Shire of York

Shire of York

Monday 12 January 2015

PERSPICUUS EBORACUM is a new Blog site which has been set up for the sole purpose of publishing documents relating to controversial matters.
As documents become available, they will be published on the new Blog. To access Blog click link below:

The Bendigo Bank account is now up and running.

Title: FOI Campaign York

Signatories: Bairbre Lewis, James Plumridge

BSB: 633-000

Account No: 153758503

Under section 20 of the FOI Act, the DLGC may refuse to accept the application on the grounds that to respond to it would take up too much staff time and drain departmental resources. I've taken expert advice on that possibility, and know exactly what to do in reply.

In the unlikely event that money is left over from the campaign, the balance will go to York Ratepayers Association, if again operational, or otherwise to another community organisation.

The application is on the new site, where everything to do with it will presumably be posted from now on. This campaign will be open, honest and accountable - as local government ought to be


  1. Lector et Subscriptor12 January 2015 at 01:47

    Excellent idea to keep them all on a separate site: easily found and not mixed up with other stuff.

  2. @james you may find it prudent to remove some of the personal data at the top of the FOI letter - there's all sorts of nutters and kooks around ...

    1. Thanks for your concern. I'll contact our anonymous blog moderator about what you say.

      It didn't occur to me that I might make enemies by speaking out! I have had a couple of frosty looks along the street.

    2. Has anyone written to David Templeman over this matter.
      If the rumours are correct that James Best attended Council meetings prior to his appointment as Commissioner, it would appear that it was a 'done deal' way back in the early stages, so any rebuttal fell on deaf ears.
      Perhaps someone knows for sure, someone may even have correspondence? I find it disturbing that no statements or comment has come from the Shadow Minister.
      There are way too many conspiracy theorists around, the more theories the less credibility.
      The fact someone is prepared to stick their neck out and allow their name to be published is a sign of strength.
      Think people, think!

    3. Yes James, you will get frosty looks, just like the 'trouble makers' have received over the years. The difference now is, more people are realising those few out spoken people were trying to alert the community. The community chose instead to either put their head in a bucket of sand OR worse, believe the lies being drip fed from the previous Council and ex grader operator (who was being paid at the rate of a CEO)
      Now, it has hit the whole community because they have had their democracy cancelled by the stroke of a pen.

    4. Peter, As I understand it, some residents have written to David Templeman (Shadow Minister for Local Gov. ) More residents need to step up and get their fingers tapping out emails to him. Unless he hears from more than one or two residents, very little will be achieved. Now is the time to get the 'opposition' involved.

      York is extremely fortunate to have James Plumridge - thank you James.

    5. I wrote to him too Bob and did not get a reply

    6. What a shame the Shadow Minister is not seeing this an an opportunity Toduso. Days gone by the opposition would grab this with both hands and come and help the ordinary people.

      Some residents have noticed the following within the automated response from Minister Simpson.

      'Should it be required, a formal response will be sent to you in due course'

      My Mother always said it is the height of rudeness not to reply to a letter you receive and I always believed what my Mother told me.

    7. Nothing airy fairy15 January 2015 at 07:07

      Yes, and on this same point you make, Valma, under Mrs Saint's letter I wrote similarly; viz:
      Nothing airy fairy14 January 2015 at 06:06
      Well, some of us have had 'interim' letters from the Minister's Office which state, among other things "Please be assured your correspondence will be actioned as appropriate. Should it be required, a formal response will be sent to you in due course."

      Does "as appropriate" mean "if we feel like it", "if we are in a mood to assume you might have something credible to say, and if it doesn't conflict with what we and our friends want to hear"? And what does "should it be required" mean? Wouldn't ask for information or for a complaint to be taken seriously if we didn't want action and a response!!!!!

      We seem to be of similar mind on this.

    8. The arrogant and very rude communication message may have arisen because the likes of Mr. Jolly probably set up the automatic response!
      Manners and decorum is not something Public Servants are blessed with.

  3. Don't let them get out of it17 January 2015 at 07:48

    James, Mr. Plumridge. You are right not to let Mr. Ashley Parker get off responding re York Citizens' complaints both during the Council period after the last election and that in the previous 2 regimes. We must not accept less than the Perspicuus Eboracum FOI asks for. We must keep an eagle eye out for any fudging, any attempts to evade fulfilling the request.

    1. Thanks for your advice, which needless to say I will follow to the letter.

      As you may see from my most recent post, Mr Parker has assured me that everything I've asked for is to be 'identified'. My hope is that having identified it, the department will go on to provide it.

    2. Good old Ashley's going to deal with the matter for you in just 38 days instead of 45 days!
      Wish he'd show me the same courtesy.

  4. Don't let them get out of it20 January 2015 at 07:00

    Yes, James. I only just now saw Mr. Parker's second reply to you. Lets hope he really does, as you say, not only identify but also provide. Please excuse me if I came over as a teeny weeny bit dictatorial. Particularly since that is one of the things we are hoping will change in this town as a result of our endeavours. We are pulling with you on this one.
