Shire of York

Shire of York

Thursday 20 August 2015


O-M-G, Trevor?, Trevor? Trevor? Is it really you? And you’ve found Facebook. 

It is so exciting, Trevor- ‘the cook’. The last time I heard you were writing ‘Trevor’s Gourmet Guide to York (the fifty York restaurants for a Straight& Bi to try before they die).

There were fifty restaurant’s in York when you were a Councillor wasn’t there?

Regarding boxes of fact, I think it was a Wheaties Packet, not Kellogg’s box you should have alluded to? You really should remember, it may have been where you got your graduation certificate from, but then again, allegedly you are the Chef and should know what plastic ‘Muppet’ character it came with.

So what have you really been up to?  some paralegal work experience? “Does she want a lawsuit”? has that really exciting legalese zing to it.

However, “good luck with the Mad Woman” also has that wow, let’s talk to my lawyer, kinda feel.
Otherwise it’s who gives a rat’s ass about the on-line twittering of a Randell.

“The load of crap” you refer to-- is it what happens very soon after eating one of your perfectly prepared Fillet Mignon?

Then it is “they just get worse” Are you referring to your fellow councillors during those halcyon days when you came out into public office?  The time of “taken on notice” replies when no councillor knew the answers to any questions at council meetings.

 Or when vitriolic, misogynist attacks were launched at a fellow female council member?  Is this -when you first got to use the quintessentially quaint and nominally offensive nomenclature of, “Mad Woman”?

Let’s be honest here, Trev old boy, you were part of the ’Beyond your wildest Dreams Team’, the Shire Council that was robbed blind by a probable kleptomaniac, certainly not a mad woman.

In 2011, the Council’s excuse was ‘No member of the Visitor Centre Committee was qualified as an auditor and the Committee took the financial information presented at face value”.
This Committee included the President of the Shire of York, Pat Hooper, who was representing the Shire Council in the hope of protecting what CEO, Ray Hooper, lovingly called ‘municipal funds’, otherwise known as yours’ and my rates money. (You do own property in York, don’t you?)

In 2013, there were fits of incredulous laughter regarding the Shire of York’s municipal fund protection effort when it was mentioned at the Magistrate’s Court Sentencing Hearing.

Ray Hooper even sent a letter to the Court saying the poor lamb may have been enticed to steal by those incompetent Committee people. Unfortunately his Shire President and his Deputy CEO were both on that crime friendly committee.)

It was well known, by the Court, and most others that the alleged kleptomaniac had already done the time for the same type of crime and it was considered that putting money in front of her was like giving an arsonist a matchbox.

So Trevor, why don’t you do something good for the York community and fill your Facebook page with all the fantastic stuff you did for your community while you were a Councillor. It shouldn’t take you very long.

Oh! And Dear Trevor, you have every right to gaily flaunt your opinions in public, along as they are clean, not mean and have a reasonable element of truth to them.


  1. The woman on council at the time of the mysogynistic attacks of the past isn't online to read the above, but she is brave and was, indeed, treated very badly by that set, in word and in deed — including at least one instance of yelling 'full boar' at her in the midst of a Shire meeting.

    Now another also plans to stand as well as that former woman. 'That set' would meet their match if a few such women stood, just as there were 'a few such men', having the advantage of numbers as they did. I don't propose revenge, because that would be just as unjust and inappropriate as the former deeds of 'that set', and we are looking for integrity and good decisions made on just grounds. But a balance of good men and good women would be great.

    Trevor's personal life is his own, but to vilify women who dare to speak up is another thing. Is he threatened by them, I wonder? He clearly doesn't know Jane, because Jane is pretty sane by my observation and doesn't form conclusions without researching the facts.

    There was once another Trevor who wrote a blog with some truths combined with plenty of very very unseemly ranting and untruths. It is almost unbelievable, but this Trevor seems to be showing signs of following in that other Trevor's footsteps — in writing, though hopefully not in other ways. He wouldn't want to!

  2. Great article David. I am so looking forward to reading what Trev. 'claims' he did for York whilst he was being paid (ripping us off) as a Councillor.

    Looking back, I suspect Trev. was parachuted into council by Boyle and Hooper because they knew he was pliable and as time went on it became obvious he was under Pat Hooper's total control.

    I remember reading 'chat' on Pat Hooper's Face book between Trev. and Pat - during the time they were both York Councillors - about running certain people out of Town. Offers from the dregs of the Community came forward on the same Face book to help pack for those on the hit list. Such was the depths our Councillors stooped to. Worse still they thought it was acceptable for elected Members to act in this way.

    Those Councillors have a lot to answer for!

    Where was Mr. Elkington when all this was happening?

  3. Here you go Mr Elkington some thing you don't know about our past 2 councillors discussing its time a woman left town there is more to this but that's my information, but is this how councillors are supposed to behave, when was Mr Randell crowned the King of York? singling out women in a country town he has a history of this Jane is not the first. taken from as you can see below.

    "Trevor's Wall-to-Wall with Pat Hooper Pat's Profile|Trevor's Profile|Back to My Profile

    Trevor Randell I am totally in support of you and so is 99% of the town!!!!!Its time this woman was treated like she is treating our town!!!!! A laughing stock!!~!!!!!!!! She is degrading the town I grew up in!!!!Its time she LEFT!!!! "

    Oh and please Trevor as I have said before any time you would like to take this legal I am in. :)

  4. Disgraceful behaviour from councillors.
    Councillors Boyle, Hooper, and Randell believed they were untouchable and their behaviour was condoned by the silence of the people of York - including Mr. Elkington!

  5. Trevor, Pat corrupted you when he taught you, he did the same to little Dupa, why oh why have you not learnt anything?
