Shire of York

Shire of York

Tuesday 27 January 2015


Dear James,

I trust you enjoyed your moment in the spotlight at the Australia Day Breakfast in Avon Park.

In your speech, you regretted the use of social media to broadcast negative comments on local events.  It’s possible you were referring to this blog.

At some point during the festivities you told a distinguished-looking elderly gentleman that what I’d said about you and the blog in my previous open letter was wrong. 

I made three such statements in the letter, based on information supplied by usually unimpeachable sources. 

I said you had asked people who was behind the blog.

I said that you, the Minister and your DLGC associates were aggrieved by the blog’s contents.  

I said you had said that for the Minister to restore rule by our elected council would depend on the blog being closed down.  (In fact what I was told was that you had given that advice to our councillors.)

I went on to express my disbelief that you had said any such thing, but in case you had, I gave three reasons why you shouldn’t have.

I confess to having been carried away by my enthusiasm for what little remains of freedom of speech in Australia since the fog of political correctness descended upon us all.

Now, exactly what did I say that was wrong?

My shadowy colleague, the blog moderator, has asked me to offer you the hospitality of these pages to respond to my letters or any other item on the blog that annoys you or takes your fancy.  

The moderator doesn’t want people to think that the blog is open only to supporters of Cr Reid.  The trouble is, most York residents do support Cr Reid, so it’s hardly surprising that postings on the blog are overwhelmingly opposed to the suspension of the council and by extension, to your appointment as commissioner.

You might like to use the blog to answer the following questions:

1.            Why did the Minister ignore the shire council’s refutation of the accusations contained in his ‘show cause’ notice?
2.            Why didn’t he accept the council’s offer to undergo training while remaining in office?
3.            Why won’t he explain or discuss the basis of his decision?
4.            Why did the DLGC come down hard on Matthew Reid, who had done nothing wrong, after having failed for years to act decisively against Cr Reid’s vaingloriously incompetent predecessors and their ‘grey eminence’, ex-CEO Hooper?
5.            Why are the Minister and his department so determined to protect from public scrutiny councillors and council staff in York alleged to have carried out immoral, illegal, and possibly criminal acts going back several years?
6.            Has the Minister allowed party political considerations—for example, the political affiliations of persons mentioned unfavourably in the Fitz Gerald Report—to influence his refusal to authorise an inquiry, as requested by the council before he suspended it?
7.            How much will your presence here cost the shire—or is the WA government footing the bill?

Please don’t tell me to ask the Minister directly.  I’m beginning to wonder if he would be able to understand the questions, let alone answer them.

 ‘Social media is a kind of electronic graffiti.’  Hon. Tony Abbott MHR, Prime Minister, Australia Day 2015.




  1. Another great letter James.
    What a wonderful gesture of 'openness and sense of Community healing' to offer the Blog as a conduit for Mr. Best to use.

    All blog readers will be looking forward to Mr Best's response. Amongst other answers, confirming or refuting the following.

    Quote: "for the Minister to restore rule by our elected council would depend on the blog being closed down. (In fact what I was told was that you had given that advice to our councillors.)

    Surely it was not a veiled threat - or was it?

  2. Well done James. We've been bullied for long enough. Keep him accountable for what he is saying to our community.

  3. Enough is Enough is Enough, Mr Best27 January 2015 at 02:54

    Onya, James! Add your questions above to those of why Mr Best raised the issue of some people liking tourism and some not, and what have you? Whether we like the tourism or not, the town would survive even less well than it is at present if we didn't have it. Could (or would) the farmers fund everything if the tourism got less? (But that would give all power back to those 'York Royalty' among them again.) Even those people living here (farmers or the rest of us with a variety of trades and professions) can't keep the hotels solvent, let alone other businesses. Should we all go back into little holes and metaphorically hibernate? Stagnate? Become serfs, maybe?

    As for the Blog, cannot Good Mr Best understand that it is a mechanism for the frustrated citizens — frustrated by all the things you ask about and all the instability caused by change after change as well as trauma caused by unresolved 'follies, crimes, and misdemeanours chronicled in the Fitz Gerald Report' which, as you said in the other letter, James P, 'can’t simply be brushed aside as though nothing bad ever happened'. For a start they can't because the damage left behind them gets worse every time 'no-one listens' (in the sense of listening and doing something to correct it).

    And so that more people can understand what has happened to the people's psyche, collective as well as individual, the Blog is serving to let people know some facts that many of them did not know.

    It is also helping us to clarify our thoughts on the whole morass we have found ourselves in and why we have.

    Come on, Mr Best, keep your mind open to what is being said to you here, and aim for being a real healer of the ills that ail us instead of just another official who hears but does not hear and so becomes an instrument for further harm to people and further disintegration and degradation of our community, town and shire.

    1. A targeted Ratepayer28 January 2015 at 02:13

      My suggestion to Mr. Best:

      DO NOT believe anything you were told about those York trouble makers.

      Minister Castrilli, Minister Simpson and the DLG all chose to believe the lies and propaganda dribbling out of the mouths of Boyle, Hooper, Duper, Scott, Lawrance and Ray Hooper.

      Perhaps Mr. Best is unaware, neither Ministers nor anyone from the DLG have ever met face to face with any of those interviewed by Mr Fitz Gerald, or for that matter, those who wrote letters alerting to serious problems in York.

      We could walk by them and they would not have a clue who we are.

      Why were we judged and convicted without a hearing?
      Why have we been branded?

      IF we were financial members of the WA Liberal Party, would that help us?

  4. What happened to the post about Mia Davies? Was it pulled and if so why? She is the local member but there is no sign of representation. It sems like a case of being a minister takes precedent over her comunity.

    Doing nothing or pretending there is no serious issue is not an option.

  5. Keep Calm and Blog27 January 2015 at 14:26

    Mr Best is obviously one of those who "doesn't like tourism" because he just didn't turn up to a scheduled tourism meeting yesterday. No apology and no show. Not a good start.

  6. JB loves tourism, he was w*****g on about it during his South Perth speech at Australia Day .
    JB's full of bullshit, he hasn't the time to talk to the ordinary people because he's too busy with the "important' people, they you go, there's a divide straight away. Keep it up JB, you can catch most of the 'importants' early in Avon Terrace.
    Tourism comes a distant second to the farming 'power base', the 'gentry' don't want to be bothered with tourists cluttering their street.

  7. On the contrary the gentry (Tony Boyle as President) was asked the following questions at a council meeting. According to the response they were doing all sorts of really positive things for tourism

    Public Question Time - Council Meeting 19th November, 2012

    In view of the reduction in visitor numbers and product sales at the Town Hall Information Centre what significant solutions do the Councillors propose to arrest this continuing unfolding disaster and to significantly change this situation?

    Council has and continues to give significant financial and in kind support to tourism in York and the region through the operations of the Information Service, membership of Avon Tourism, contributions to events, development of an events policy, attraction and visitors to the Convention Centre, funding to upgrade the historic Town Hall as a regional cultural centre and other actions/activities it undertakes of benefit to the community as a whole.

    The Shire of York is aiming to hold 2-4 major events and 6-10 minor events to attract visitors each year.
    There is no role for Council in the viability of individual businesses associated with the tourism industry which have their own role and responsibility in attracting and retaining customers.

    Sounds good but was there any truth in it?
    1. They (Pat and Tony) with held funding from Avon Tourism Inc for three years
    2. Development of an events policy? It was only when Matthew Reid was appointed did that ever come to fruition.
    3. The Information Service as it is now known gives out information. It is not a tourism industry approved Visitor Centre anymore since Ray got his grubby hands in there. The staff isn’t even trained in Tourism.
    4. In Kind support to tourism operators? Where, when, how and who?
    5. Attracts visitors to the Convention Centre. Yes and how much is that costing us?
    6. Funding to upgrade the town hall into a regional cultural centre? Still waiting!
    a) Some of you will remember we had an amalgamations meeting in the town hall Tony asked us all if we would like air-conditioning in the town hall. Got a round of applause of course for the initiative. Still waiting!
    b) As well the Town Hall celebrated its 100th anniversary and although they were asked and asked what was going to be happening and spent $13k of our money planning an event nothing happened for the centenary. Pat Hooper was on the committee for the 100th celebrations and refused to answer questions about it at council meetings saying it was confidential.
    7. Aiming to hold 2-4 major events and 6-10 minor events. They couldn’t even support people who were prepared to put their own money on the line to run events lets alone organise a shire run event. They could not organise their way out of a paper bag.

    So Mr Best rest assured the gentry are really supportive of tourism so get cracking!!

  8. O Donil, Supporting Fair Blogging and Fair Tourism27 January 2015 at 20:52

    Cartoon: Blog the blog or bug the blog — whichever, and at least less gory than the cartoon it replaced.

    But TOLDUSO, you have spelt the facts out nice and clearly. And once again, someone (not Cr Reid) meanwhile also was uncooperative and didn't make the conditions appropriate for a tourism development officer (or whatever the correct term was) to take up the position offered, so that fell through too.

  9. What did Create Denise Smythe do about tourism?Wasn't it her portfolio? Is it because Tony bullied her that she did nothing? If so where are all the written complaints from her?

    Denise knew they were doing the wrong thing many times like at Council meetings but did nothing.

    Guilty by association in my book.
