Shire of York

Shire of York

Friday 23 January 2015


Dear James,

On behalf of those who see no good reason for you to be here, except perhaps as a paying guest in one of our fast disappearing hostelries, I wish you luck in your endeavours to bring the unruly inhabitants of York to heel and make the shire safe for Minister Tony Simpson and his probity junkies at the DLGC.

You’re going to need it.

I hear you’ve made an excellent start by approaching persons of consequence in our town and asking them to identify the brain behind this blog.   

You could ask me instead, but I wouldn’t be able to help you any more than they can.  I have no idea who that person is, but if I did know, I would be all set to nominate the lady or gentleman concerned as our next West Australian of the Year.

My informants—they’re everywhere, trust no-one!—say that the blog has made you, the Minister, your friend Mr Jolly, and assorted walking embodiments of Parkinson’s Law angry and upset. 

That’s terrible.  I hope my posts, which are always meant to comfort and enlighten, have in no way contributed to the sum of that distress.

My informants also tell me you have said the blog should be shut down, and alarmingly, that unless it is shut down, there is no prospect of the Minister ever restoring democracy in York by putting our elected councillors back in charge of the shire.

I hope my informants have got that wrong.   I find it hard to believe that a young fellow of your intelligence, experience and education could possibly have said any such thing. 

But just in case you did say it, or something like it, here’s why you shouldn’t have done:

1.                   This blog is your truest friend in York. What you’re reading on the blog is what people really think, not what they think you want to hear. Most of its contributors prefer to remain anonymous, perhaps because after the miseries of the last few years they don’t feel safe out in the open, but what they say, they mean.  There’s nothing so bracing as our old friend Vox Populi, and the less restrained, the better.

2.                   There is no logical connection between the existence of this blog and the restoration of democracy in York.  I’m sure you understand that, but I do rather worry about the Minister.

3.                   There’s this thing called freedom of speech that folk like me go on about from time to time.  I’m sure you’ve heard of it.  Craven politicians of every stripe don’t seem too keen on it. They pretend to like it, but pass laws against it.  It has its problems, but it’s been the guiding light of our civilization for hundreds of years. 

Free speech means among other things that you don’t shut people up just because you don’t like what they say about you or how they say it.  It’s a jolly good thing, and I commend it to you and Minister Simpson.  Ces jours-ci, nous sommes tous Charlie.

Instead of vainly dreaming about getting the blog shut down, wouldn’t it be a lot smarter and more satisfying to remove the reason people use it to say rude, disrespectful and uncharitable things about Minister Simpson, his department and—it grieves me to acknowledge this—even you?

My informants—there I go again—are convinced that your brief includes trying to persuade the people of York to forget the horrible things that happened during the past few years and to follow you joyfully towards the ‘broad, sunlit uplands’ of an idyllic rural future.

If that’s true, I hope the Minister provided you with the Pied Piper’s flute along with your sealed orders.  

The follies, crimes, and misdemeanours chronicled in the Fitz Gerald Report can’t simply be brushed aside as though nothing bad ever happened.  People want explanations.  Where it’s deserved, they want retribution.  They don’t care about preserving the careers and reputations of politicians and bureaucrats who let them down or maybe even connived at stuffing up their lives and the shire.  Why should they? They want individuals who allegedly ripped them off to be properly investigated and if the evidence stands up, to face trial in the criminal courts.

You could begin the process of healing by getting Minister Simpson to tell us exactly why he sacked our council and appointed you.  Then encourage him to set up an inquiry into matters raised in the Fitz Gerald Report.  I’m pretty sure that once all that got going, and people felt confident that justice was being done, and saw it being done, they would stop writing to this blog, or better still, would use it to write nice things about the Minister, his department—and you.

‘The governor asked, “What can I do to keep the common folk in line?”  Confucius replied: “Set good people over bad people, and the common folk will do what you want of them.  Set bad people over good people, and the common folk will give you bloody hell”.

Now, there’s something Confucius really did say!  (More or less.)


Your admiring namesake,



  1. I would put my name to this comment if I had recovered from the harassment metered out by Ray Hooper and his 'boys club' (I am referring to the male councillors Boyle, Hooper, Lawrence, Randell, Scott and Duperouzel) who thought it was fair and reasonable (and funny) for Ray Hooper to set his 'dogs' onto residents to bring them to their knees, but I haven't, so I won't.
    Some of the above councillors even used their face book pages to denigrate certain residents - and this was while they were Councillors! Start thinking back guys - some residents copied and pasted the pages you wrote and they have been stored.
    James (the name sake) you have eloquently put into words my sentiments exactly. Thank you!

  2. Mr. Best you are on the wrong track.

    Who ever the person is behind the Blog site IS MOST DEFINITELY A PERSON OF CONSEQUENCE, just not one of 'the many' in York who believe they are.

    The brainchild of this blog is a bloody hero in my book!

  3. Thank you for the compliment. I find it truly amazing that Minister Simpson and his department are so damned keen to suppress the truth about what went on and what they knew about it. I'm sorry (a bit) to have a go at Mr Best, but until he comes out in support of everyone in York who has suffered as you have I will continue to give him curry on this blog (if the mysterious moderator will let me).

    I will never agree with or forgive the ministerial sleight of hand whereby Mr Best was elevated to his current position of eminence. However, I'm not sure he is necessarily a bad bloke, and I believe he could do a lot of good for York if he were to impress upon Minister Simpson the need to set up a full, open inquiry into the activities of the York Shire Council during the presidencies of councillors Boyle and Hooper and the CEO-ship of Ray Hooper.

    People who in those days suffered harassment of any kind, please consider declaring so publicly on this blog. I know that Mr Best reads it. Perhaps he needs to be convinced that quite a few York people were very badly hurt in those days, and there can be no healing in the town until there is recognition of their pain and some measure of reparation for it, including retribution for the guilty.

    I'm told that Mr Best is eager to meet 'important people' in York (whoever they may be!), but my understanding is that his door is open to anyone. Why not take advantage of that and tell him your story directly? Give him reason and opportunity to be a hero!

    1. With reference to Mr Best wanting to meet the important people. I assume his list of important people has been supplied by the dark side so I won;t be rushing to clear my diary just yet. This time round I for one refuse to go out of my way to once again make an appointment to see the "oh so powerful one" only to be lied to again. Mr Best can pick up the phone and ring me-if he has the courage. Somehow I think those in the Fitz report will be the last ones called.

    2. Tolduso I agree. I will not be changing my appointments either.

      My life was turned upside down by Ray Hooper and his gang of cowards.
      I was present when Shire Presidents Tony Boyle and Pat Hooper ridiculed, humiliated and shouted residents down during public question time. I heard Cr. Hooper deliberately talk loudly over a Lady in an attempt to drown out her question.
      Oh yes, and what about the two Councillors who used their Face Book page to discuss 'running certain people out of Town'.

      Where was the 'Show Cause Notice'?

      Double standards - definitely

    3. With his statement "quite a few York people were very badly hurt in those days, and there can be no healing in the town until there is recognition of their pain and some measure of reparation for it, including retribution for the guilty" Mr Plumridge stated exactly the thought I cannot escape when I consider what Mr Best would like us to do. It blocks out all enthusiasm about working for things we don't even know will ever happen.

      Some have 'busted a gut' (to put it crudely) to give of their time and energy and talent and craftsmanship for the benefit of our town and had it all demolished by ill-will and worse; and others have given their time and energy only to see their requested ideas and input shelved with every change of officials.

      Others have risked their necks with each new incumbent to try and get justice, and it has all fallen flat every time. How much exhaustion and trauma should people be expected to bear?

      I have just recalled a historian and even respected member of the masons leaving town after persecution over the not unreasonable number of fauna he had on his reasonable sized rural property. Perhaps it wasn't the only reason (I can't absolutely vouch for it), but I believe it was the last straw. That was in the days of a certain Officer, who had a nice face and looked so kind, but who applied the Letter of the Law to the detriment of the Spirit of the Law. The reasonable man left our state for a more congenial location. It is a pity he is not here to help by using his intellect in the cause of rationality and justice in York.

      If the CEOs, the Presidents and the Officers of this Shire had been more Spirit of the Law people in the last 10 years, if they had discussed and negotiated adult-to-adult with the citizens they were harsh towards (to put it mildly in some cases), if they had dealt respectfully towards all and so come to reasonable win-win solutions, we would not be in this mess we are in today, in this dark era for York — and neither would they.

      I am glad we do have James the Elder, the Blog Master, and so many clear-thinking bloggers. Now, on our part we just need all of us to stand up for our convictions and see this thing through, and on the part of the others: they need to listen, to respect our integrity, and to seek fair and just solutions.

  4. We the town are the Blog, we know each others pain, we know we know the truth and so do you.

    You have already heard us speak but your ears are closed and do not listen,

    They spoke for a landslide election for change, You did not listen.
    They spoke through countless letters over 10 years, You did not listen,
    They spoke at every council meeting You did not listen,
    They spoke on this Blog, You did not listen,
    You have seen the proof you know the truth until you listen and act this will not end until it ends and not a day before.

    Shoot the blogger let the criminal walk free, Not on my watch, Not on any decent human beings watch.

    Keep up the good work Mr or Ms Blog xxx

    1. Give us an inquiry24 January 2015 at 01:23

      I'll second that UNREAL.

      For years various methods were used to silence those who stood up against the tormentors.
      When York people voted for change it was ripped away from them by the cowards who thought they had silenced us again. Those cowards were wrong.
      We have the blog, we have been given back OUR power.
      Now give us back our democracy and our Councillors!

    2. Here, Here, to UNREAL! So much of what you said is true. Hearing they did not hear!

      And 'Give us an inquiry', you also spoke true.

      Our legal democracy was indeed stripped away (like a parent giving his/her child a gift and snatching it back, trampling on it and burning it) and we are exercising out personal democratic right to be heard, whatever! So Hear, Hear! to those who have the power if they will, to correct the situation.

  5. James Best it did not take you long to go over to the dark side. Shut down the blog and it will spring up again and again bigger and more powerfull,fact of history.
    Rather than wanting to stop the blog Go to Dum Ass House and demand a royal commission as the people demanded
    And perhaps hire the movie Ants where one little stood up and the other ants stood up with him to defeat oppression .
    And to quote you My approach for the next six months will be to facilitate a community capacity building program to create a brighter future and the rest will be explained shortly end quote. Well James time is running out 5 months to go and counting and at end of first month close down the blog .That is not community building only more oppression
    The people of York are angry and have had enough of what has happened .Perhaps the D L G and Simpson are to stupid to realize it and to gutless to do some thing about it or are they up to arm pit in it
    presume both
    Now after my comments I will expect a visit from the shire dogs again . O. I .forgot the old council is gone

    1. Thanks for being one of the first brave Ants who was persecuted by the previous regime.

    2. Oh Beven ! The council may be gone but the regime has a new leader, for a brief time things were working as they should, now we are back in that regime.
      The leader may have left but the army still continues the work.

  6. It does not matter who the blogger is. What matters here is York and it's community members.

    For far too long we have been controlled by people who do not care about the community as a whole but more about what they can gain by controlling and manipulative methods.

    We have had very poor leadership not only from poor quality CEO's but also from Councillors who most certainly did not become Councillors to improve York but took on the role for their own gains and egos. Some of these people still seem to believe they have more say and power than the community that once elected them.

    With Matthew Reid the community finally felt it was being listened to and for the first time someone was asking us to participate in the decisions being made. Certain community members were finally being heard and voices were becoming loud. We had a strong objecting voice to the amalgamation, strong and persistent voices against SITA's landfill proposal and strong voices against the taking over of York by people who do not live here and who most of us feel do not have the right to make decisions on behalf of the community.

    Sadly with the appointment of Mr Best it seems that the Government feels it needs to control York again and that makes me nervous as to what decisions they believe are right for us and will be in their best interest NOT ours!

  7. So many people have spoken the truth here, as well they should. Listen up, Mr Best, Mr Minister Simpson and all who have trampled on our democratic vote and the work ordinary honest citizens of goodwill have done for York.

  8. I would be very interested to know how much Mr Best is being paid for this position. I would also be interested to know exactly where that money is coming from. I assume it is coming from State Government funds, but from which budget? This is after all an (arguably) unexpected cost for them.

    Perhaps if we were to start looking at the dollars involved, the opposition might then take an interest. The opposing government seems to get involved when they can rabbit on in parliament and in the media about how much of our money the Government of the day is wasting.

    Assuming again it is coming from State Government funds, I would imagine other (non York) WA tax payers would disturbed to learn Mr Simpson has committed, what I imagine is a substantial sum of theirs and our money securing Mr Best.

    When we had a Council in place, there was no cost to the State Government and there was nothing wrong with the way it was progressing over the last year or so.

    I understand the previous Council under Boyle and Hooper cost us plenty but that is a different issue to what I am eluding to here.

    Anyone have info on hand re what Mr Best is costing WA taxpayers by any chance?

    I might write and ask the opposition to let me know. I hope for your sake Minister Simpson its all kosher.

  9. Best will be funded by York ratepayers.

    It is also noticeable that the dlg trolls have dropped off commenting. No doubt they have been told but bet my botom dollar they are monitoring this daily. The FOI wil throw up some intersting info.

    1. You can bet the public service trolls will be lurking in the shadows reading this blog.
      I do hope they all enjoyed the absolutely ripper of a U tube on Ray. Made my Australia Day.
      I am sure residents in Chittering and Kalgoorlie will be rolling on the floor laughing.

    2. I am wondering what is the cost to York for the commissioner to be here what is the package deal for his 6 months, We the town have to foot the bill, how much are we up for were we consulted, are the councillors still being paid their allowance.

    3. Australia Day Celebrations26 January 2015 at 02:14

      Commissioner Best Australia Day is a national public holiday in Australia, commemorating the founding on 26 January 1788 of the colony of New South Wales. not your Political Platform we are well aware of working together and of democracy. and as for the simplistic some people don't like tourist some people do. please the earth belongs to all, when we go to Perth or Busselton, Bali, or any where for that matter or some other holiday are we not tourists, if you don't like tourists, if you go on holiday your a tourist. and this is some of the things your going to fix please there are deep rooted problems that you refuse to admit. you have 5 months 1 week left please earn the ratepayers money.

    4. Australia Day Celebrations, did Commissioner Best say something about tourists or tourism in his Australia Day speech?

      My impression, after living here for 6 years, is that most people, especially business people, are very much in favour of tourism, which brings money and vitality into the town. The old guard on the shire council seem to have done their best over the years to destroy tourism in York, cutting down trees (remember Avon Terrace as a boulevard?), persecuting Simon and Heather Saint to the point where they closed down their business (remember all the bikers coming to York to meet at Saint's Diner?), shutting down the York Tourist Board after one of their proteges stole money from it - ye gods, the list goes on, I'm sure many of you could spend hours adding to it.

      I suspect that what's left of the old squattocracy disliked tourism and wanted to keep the town like Sleepy Hollow. Their day is past. The future belongs to people who live in the town at least as much as to landowners in the shire. I believe the 'newcomers' welcome tourism and want more of it, with greater opportunities for tourism entrepreneurs and better facilities for tourists. Matthew Reid understands that. We need him back at the helm.

    5. The OS really do not appreciate the Tourist industry and what it can do for York Mr. Plumridge. They also seem to have some aversion to newcomers as well because they get pretty upset if any of them voice an opinion. They get twitchy and very edgy if a new comer nominates for council - the telephones run hot with the panic.
      Not sure why the landed gentry bothered selling off their farm paddocks to developers to sub divide. Yes I do, it was for the $$$$$.

      The landed gentry cannot turn back the clock, newcomers are here to stay and yes, the future belongs to all who live here, including the farmers.

  10. Anonymous 20:23 Thanks for your reply. If you know we are paying for James Best please elaborate. How much, from what fund and why? And please choose a pen name, it gets confusing otherwise. Just hit name/url instead of anonymous and type any name.

  11. How about someone sends Mr Best an email and simply pops the question, who's paying you ?

    1. Mr Best has yet to answer these 3 questions which were emailed to him 6 days ago.It's not complicated.

      1. What is your current salary package in full?
      2. Is the State Government paying you, or are you being paid from the pool of York's rates income?
      3. If from York, from which budget allocation is it being drawn?

  12. Law Obiding Citizen26 January 2015 at 15:48

    Now didn't the council instruct the CEO to take evidence to a body for investigation and wasn't it voted for unanimously.

    If by crime and corruption laws evidence is held back is against the law of CCC act, If people are being intimidated in any way isn't that against CCC act.

    Just to go back to the beginning isn't it the job of the CEO to carry out what the council has voted on who's running the show, is it the council in charge of the CEO and then the CEO in charge of the admin staff.

    If Commissioner James Best is now theoretically our council, why has he not instructed the CEO to carry out the requests of council, which was the request of the people. it is in your own legislation.

    If the Commissioner is our council, what is he doing?

    Is he doing the best for the community, or is he actually doing the best for his employer ?

    Is this democracy or is this oppression.

    Commissioner James Best the community want an inquiry, we are not going to come to your office and tickle your ears.

    There is evidence you have seen it read it, know it, all you do by telling people nothing happened is insult our intelligence and belittling your self.

    If you have a problem with the blog, get on the blog show us the evidence prove it wrong, if it is?

    My bet is you cant, but don't do the same as the last council and victimise people because they tell the truth.

    Give us the people of York an enquiry finish this once and for all.

    1. Love the new Letter Head on the Open letter to James Best.

  13. Cute additional illlustration

  14. Law Obiding Citizen - I agree with you and imagine the same questions are rumbling through many heads in York (and elsewhere).

    This blog is being closely watched by people all over WA (and the World) and it has become a big thorn in the arse of the Government.

    People are finally beginning to suspect protection (from fairly high up) is being afforded to all those involved in the cover up and it is not a good look for the State Government.

  15. Law Obiding Citizen I also agree with you it is amazing with all the laws and legislation rules and policies that this has gone on for so long, even if you were to say take all the complaints from the people out, why hasn't some one properly investigated the facts on his status of his accommodation and the questions of, and the credit cards and the questions of, and a junket to Tassie and questions of, this is all character building for Ray Hooper and not in a good way, why won't they start an inquiry. what are they really trying to keep quiet. there is more to this than meets the eye that's for sure, keep digging guys you just might find gold. Go the blog.

  16. One very angry Ratepayer27 January 2015 at 05:49

    In the perfect world of Local Government, us mere mortals are not expected (or permitted as in Saints case) to ask questions,query the shopaholic tendencies of the CEO or doubt decisions made by Councillors who (in the main) nominate to placate their own (or their wife's) ego.

    The self proclaimed royals have been so bloody terrified of losing control of what they perceive to be 'their Town', they didn't care if their orchestrated candidate for Council had the ability, charisma, education or God forbid any brains so long they got in. Ray Hooper worked this out early in his employment here, and used every single one of those Councillors to extract as much power from them as he could, and they let him. Not one of them could see they were being used.

    The renewal of Ray Hoopers contract (twice) is a prime example of the incompetency of those (mostly now ex) Councillors, to say nothing of their complete lack of knowledge of the KPI assessment process they were supposed to implement annually for their employee - Ray Hooper.

    Residents have stood by and watched this Town be systematically destroyed over 10 years by those unprofessional, ineffective, bungling, lying Councillors and their incompetent employee Ray Hooper.

    Then for the first time in years, we finally get a Council we had faith in and who were in the process of sorting out the mess created by the previous council (and CEO) and what does the Minister do - he stands them down.

    Mr. Simpson, the people of York have put up with a dictatorial CEO and his band of bullies for 10 years and we have had enough. We are sick an tired of no one listening to us.

    Give us back our democratically elected Councillors and give us an inquiry

    1. Similarly when WALGA request a annual review of the CEO's performance his subordinate the Deputy CEO Tyscha wrote it. As if the subordinate would be honest if there was a problem. Worse still WALGA accept that as good practice.

      Assess KPI's? (key performance indicator) more like KPI (keep people ignorant)

    2. Bill, just to reiterate, the Deputy Chief Executive Officer reviewed the performance of the then CEO Hooper! Considering the CEO is only answerable to Councillors, that was incredibly remiss of the Councillors of the day.
      How the Council of the day expected a junior to be candid over the performance of their immediate superior is beyond me.
      And what exactly is WALGA's role in all of this, it's merely a trade union for Local Government.

    3. WALGA Employee Relations is the pre-eminent employee relations service provider to Local Governments in Western Australia and the Northern Territory.

      The Employee Relations Service directly supports CEOs, senior managers, line managers and HR practitioners of Local Government clients in the management of staff – including human resource management and industrial relations.

      The service includes a ‘help desk’, industrial award and agreement advice and support as well as advocacy support. Workplace Solutions advocates on behalf of Member Local Governments on industrial relations issues that impact the sector.

      The Employee Relations Service is comprised of specialist staff who have thorough knowledge of relevant legislation, regulations and industrial relations cases, which equips them to act as professional representatives of individual Local Governments and the sector generally.

    4. wild bill itchcock27 January 2015 at 22:08

      Or in other words a union!

  17. As a past employee of SOY,and employed at the time Ray Hoopers contract was yet again extended, I was gobsmacked. I stated to a Councillor at the time, that they had missed their best opportunity to start afresh. The response was 'that he met all the criteria required for renewal'. Perhaps it's time to 'review' the performance 'review' requirements!

  18. Good to see another SOY employee speaking out. The more who do, the more chance we have of getting this whole bloody mess cleaned up once and for all.

    Ray Hooper has gone, it's now time for a Staff show and tell!
