Shire of York

Shire of York

Monday 3 August 2015


The Local Government Managers Association, LGMA, could be described as another tentacle of the Local Government employer/employee octopus.

In a case of ‘ad nauseam’, this self-confessed leading professional association for Chief-Executive-Officers’, throughout Australia, the Keeling and Christmas Islands and any other Local Government Area, rocky outcrop in between, spouts the typical mantra defining its undying commitment to the development of, and improvement of, local government management. Of course there is the usual ‘cross-my-heart-and-hope-to-die’ promise of setting high professional and ethical standards and assuring its members are at the forefront of change and innovation.

Does the ratepayer have access to information showing the LGMA members meet any of these supposed KPI’s?-of course not!

The LGMA, lists Bruce Walker, Matthew Humphrey, Gary Clark, Ian Hill and Carl Askew as the Acting
CEO’s in WA.  A familiar name but maybe not the same person, Mike Fitzgerald, is reported to have the same gig in the old gold-mining metropolis of Menzies.

All the rest are listed as full-blown CEO’s, including, Mr. Graeme Simpson, named as being the Chief Executive Officer of the Shire of York- on this day of  August , 2015. NoActing’ here says the LGMA.

Last year the DLGC’s, Jenni Law, proved, in writing, she did not know what year it was, the spelling of her own occupation, and her Christian name looks a bit suspect too. There appears to be no (lack of numeracy and literacy skill) impediment to her career as a highly paid public servant, seriously interfering in the local government democratic process.

Now we have the ultimate professional association representing local government managers (LGMA) not knowing exactly what one of its members’ occupational-status is. In instances like this ‘Acting’ and CEO are polar opposites, synonym versus antonym.

Of course, the other alternative is that 
no-one has bothered to tell the York community it has a Chief Executive Officer who is not ‘Acting’ and could be in the job longer than anyone expects?

Or, it is just the usual blunder, boo-boo, clanger, stuff-up, even abject failure by 
another fraternity-member of the mind-blowingly huge and expensive, hierarchical Local Government, mega- franchise. (Something like McDonalds- without the cholesterol- but with lots of added bullsh..t?)

Now let’s move on to (ex) Senator Bronwyn Bishop.

It is well known in local government circles that a minority of CEO’s boast they run the show. They claim that a few Elected Council Members are so bereft of the statutory knowledge required to be councillors they are easily manipulated as being compliance and financial probity inept putty.
The DLGC has been advised of this by highly qualified academics since 2005, but loved its’ ‘see no evil; hear no evil, what compliance? policy’ the way it was. That is until York popped up and Tony Simpson belatedly did what he certainly should have done when Ray Hooper was in full flight.

Everyone knows that Hooper turned the Shire of York, in the Boyle and Pat Hooper era into ‘Hooper’s Tours’ travel agency where he very briefly attended numerous interstate conferences that should have been well above even his enormous pay-scale and had nothing to do with the day-to-day management of, and any benefit to, a small rural shire council’s community. However it was fun for his wife and lucrative for the Eastern States tourist industry.

It was also Local Government Council money-tree manipulation on a grand scale, with an estimated cost to the York community in excess of $100,000.

Along with every other piece of local government probity legislation, the DLGC does not consider itself responsible or accountable for allowing the highlife-style travel expenditure epitomized by Ray Hooper’s expensive meandering.

However there is not much difference between claiming all expenses for totally unnecessary, lightning quick, attendances at a local government conferences, prior to swanning around the tourist spots, than Bronwyn Bishop ripping all of us off by claiming everything for anything from her vastly expensive travel forays.

At least her efforts were paid for by every taxpayer in the country while Hooper’s was restricted to just the ratepayers of York. 

But both the Hooper/Bishop efforts failed the ultimate test- public opinion and the same probity compliance test on travel rorting should apply to Local Government as it, finally, appears to be with the Federal Government. 

As Tony Abbot now acknowledges “within entitlements (which is obviously not correct), but beyond “community expectations” (which is very much correct) is the litmus test for the misuse of taxpayer funds. 

But there one distinct difference, Bronwyn Bishop is paying money back, where Ray Hooper won’t be.


  1. Good article.
    I am not convinced Ray Hooper wont get caught in the net. People in high places are falling on their swords on a daily basis. It's called Karma.

    I have this mental image of Ray Hooper jumping around his computer after his daily update on the blogs as angry as Rumpelstiltskin.

  2. Saying of the Month: Ignorance is Bliss!

  3. Not sure if it's fair to compare McDonalds with Government, I actually enjoy a McDonalds now and again, reminds me of the gourmet cuisine they dish up at the wreck centre. McDonalds manage to run their corporate affairs with considerably more competence than the Government does, but your right, they're both full of shit and a bad for the health.

    Good point about Graeme Simpson though. I wouldn't be surprised if Best the 'worker' hasn't extended Simpson's contract, similar to how he handled Cockruin. Something wasn't right between those two. Now Matthew Reid's covering Simpson's arse in case the Rottweiler Law decides to sink her fangs into him, or maybe he likes that sort of thing, who knows?

    I doubt if we've heard the last over Hooper municipally funded junkets, it's all about political advantage, someone will get pissed off about something or other and want to get 'their own back' on whoever's upset them and out will come the Hooper file. He'll more than likely get publically torn apart as will the demigods and goddesses at the Department for allowing it to happen in the first place, the point will be proved and everything will be back to normal and life will go on.

    1. You may have spoken to soon...

      "McDonald's struggles with identity, McDonald's on track to reinvent itself, or are flagging US sales a sign of the fast food colossus slowly sinking?"

      Sounds remarkably like Government.

  4. David, I just cannot believe the last comments on your previous post (Probity Compliance Audit) reference Jacky Jurmann's apology what an absolute disgrace. Where is this advertised please?

  5. Whether he is 'Acting' or not (and I believe he is because he is struggling to keep abreast of the facts, 'fudges' and appears to lack competence and/or is being brainwashed or bamboozled by each latest 'advisor', shifting with every wind that blows):

    I certainly got a series of e-mails from G. Simpson in which he seemed to start off talking about one thing (totally 'misinformed' in claiming Roma Paton and I had had meetings with Mr B about the Fizzer Report — pretty well first cab off the rank we were said to have been — and none of it true) and shifting to another scenario and then another, and even mentioning to me information pertaining only to her, which of course he should not have done.

    There had only ever been one issue that applied to us both, and that was not it. He seemed to have no comprehension, from a later reply, that, apart from the original claim having been false (as neither of us at any time had a meeting with Mr B together or separately), telling me her business was not an appropriate thing for a Shire Official to do. Maybe he needs the re-training the DLG offers those they consider lacking certain necessary knowledge.

  6. The ACEO is not acting he really is a bloody idiot, he's doing nothing for community confidence, incredibly erratic decision making, his responses to questions from members of the public are unbelievably bizarre. Here's a man who can contradict himself in the space four sentences then goes and publishes it , don't forget at the last meeting he published an appendice stating that a member of staff was sacked, then did a complete 180 and publicly apologises, he's a CEO, what is the dickhead playing at?

  7. My confidence in the A/CEO simply does not exist any more because when asked a question at Council meeting he says "I Don't understand the question" He then takes on the appearance of the Clowns at side show alley, you know the ones with their mouth open for the ball to be put in.

  8. Email sent to Channel 7 News room on 5/8/2015
    On the news I see people in metro Perth are complaining about 5 or 6% increase in their local Council Rates.
    Why don't you ask the Shire of York why they allowed Commissioner James Best to increase our Shire Rates by 13% and put that on the news!
    Commissioner Best overruled our Councils promise to residents not to increase our rates more than CPI this year.

  9. My goodness! I only just now saw the last illustration in this article. Poor 'super' man.
