? There is a far bigger story here if the right reporter gets on to the case.

    1. I can assure you it wasn't Matthew who lost it. He was abused and the "f" and "c" words were used toward him.

      Instead of suggesting what media should be contacted why don't you contact them yourself

  18. I agree with Tolduso, Anon 15th Jan 17:20 A small number of people have been carrying the whole load of fighting this battle for years, please do us a favour and start helping - make contact with the Journalist yourself.

    I would not take Dupers word on anything.
