Shire of York

Shire of York

Tuesday 29 September 2015

QUO VADIS............(Where do you go? York Voters)

We should all try to remember that the days of electing your next-door neighbour, the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker to a local Shire Council disappeared in the early 21st Century, particularly in the politicized, but politically ill-nurtured and ignored Wheatbelt Region.

A number of State Government decisions on autonomy in the past two decades mean that, these days, potential councillors should bring acuity to the table, accountancy and business skills, legal advocacy, academic discipline, exemplary communication skills, probity and more-- because nobody else will. (They are directions that some Senior Public Servants in the current Shire of York Administration may be unable to spell, let alone perform, mainly because of their lack of professional qualifications.)  

The Shire of York is a $9 million per- annum, virtually guaranteed income business, if it collects the rates. So its new council must be a Board of Socio-Economic Business Directors, not a septic septet of dysfunctional, narcissistic homies as it has been at times- in the past- and when a sextet.

York is by far the worst performing historic inland town of its type in Australia, particularly in the promotion of its unique cultural entity to tourists. If you think this is not correct, do yourself a favour, get off your butt, venture forth and visit similar towns such as Daylesford, Richmond and Hahndorf-then answer the question.

The new council must have the ability to perform all the required functions on its own, without the support of any Government Department or agency in the rejuvenation of York’s tourism industry in particular.

The Minister for Tourism, (and Health), Kim Hames, ( who is not related to the Hames of the notorious Hames Sharley) is like the little Dutch boy with his finger in the dyke, trying to stave off a healthcare catastrophe. Currently Premier, Colin Barnett, appears to be the spokesman taking centre stage in announcing major new WA tourism initiatives.

The Tourism WA marketing guru, Stephanie Buckland, has just come up with an incredibly innovative, cutting edge, tourism marketing cook-up coup- a major, Western Australian, wine and food promotion over the next four years.

A sort of  ‘Master Chef’ at Margaret River and a ‘My Kitchen Rules’ on Rottnest. A unique promotional tribute to the marvels of quality mastication and quintessential quaffing that could easily be master-classed as passé and deja-vu. How many actual tourists it will entice is anybody’s guess.

The newspeak ‘visioning’ and ‘ideation’ have certainly inserted themselves into the psyche of government funded agencies, taking over from good old fashioned  innovation and lateral thinking.

One of Ms. Buckland's newspeak, quotable, catch-phrases is the very old ‘paddock to plate’. This dates back to the European Agrarian Revolution of 200 years ago. One, that is a bit closer to our time, the ‘Slow Food Convivium’, founded in Italy in 1986, does not get a mention.

York was the Swan River Colony’s, historic ‘paddock to plate’ saviour and could easily become a renowned, Australian, niche Slow Food Convivium, but will not get a mention because it is neither the Metropolitan Area or the South-West Wine Region where most of Tourism WA’s promotion and marketing dollar goes. (This qualified spending on easily promoted regions is just your basic, comfortable, no-risk, often ‘El Cheapo’ Tourism WA visioning and ideation, not rocket science.)

Mr. Barnett said recently that ‘the Federal Government has got it wrong in marketing regions rather than specific destinations. Mr. Barnett should have checked first with Ms. Buckland. York, Northam and Toodyay, rural towns in the Avon Valley/ Wheatbelt region, as well as Lancelin and New Norcia are all lumped together as part of Tourism WA’s ‘Experience Perth’, arguably a specific destination.

So, in theory at least, a Region can actually be a Specific Destination according to Tourism WA. And the most ‘El Cheapo’ way of spending some limited tourism promotion that will be like getting blood from a stone be regions?, or specific destinations?.

Try specific destinations, and York will not be one of them. And, with hindsight, being part of Experience Perth has not done York any favours.

Earlier this year a letter was sent to the Deputy Premier of Western Australia, Minister for Health; Tourism, the Hon. Kim Hames. It reiterated York’s historic town tourism potential and its need for resurrection as a unique tourism destination.

The answer was ‘I agree that York’s historic past should be a catalyst for a brighter future, however , any proposals to reinvigorate tourism within the town must be driven by the town itself if any initiatives, whether privately or publically funded, are to have a sustainable impact.

Mr. Hames was made fully aware of the damage done to the tourist industry in York, by the Shire of York and its administration, but as expected chose to make it the peoples problem, not a political, government agency mal-administration one. 

So York’s tourism renaissance will only occur if York elects an astute, academically qualified, highly committed council. These candidates are there for you to chose.

Or you can take a punt and wait until just before the State Election, March 11, 2017, when the Local Member, Mia Who, may rock up to try and cadge a few votes by doing something. Then again- maybe not, she is the current Minister for Water, Sport and Recreation, Forestry & Allusion.

One thing that does stand out as October 17, 2015 draws near is some of the personalized comments made on one of York’s online blogs. It shows up a ‘kinda embarrassing, Hillbilly culture, lacking in cognitive thought processes. “Sorta like the ‘My Ma, is my Pa’s sister’, so I’m the Village Idiot’
syndrome and makes you wonder why anyone would wish to represent these ‘anonymice’ for any reason.



  1. You'll get away with this article because York's redneck feral hillbilly population (and there's plenty of them) have a job reading, let alone understanding words consisting of four or more letters, most of the words they understand begin with either 'f' or 'c'.

    The other lesser blog, made the grave mistake of giving the troglodytes a voice, apparently there was a frenzy of death threats and illiterate diatribe, the H.G. Wells, film 'The Time Machine' springs to mind, Morlocks bashing out vicious comments on their Centrelink funded iphones.

    You are absolutely correct, we need a Council with a smidgen of "academic discipline" and made up of people with a collective IQ of more than 100, hell, it would be great if the incoming elected members had individual IQ's around that figure. Cela dit, one candidate has a doctorate in some academic subject, something along the lines of - how to piss off the locals by using quotes, big words and legal jargon, all very well, but will it be a disadvantage in a degenerate town like York?

    Being a non- misogynist, I'm keen to see equal representation from the fairer sex, a majority even perish the thought, although, it does beg the question which side of the fence one candidate stands, luckily, I'm not homophobic. The misogynistic antediluvian power brokers have had their go and screwed it up.

    Time for a change.

    1. Please no matter what we need honest people we had Pat Hooper he was a school teacher if that's not academic and look what we got there, we need honest accountable people with integrity, people who know how to listen to the residents people who can hold a conversation people who want to serve. above all people that can do their own homework and don't have strings of a puppet on their backs.

    2. Just because Pat Hooper was a teacher doesn't mean he's an academic. Your quite correct about integrity though, sadly, Pat never had an ounce of it!

    3. People with integrity and honesty are a rare breed of Human these days. I am voting for three I am completely satisfied fit this bill. Heather, Tricia and Jim!

      We don't need councillors who are besotted!

      By the way,Teachers were not tested for integrity and were in short supply back in the 50/60's, perhaps the pass mark was lowered to fill the quota!

    4. LDP Heather and Jim I would associate integrity and honesty but as for the third? sorry cant agree.

  2. Yes, there was a frenzy of illiterate diatribes, but only two death threats and that was a while ago and I never took them seriously. I didn't get much mileage out of them, anyway.

    I've had a lot of fun dealing with silly comments from trolls, just as I have from bedecking my articles with literary quotations and throwing in the occasional 'big' (do you mean 'sesquipedalian'?) word. I don't think I'm as contemptuous of my fellow Yorkies as you seem to be, only of a few of them. Am I supposed to be ashamed of my education? I had to work hard enough for it.

    Are you one of those sour people for whom 'academic' is a dirty word? I hope not. Study is a wonderful thing, and knowledge is never wasted.

    I agree with you about getting women on to Council. I've said more than once that voting for Heather, Jane and Denese is much more important than voting for me.

    Sometimes I wonder if people understand my sense of humour. Of course, there's no reason why anybody should, but they could at least try a little. (Sniff, sniff.)

    I'll wind up with a quotation from Milton: 'When God wants a hard thing done, he calls first upon his Englishman'. So there.

  3. There is a strong rumour circulating that Robert Forster lives in Chidlow, does anyone now for sure whether or not this is true?

  4. Yes, Geoff, Robert Forster lives in Chidlow and also has had a farm in York since 2005, if my memory serves me.

    1. So, here we have a man who doesn't live in York, which is probably why he inadvertently forgot to put his residential address on his candidate profile sheet. A man who is completely unknown to 99.9% of the York population and thinks he can represent our interests?
      Just how exactly is he going to understand local issues, will he make a point of visiting York once in a while to gauge the public mood, he hasn't to date, so why would he bother now?
      Chidlow is in the Shire of Mundaring, so if he wants to be a Councillor and serve his community, why not nominate for the Mundaring election?
      The only reason I can see for him to show any interest in York is the equine networking for is up and coming horse transportation business, which I guess would have much to do with the race club.
      Smart move by the Watts clan, put someone in who no one knows and has no obvious allegiances.

    2. Do a google search people. I think you will find that he was a councillor for the Shire of Mundaring not that long ago. How did that go?

    3. If he is not showing his residential address and is not on the electoral role, then he is a silent elector and does not want anyone to know where he lives. What does he have to hide???

    4. Dear Anonymous 5 October 2015 at 06:41 and Anonymous 5 October 2015 at 06:43, presumably the same person.

      It went really well, Forster was a Councillor in 1995, 20 years ago in case you can't work it out for yourself. So smart arse, answer the question, why not nominate for Mundaring?

      Who said anything about the 'electoral role', only the candidates get a copy of that. As a previously stated, there is no address on Forster's candidate profile. Why not? Because it wouldn't look to good for Forster for the electorate to know he actually lives in Chidlow.

      Is there anything else you don't understand and want explaining?

    5. well you all i'm voting for foster hes OK even if you conspiracy theorists dont

    6. Jane, you have been promoting Forster ever since the Ballot draw. How can you make such a quick decision as to this mans integrity and honesty after such a short time?

      If you knew he lives in Chidlow why didn't you tell those you were asking to keep an open mind about him?

      It is odd for a candidate to push so hard for another candidate, particularly an unkown one.

      What about Heather, Denese, Tricia and James - you have known all of them a lot longer - why are you pushing Forster and not them?

      We need councillors who are prepared to be open and accountable. Omitting information is not a good sign, particularly information that the person does not actually reside in York.

    7. Lyn, my initial mention of Robert Forster as a candidate was in response to those who commented they would only vote for someone they already knew. Those candidates you mentioned in your comment are already known to the electorate. Therefore, I was simply encouraging electors to keep an open mind about Mr Forster since I had sought opportunities to speak with him rather than simply say, “I never met him so don’t know anything about him”. When I wrote those comments, I didn’t know where he lived, assuming it was in York since he has property here.

      Other comments have since been added to the effect of: I don’t know this candidate, therefore I won’t vote for him. This was even after others said they know Mr Forster and he was, in their opinion, a good person and worth considering. Fair enough. There was no point for me to comment further. However, I do feel your direct question to me deserves an explanation.

  5. As I promised, here are the details about: York Shire Council Election. Meet the Candidates!

    Shire Council elections will be held on October 17. There is a field of nine candidates for five vacancies. The sixth vacancy happened the other day by the sudden resignation of Cr Matthew Reid, but this vacancy can’t be filled at this election. A by-election will have to be held at a later date. The election will be conducted by the WA Electoral Commission, ensuring an independent oversight of the process.

    Like last year, AVRA is organising a 'Meet the Candidates' meeting to be held on Wednesday October 7th starting at 7pm at the Church of Christ, Avon Terrace in York. The meeting needs to start on time in order for all nine candidates to address the meeting and time left for questions. We invite you to attend and spread the word. With the perilous state the York Shire Council has been in lately, it is important to elect the right mix of people to the Council in order to move forward.

    {Taken from the latest AVRA (Avon Valley Residents Assoc Inc) Newsletter}

    (If you're still unsure about the qualifications, etc of any of the candidates, here is your opportunity to find out for yourself and not have to rely on anyone else's opinion.)

  6. So why did you ask people to listen to your opinion about Forster Jane?

    Given the quote from latest AVRA newsletter, sounds like you are attempting to distance yourself from Mr. Forster now it has been made public he does not live in York.

    1. Anonymous 20:57 - please see my reply to Lyn (above), which may answer your question.

      I don't know where you're reading into the extract from AVRA's newsletter anything at all about Robert Forster. It’s an opportunity to meet all the candidates who are present. As I’ve said in my previous comments, take advantage of this meeting to make up your own mind.

  7. Gee mate I think Jane has just spelled out what she was doing, your a bit harsh on her give her a break and stop reading so much into everything
