Shire of York

Shire of York

Thursday 5 February 2015

THE LATEST NEWS..Homer or Bart Simpson


 Councils main source of corruption:Barnett

West Australia's premier says most of the state's corruption comes from local governments.
Local governments are the main source of corruption in Western Australia, Premier Colin Barnett claims.
In a swipe at councils and the leaderless Corruption and Crime Commission, Mr Barnett said the watchdog had not lived up to expectations.
The CCC has been without a full-time commissioner since April 2014 after the previous one resigned following less than two-and-a-half years in the job.
Mr Barnett's comments also come as his government is amalgamating Perth metropolitan councils, slashing their number from 30 to 16.
"I don't deny you get the odd element of corruption - most of it has actually been in local government," Mr Barnett told Fairfax radio on Thursday.
"There hasn't been a great deal in the area of policing.
"What concerns me is organised crime, drug syndicates - that I think is our problem."
Mr Barnett said he intended to sit down with some leaders in justice and law to rethink the role of the CCC.
"I don't believe there's widespread political or corporate corruption in Western Australia. I just don't see any evidence of it," he said.
"Whose to say there's not going to be a corrupt politician or some head of agency in the future, but most of it has been fairly small."
The establishment of the CCC in 2004 was the main recommendation of the Kennedy royal commission, which probed almost 20 years of corrupt and criminal behaviour in the WA police.


Date: 9 February 2015.
Hon. Tony Simpson
Minister for Local Government
8th Floor Dumas House
2 Havelock Street

Minister Simpson / CC Premier Colin Barnett

The Premier, Colin Barnett, has publically announced that, in his opinion, the WA Corruption and Crime Commission main role now is investigating corruption within the state’s Local Government sector.

Mr. Barnett claims this is because most corruption in Western Australia comes from this third tier of government. (It is the lowest level of governance in the country, being barely recognized by, or legitimized within, the Constitution of Australia.)

Local Government is the responsibility of the individual States and Territories within the Commonwealth, therefore any form of corruption in the Local Government sector of Western Australia is the direct responsibility of the Government of Western Australia. 

The CCC is an extremely expensive, complex organizational failure that has not met its fiat. Through the Premier’s imputation, this failure must include you as Minister for Local Government and your Department of Local Government and Communities.
Your mandate is to ensure that governance strictures put in place by your department, prevent the misuse of municipal funds, blatant disregard for the rules governing Conflict-of-Interest matters and the personal abuse of power by elected members and administrators. Or why are you there?

The consensus of public opinion is that you, as the Minister, have failed dismally and your lack of 
ability has led to an increase in such corruption, thereby bringing the Local Government sector into further disrepute.

Corruption can be a criminal offence and any form of aiding, abetting or any refusal to investigate legitimate accusations of corruption can be considered as a criminal offence in itself.   

Mr Barnett has strategically positioned himself by suggesting, through public presumption, that corruption within the Local Government sector is why the CCC still exists and this seriously impugns your reputation as Minister and your department as a whole.

It would place most honourable men in the position of having no recourse but to resign.

Yours sincerely
David Taylor- York Ratepayer.


  1. Absolutely disgusting! What's worse was the Council at the time (PH President) allowed it to happen. No wonder they wouldn't let us see the CC statements.

  2. I may be completely mistaken, but I recall being told that Ray and spouse own a house in Dianella, a Perth suburb not exactly a thousand miles from the Medina Grand Hotel in Perth, whither they would repair at weekends to escape from the menacing wilderness and uncouth savages of York.

    Is that true? And if it is, why did the Hoopers need posh accommodation at ratepayers' expense, especially since Ray only briefly took part in conference proceedings?

    1. That is true James. There are plenty of other credit card payments in and around Dianella too. Bottlo, Bunnings etc, etc. Perhaps he donated the booze and gardening supplies to York when he was finished with them like he did with the library books which makes it ok doesn't it?

    2. Yes, Mr Hooper does have a house in Perth where he spent a great deal of time and most weekends with his wife, they now live there permanently. He could quite easily have commuted from Alexander Heights to the conference in Perth each day but, that is not the nature of the beast!
      I think if you compare the Shire of York financials from 2013 to those of 2014 and take a look at the difference in expenses for Local Government Week between the two years, it is noticeable that Matthew Reid, our new Shire President (only temporarily suspended due to circumstance beyond his control) did not kick the arse of the cash cow. He didn't 'charge up' for expensive overnight accommodation or fancy meals - thankfully someone who was and still is mindful of the limited municipal purse (unlike the pompous and slimy shits of Shire President's that preceded him !)

    3. If memory serves me right it was Alexander Heights, the corporate credit card was regularly used at WW liquor, Lansdale, and Bunnings, Malaga, the latter being a huge favorite on a Sunday morning. Both suburbs neighbour Alexander Heights! These curious spending patterns initially rang the alarm bells, which in turn led the Shire to cease publishing its corporate credit card statements. The rest is history.

  3. concerned ratepayer5 February 2015 at 06:14

    TOLDUSO is right, it is absolutely disgusting.

    It begs the question - what did PH and the Councillors get in return for agreeing to keep the CC statements from residents?

    1. A blind eye, that's what. RH was supposed to advise councillors when they were in breach. An example is once when Pat decided he just didn't want to vote on an issue 5th Feb 2012 because he didn't like the person concerned. PH declared impartiality. Ray is meant to tell PH that is a serious breach not to vote unless he has a financial interest. But so long as Pat didn't question Ray then Ray didn't question Pat I guess. Sickening.

    2. I heard he was madly in love with the 'person' and recognized he couldn't control his emotions, that's why he left the room.

    3. Can you blame him.

  4. If you wish to comment, please use a name which cannot be confused with any other contributor.

  5. What a great post, very clever and thank you for the effort you have put into this to keep the community informed. It is good to read the facts about the past in non-shire terms and plain English for a change. I now understand the basics and really enjoy your sense of humour.

    1. I agree completely with you. This is a fantastic and witty expose. I am another who is very grateful to all major contributors to this blog. If it wasn't for the posts by the Newspaper Editor, James Plumridge, David Taylor, the cartoonist, the poet and the film-maker, we would have little to read. Thank you all for your efforts to keep us reading. Special thanks to the 'sources of factual information' and mostly THANK YOU to the Blogmaster - without your tireless effort we would be doomed!

  6. If Commissioner Best is going to make a stance and 'draw a line' on matters like this then his motives need to be questioned. Ultimately, we are talking the welfare of a Town hung in the balance to save the reputations of a handful of people. It simply makes no sense, for Minister Simpson to state the Commissioners appointment is in the best interest of the people is utterly wrong. He knows that now I'm sure, however, his advisors from the Department have the most to lose. High ranking Government officials such as Ms Mathews, Ms Law, Messrs Jolly and Morris, have no regard for the welfare of the public, they are wholly motivated by self interest.

  7. Mr Best may wish to avoid all the unpleasant issues that are the main concerns to this community, particularly as he just wants to sit out the six months and notch it up as a another role on his CV for future liberal posts.

    But he, the Minister and that motley crew at the DLGC, think that they have us licked. Well no, local government is there to serve the community,and the council, in this case Commissioner Best, is only there to manage it on our behalf.

    If Best won't deal with the issues that we want answers for, it is open for 100 or 5% of the electors to call an Electors meeting listing the issues to be dealt with. Commissioner Best is then duty bound to hold that meeting within 35 days. He is answerable to us, he may want to control the agenda but we hold the cards.

  8. Been a new rate payer in York. Ray than Mathew i could see a big difference in the council. But we have a town dying from mismanagement, corruption and a lot of wrong decision over the last 10 years under Ray. We will never get anything back as it was booming bustling tourist town. I will takes years to correct this rubbish and we need to find positives from all these negatives.
    1. Hand the YRCC back to the sporting groups to run
    2 Work with business and community in promoting the positives of York
    3 Make York a place to live, work and play.
    4 Support businesses in your community because without them no jobs, no services and than no town.

    So are we strong enough as a community to build a brighter future for York

  9. A long time resident of York6 February 2015 at 20:41

    Anonymous 6th Feb. at 06:49
    I believe the majority of York Residents are strong enough and we will build a brighter future for York. This blog is the tool to achieve it. We have several brilliant people helping 'the people', like the Blog Master, James Plumridge and David Taylor. Those three have given Residents the opportunity to take back their power, and find their voices albeit using pen names for now. I sincerely thank the three Gentlemen (presuming the blogger is a male) for what they are doing for York.

    I fully understand why the majority of people are frightened to use their names on this Blog, and I am one of them. We all witnessed what happened to the Saints and other Residents who spoke out.

    I am confident there will be an inquiry, whether it be willingly instigated by the Government or forced on them by the people. When it starts the York Community will come out in force. Those who have been mis-treated will speak up and those who want our Town to heal and grow must stand and support them.

    I agree with you about giving back the Recreation centre to the sporting groups, it was the biggest financial error, second to employing Ray Hooper, our Councillors have ever made. The problem now is the huge debt (bigger than most realise) and those clubs involved cannot repay that debt. Mind you, they were all party to the monolithic white elephant being created in the first place, so perhaps the clubs should wear some of the responsibility for the debt.

    York will return to the former vibrant Tourist destination it was - it is just going to take time.

    We have to be way way more vigilant about those we elect to Council in the future. Mind you, having said that, I believed young Mark Duperouzel and trusted him to do the right thing by us and I got that wrong. I was shocked when he voted for the Landfill.

    We need more Councillors like Matthew Reid, Dave Wallace and Denese Smythe.

    We in York all owe deep gratitude to the residents who were persecuted, they were fighting to expose the truth. Without truth, honesty and integrity, we have nothing.

    I have a suggestion - those persecuted during Ray Hooper's term as CEO should be on the selection panel for the next CEO. This could form part of the apology they are owed.

    1. Don't be too hard on Mark Duperouzel. At least he had the grace to resign - eventually. I'm told he lost a lot of business by voting as he did.

      I think we were all surprised, to put it mildly, when he voted for the landfill. It's still not clear why he did that. Perhaps he didn't know what he was doing.

      The worst thing was that he seemed to have fallen under the spell of CEO Hooper, who may have had his own reasons for wanting SITA's landfill in York.

      On an entirely different tack, it's been suggested that SITA approached various business people in York with offers of work if the landfill went ahead. Glen Smith told us in a public meeting that such an approach had been made to him, and he had rejected it.

    2. Duperouzal is equally to blame for the misuse of credit cards, the vindictive attacks on certain ratepayers and the sabotage of his last President whilst he was Vice President. He chose to align himself with Pat and Tony. He was there when questions about finances and he did nothing. He is just as guilty as Pat , Tony and Ray for all the horrors. I couldn't give a toss about his business. He assisted in ruining mine and others just because PH said so. No sympathy whatsoever.

    3. I'm too nice, Tolduso, that's my trouble - always finding excuses for people!

      I didn't know young Mark had behaved as badly as you describe.

      I can't help feeling sorry for his employees.

    4. I also have absolutely no sympathy for Duperouzal and if his business has suffered then it is his own fault. He is experiencing the consequence of his actions - letting the people of York down when he voted to support the Landfill application.
      He chaired the illegal meeting when he, Boyle and Hooper voted to stop the release of the Fitz Gerald Report. He was part of the ambush of Matthew Reid in Keeble's office where Matthew was disgracefully abused by Keeble. Duper failed as Dep. Shire Pres. to intervene to stop the abuse, therefore he condoned it.
      He did nothing to stop the attacks on the Saints and others.
      I was one of the customers he lost. I refuse to deal with anyone who lacks integrity.

  10. Truth and Justice and Rational Solutions7 February 2015 at 06:23

    To A Long Time Resident of York: well spoken, all up.

  11. It's Time for action9 February 2015 at 07:34

    I wish to ask two questions about Mr. Barnett's statements under the heading The West Australian together with a photo of what appears to be a rather troubled of Mr. Barnett.

    1. Glad you admit there is an 'odd element of corruption and mostly it has actually been in local Government'.
    Question: Is this statement a precursor to the dumping of Hon. Simpson as Minister for Local Government, followed by an announcement of a independent public inquiry into the DLG and its deplorable track record of ignoring complaints from the grass roots people - in particular those from York?

    2. Another comment: 'Whose to say there's not going to be a corrupt politician or some head of agency in the future'.
    Question: How about looking at a corrupt head of an Agency in the past, or have you drawn a line in the sand too?
    Read the Blog Mr. Barnett, the people of York have done the research and made the Fraud squads job very easy - for the second time, the first was Ms. Watts.

  12. Love the cartoon which has been added. And there in fine fettle is RAY HOOPER AS A CONSULTANT! I hope the suggestion isn't also that our Councillors and Staff were'nt among those seeking his advice on crime!!!

  13. On the agenda for Mondays ordinary meeting- seven years late

    “That the Commissioner:
    Amend the existing policy statements on Corporate Credit Card usage by:
    1. Clause 6.1 amend to read: Credit Cards shall only be used for purchasing goods and services on behalf of the Shire and in circumstances when the issue of a Purchase Order Number from the Shire is not accepted, appropriate or convenient.
    2. Clause 6.6 be inserted: The nominated fuel card should be used in preference to a credit card when purchasing fuel unless it is not accepted by the retailer and then the vehicle odometer reading and fuel receipt are to be recorded at the time of purchase.
    3. Clause 6.7 be inserted: Credit card purchases are to comply with local purchasing policy for acquiring of goods and services. (Currently the 10% preference for goods and services sourced in the Shire of York and the 5% preference for goods and services sourced with the Avon Valley).
    4. Clause 6.8 be inserted: The use of the Corporate Credit Card for purchase of library books can only be exercised after consultation with the Manager of the Library Service and the records be supported by a formal acquisition list.
    5. Clause 6.9 be inserted: The purchase of meals in York with the Corporate Credit Card is limited to hosting visiting dignitaries and others authorised in advance by the Shire President.
    Meals purchased while away from York are to comply with the limit value approved from year to year by Council during the budget process.”

    1. Was this Matthew's initiative, or James's, or Graeme Simpson's? Whoever it was, thanks. And I suppose we should thank Ray Hooper too, for prompting this reform by his idiosyncratic use of credit card privileges.

  14. Thank you Mr. Best for tightening up the Credit Card policy.

    Could this mean 'someone' has finally realised/acknowledged the CEO's and DCEO? Credit Card system WAS open to fraud (oops typo I mean abuse)?
    The ex Councillors and Pat Hooper benefited from the abuse of the CEO's card, consequently they saw no reason to tighten the rules, it would have ended their free ride on the Ratepayers.

    A further clause for the Policy should be considered: NO alcohol to be purchased at Bottle shops and drive thru liquor outlets in the Metro Area.

    In fairness to Ratepayers staff who received meals at the Castle Hotel charged on Ray Hoopers Credit card over the years should be made to refund the money. I know they will claim they were having a Staff meeting, but hell will freeze over before anyone in York will believe that!

    By the way, did any of the Staff, Ray Hooper and Councillors pay Fringe Benefit Tax on benefits they received by way of the Rate Payer funded Credit Cards?

  15. Eagle 1, These are very strong words and accusations so you must be able to provide the evidence to support your claim that ex Councillors and Pat Hooper benefited from the abuse of the CEO's Credit Card. When did it all happen? Can you provide the documents to the blog so that we can comment on it?

  16. Whether or not individual councillors benefited directly from abuse of a corporate card - and I agree, you shouldn't make such claims without hard evidence to back them up - past Councils must accept responsibility, if such abuse did occur, for allowing it to happen and for shouting down ratepayers who tried to bring it to public attention.

  17. Pat Hooper whilst a despicable little man is squeaky clean when it comes to Claims, Credit Cards and Reimbursements. Tony on the other hand has a lot of explaining to do.It will come out eventually, once the CCC have finished their investigation.

    The policy amendments regarding CC at the upcoming council meeting are poor in my opinion. If you are going to amend the policy Best/G.Simpson do it properly once. I mean why single out library books considering what else has been purchased on cards in the past. Get professional, get real and write a proper policy.

  18. From the comment, I think Eagle 1 is naïve to the facts and is either someone who just has a dislike for individuals wanting to blame everything on them or maybe just someone opposed to the facts, truth and justice for all route.

    Regardless, ALL Councillors PRE 2013 Election should bear responsibility for their actions as I note the same old few being blamed for the misgivings of others.
    The Credit Card issue was smouldering for years. But for the actions of the new Shire President Matthew Reid, believing ratepayers and addressing the problem it would NEVER have been aired in 2014. Not one Councillor had ever been brave enough to come forward and represent the Community they serve.

    If open, accountable and honest governance was your downfall Matthew, God Bless You!

    Any credit card system is open to abuse - given the opportunity.
    Proof of benefit has to be ascertained before judgement is made
    Why just single out the Castle Hotel - has Eagle 1 seen the records or is it just bitter gossip?
    Yes they do get a good and regular mention but what about ALL the other food outlets that regularly benefitted from 'the freeloader lunch syndrome' that was rife in York - Cafe Bugatti and Settlers House for instance received a very large share judging by the records which are factual and which I have perused (payments were and still are reported each month in the Shire financials in summary form) Copies of the credit card statements are available to look at in the Shire office.

    The more important questions should be:
    "Why so many lunches courtesy of the ratepayers"?
    "Who, why, where, and for what purpose"?
    "How much did all the lunches actually cost us"?

  19. Keep Calm and Blog10 February 2015 at 21:33

    Any organisation which has a conference room has staff meetings in the conference room. Even huge corporations like Wesfarmers or Rio Tinto don't allow staff to have meetings at the local pub or cafe. Its a different story if Ray is entertaining a dignitary or the like but the lunches were Ray and his staff and Ray paid. Check out the Mill Cafe on Fridays on the CC statements in the CEO's office. Tut Tut Councillors.
