Shire of York

Shire of York

Saturday 5 December 2015

Minority Report

David Morris (DLGC) with Pat Hooper and Gail Maziuk, obviously discussing  
the significant public presence at the special Council meeting 11 December 2014 
and that the public; "was in no mood to hear any opposition to the stance 
that President Reid had taken".


  Response provided to the Minister for Local Government.


Prepared by Councillor Pat Hooper
Wednesday 10th December, 2014

                             Review by David Taylor ……Introductory Page 

It is actually the Local Government Act, 1995, not 1955, a numerical time difference of 40 years and a result of poor observation.

1. Councillor Pat Hooper voted for the show cause response as provided to
    Minister, Tony Simpson, by the Shire of York Council despite disagreeing
    with its content, thereby showing little respect for his personal integrity.

2. Councillor Hooper claims the (aggressive) mood of ratepayers at the Special
    Council Meeting of December 11, 2014, gave cause for him to vote for the   
    show cause response, inferring this attitude was a perceived personal threat
    and had some bearing on his decision.

3. Councillor Hooper actively courted officers of the DLGC, prior to the release
    of the show cause response to Minister Simpson, advising them of his
    intention to write a Minority Report prior to the show cause response being
    tabled on December 11, 2014. (It is highly likely that he gave the DLGC
    details of the content of the response well before it was tabled.)

4. Councillor Hooper prejudged the outcome of Councils vote to release the
    show cause response, on his understanding that a ‘yes’ vote was what a
    significant number of York ratepayers, and the general community
    demanded. Therefore he acted in contravention to his obligations as a
    Councillor, being a representative of the whole-of-community interest, by
    providing the DLGC with the knowledge of his Minority Report prior to the
    release of the show cause response.

 5. Councillor Hooper discussed his attitude towards the show cause response
with two former Councillors, (the names have been crossed out in the
     report) prior to completing the Minority Report. He deliberately neglected
     to advise the three other sitting Councillors of his intent to author, and
     provide this report to the Minister

6.  Councillor Hooper clearly blames President Matthew Reid as the sole
     instigator of the content and attitude taken within the Council’s show
     cause response.
However, he deliberately failed to advise the two other   
     sitting Councillors of his opposition to the stance taken in the show cause
or is he known to have provided them with a copy of his Minority

Page1. (2.1.1)
7.  It is Councillor Hooper’s opinion that Council failed to undertake proper    
     due process, and showed undue haste, in its decision to appoint a
     consultant to undertake enquiries with reference to a Code of Conduct
     Complaint against the former CEO, Ray Hooper. Councillor Hooper states
     that the failure was caused by Council’s refusal to follow the process as
     described in the Chronology of Events supplied by the Ministers Office as
     interpreted by the DLGC. (This Chronology of Events would have been
     presented to Council in the DLGC’s own best interest).

8.  Councillor Hooper voted against Councils’ Fitz Gerald Report resolution on
      April 24, 2014, claiming its purpose was driven by individuals wishing to
      publically discredit former CEO, Ray Hooper. (Ray Hooper had discredited

9.  Councillor Hooper states that no endorsement was given by him to
      allow for the Fitz Gerald Report investigation into the conduct of Shire of
      York Council Staff, past and present or Councillors, past and present. (This is
      understandable as Councillor Hooper was adversely named in the report.)

10. Councillor Hooper defines the ‘Macri Report’ regarding the Shire of York’s
      financial reporting as of little purpose and a waste of money, claiming that
      the Shire’s annual audit procedures and reportage met DLGC requirements.   
      Unfortunately the Macri Report’s findings were consistent with the current
      findings of the Office of the Auditor General stating that Local Government   
      Financial Audit Reports are often poor, delayed, unaccountable, and should
      be considered unacceptable by the DLGC.
      It should be noted here that Councillor Hooper is not a certified
      accountant, was the President of The Shire York Council when he sat as its 
      senior representative on the York Tourist Bureau Inc. Committee that
      allowed a convicted criminal to be its Bookkeeper. And, as a former Shire
      President and Councillor still bears a degree of responsibility for past
      mismanagement of municipal funds should this be found to be the case
      through the investigation being undertaken by the Major Fraud Squad.     
      It should also be noted that CEO Ray Hooper’s use of a Shire of York,
      Corporate Credit Card, duly authorized by both President Hooper and
      President Boyle was an abuse of the use of a privileged ‘tool of trade’.
      Whether this was criminal misuse- is a matter still being investigated by
      the Major Fraud Squad.

Page2. (2.2.1.)
11. Councillor Hooper states that on July 25, 2014, he received his copy of the
      Fitz Gerald Report, at the Shire of York Offices, in the presence of
      Deputy Shire President, Mark Duperouzel, Councillor Tony Boyle and CEO
      Michael Keeble at 9 AM.

12. Councillor Hooper states that CEO Michael Keeble had prevented any
      distribution of the Fitz Gerald Report to the public (On whose authority
      is not defined.)

13. Councillor Hooper, upon (briefly) reading the Fitz Gerald Report and in the
      company of Councillor Duperouzel and Councillor Boyle stated that
      it should not be released without legal advice or advice from the DLGC.
      Councillor Hooper claims that attempts were made to contact Councillors
      David Wallace, Denese Smythe and Matthew Reid. (The name of the person
      or persons who attempted to make these contacts is unknown).
      Such contact is ‘hearsay’, without written confirmation of the contact being
      made from the individuals so named.
      Councillor Hooper, than makes statements regarding each individuals
      contact response. This is ‘hearsay’ without written confirmation from the
      individual so named.
      Councillor Hooper stresses that the copy of the report (he) read never left
      the office of the CEO at any time. (This can only be presumed as being a
      fact, but cannot be substantiated)
      Councillor Hooper confirms that a ‘legally’ convened Special Meeting of
      Council under the Chairmanship of Deputy President, Mark Duperouzal,
      in the presence of just 3 of the 6 Councillors, took place just 3 hours after
      he had (briefly) read the Fitz Gerald Report. (This extreme action was
      taken at 12 Noon at an inordinately short notice to the other half of the
      Council Membership and probably insuring their non-attendance.)

14. Councillor Hooper now comments on his treatment as a councillor after
      his decision to not release the Fitz Gerald Report was enforced.
      Councillor Hooper seems to be under the delusion that he, as an individual,
      is of extreme singular importance to Council, even though adversely named
      in the report, is consistently negative towards most actions taken by some
      of his fellow councillors and unlike Tony Boyle and Mark Duperouzel  failed
      to resign.
      It should be noted here that Councillor Boyle resigned on December 8,
      2014, 2 days before the intended release of the Minority Report.
Mr.Boyle’s resignation contained many of the accusations appearing within
      the Minority Report in an attempt to give the report additional credence
      and to assist in destabilising the Shire of York Council. A major element of
      truth in this resignation was that it was done ‘for the betterment of York’-
if this means York is better off without Mr. Boyle as a councillor.

      It should also be noted that both Councillor Hooper and Councillor Boyle
      accused other councillors and members of the York Community of abusing,
      mistreating and maligning staff members of the Shire of York Council
      Administration. Both these former Councillors have omitted any mention of
      the fact that Former Acting CEO, Michael Keeble, at a meeting at the Dome
      Coffee Shop in Midland, advised a third-party that he had no confidence in
      the abilities of Deputy CEO, Ms. Tyhscha Cochrane and intended ‘to move
      her sideways’. He also suggested that there was the possibility of a prima
      face case of Conflict of Interest, regarding Councillor Boyle’s relationship
      with, and support of, York Racing Inc. regarding rates valuations that were
      due and payable.

Page3. (2.2.1)
15. With regard to CEO Ray Hooper, Councillor Hooper, seems to remain
      confused regarding the differing meaning of ‘Resignation’ to ‘Termination’
      On April 15, 2014, Ray Hooper tendered his resignation, thereby forgoing
      his right to demand to be terminated with its attendant option of initiating
      legal proceedings against the Shire of York Council for wrongful dismissal or
      retaining the ability to negotiate an ‘agreement of confidentiality’.
      However, the wrongful dismissal option could still be open to Mr. Hooper
      and his solicitor should he wish to avail himself of it. (Time has probably
      run-out to initiate such action using just workplace legislation.)
      Also the treatment Mr, Hooper received at the hands of the Shire of York
      Council was directly proportional to the poor treatment, tactics of
      obfuscation, and lack of community consultation meted out by him to at
      least 19 known individuals within the Shire, often supported and
      sometimes initiated by Councillor Hooper.
16. Councillor Hooper now proceeds to enumerate the failures of the Shire
       President (Matthew Reid) and Council, directly relating to his own past
       failings as Shire President and a councillor, inferring victimization and
       persecution in Public Question Time at Shire of York Council Meetings.
       Councillor Hooper should remember that, as Shire President, he had lost
       the confidence and respect of much of the York community by his refusal
       to countenance accountability and transparency by providing forthright,
       accurate and reliable answers to legitimate questions, from the public,
       during Public Question Time. (Councillor Hooper was reaping what he had

Page4. (2.3)
17. Councillor Hooper now further embarrasses himself by providing his
      personal opinion, only, of conflict between Acting CEO, Michael Keeble,
      Shire President Matthew Reid and unnamed councillors.

      The conflict within Council was created by Councillor’s Hooper, Boyle and
      Duperouzel attempting to destabilise council and push through their
      agendas such as the approval of SITA’s purchase of Allawuna Farm.

      It should be remembered here that these three Councillors had their
      powerbase destroyed and their authority emasculated by the extreme
      popularity, within the community, of President Matthew Reid who was
      given a mandate to create positive changes within the Shire of York Council
      and its Administration by the ratepayers, on behalf-of the community.

18.Councillor Hooper describes his version of events that took place on
      November 4, 2014, during a meeting at the office of Acting CEO, Michael
      Keeble. In attendance at this ‘Kangaroo Court’ were Michael Keeble,
      Deputy Shire President, Mark Duperouzel, and Councillors Boyle and
      Hooper. Ostensibly, this meeting was called in support of Michael Keeble
      retaining his position as CEO. Actually it was a deliberate act of entrapment
      to show ‘no confidence’ in President Matthew Reid.

      Councillor Hooper claims that during this meeting President Reid made a
      surreptitious audio recording of the meeting.
      It is now time to remind Councillor Hooper that surreptitious means
      unauthorised. On whose authority was this deemed unauthorised, as
      President Reid was the highest ranking Local Government authority at the

      Surreptitious also means secretive. Yet everyone attending the meeting
      was aware that President Reid had switched on a recording device to
      protect himself from extreme verbal abuse.
      Councillors Hooper, Boyle and Duperouzel witnessed an obscene, abusive,
      derogatory and slanderous tirade by Michael Keeble against President Reid
      that they deliberately set out to initiate and made no attempt to stop.
      Their actions were disgusting.
      At least Deputy President Duperouzel had the decency to resign the next
      day, November 5, 2014.


Arguably the Minority Report had a major impact on the decision by Minister Tony Simpson to suspend the Shire of York Council for 6 months as of January 6, 2015.

This is verified by the fact that it was deliberately withheld from public viewing for 12-months and had numerous Freedom of Information requests rejected, because of its content, prior to its release.

To have given such gravitas to this puerile document as the DLGC and Minister Tony Simpson apparently have, should be of extreme embarrassment to both.

In the main it is a personal interpretation of reasons for events and is full of self-centred interest for personal aggrandisement and revenge.

As the title of the Minority Report suggests, it is authored by a member of a disaffected minority in an effort to cause major damage to the reputation of President Reid, other councillors, the Shire of York Council, the town of York, the Shire of York and its community.

It was successful and would have had some influence on Matthew Reid’s decision to resign from the Presidency- and from Council.

The term Pariah should be considered with regard to the authorship (and reasons for the content) of this document.



  1. Spooky David, nearly a year to the day when Hooper committed his heinous act and shafted Reid, Wallace and Smythe, not to mention the greater majority of the York population, as evidenced by public anger, justifiably so.
    A brilliant synopsis on what will surely go down in York's history as one of the most despicable exhibitions of treachery.
    Long live social media, god bless you.

  2. Pat Judas Iscariot Hooper, ah well, I suppose he did it Gratis versus libre, no thirty pieces of silver and all that.

    Can't think what possessed him to write the report other than pure malice, had he not written it and presented it to the Minister, its possible the Minister might not have suspended the Council. Of course, this would have meant no James Best, no controversial property purchases and no huge rate hike.

    Hindsight, a wonderful thing.

  3. Pat Hooper is evil, his judgement day is yet to come, god help him.

    Mark Duperouzal and Tony Boyle have brought great shame to the famous family names that they carry.
    They are a disgrace to their forefathers and a source of great shame to the current members of their extended families.

  4. I once wrote that I wished I could send you a team of top Fleet Street investigative journalists.
    You do not need them.

    The brilliant journalism, forensic analysis and dissections by David Taylor and the unknown unseen courageous publishing by the Blogmaster have joined to bring to light so many nefarious actions by such downright wicked people.

    Our histories show that right does, eventually, win over wrong. The publications by the Blog must have speeded that process very considerably.

    Once the dominoes start to fall, they acquire their own volition.

  5. I thank the Blog master for obtaining and revealing the Minority Report document. It confirms what we already knew - Pat Hooper is scum!

    Thank you David - York is fortunate to have your knowledge and expertise to help us deal with this terrible time in our history.

    We all knew Pat Hooper was attempting to stop the Minority Report being released - now we know the reason why. He is a vindictive and vile reptilian specimen.

    Pat never came to terms with Matthew's popularity within the community and this Report was his sick way of trying to pull Matthew down.

    You failed Pat, Matthew will always be remembered for the good he did for our Community and the courage to get the Ftiz Gerald Report done. You Pat will always be remembered for trying to cover up the injustices and your vindictive Minority Report.
    . .
    Pat Hooper can never claim he wrote the report out of concern for the York Community. The storm in 2011 showed what an abysmal Leader he really was. He was feeding his fat face on steak at Forrest Oval while the rest of York were unaware the Salvation Army were even providing meals for people here.

  6. I am so disgusted that Pat Hooper wrote and lodged that report.

    Pat read the Community correctly, they WERE supporting Matthew Reid. Pat simply could not get it, Councillors ARE supposed to do what the majority of electors want!

    This was the problem with you Pat (and Tony Boyle), you both thought what ever thought bubble Ray Hooper came up with was great and to hell with what the community thought. So thanks guys for the mess you created!

    In Pat Hooper's letter to the Minister, he says he will remain on Council so long as the Minister wants a Council in place. That was big of him. Who the hell did Pat Hooper think he was representing - the Minister or the people of York?

    1. Pat and Tony weren't the only councillors to say stuff the community I'm in it for me.
      Who will ever forget Mark Duperouzal and his betrayal of his own town.
      We all voted to reject the French Multinational SITA and their attempts to build a dump in York. Then our man on the panel, Duperouzal, decided he would ignore the community and vote for the tip.
      Top effort Mark you would have made a great president, a perfect clone of the two scumbags you modelled yourself on, President's Boyle and Hooper.

  7. Spot on with the summary David, Pat the Pariah has a certain ring to it,

  8. Throughout the report Hooper's admitted and inferred that he should have acted over certain matters at the time. He had every opportunity to comment/debate at meetings but chose not to, then when the time is right and he has Morris's ear along with Medusa, the knife goes in.
    Shoulda -woulda- coulda Pat, douchebag.

    1. I wasn't sure what a "douchebag" was so I Googled it:

      1. A douche bag is a piece of equipment for douching—a bag for holding the fluid used in douching. To avoid transferring intestinal bacteria into the vagina, the same bag must not be used for an enema and a vaginal douche.

      2. Someone who has surpassed the levels of jerk and asshole, however not yet reached f****r or motherf****r.

      Both will suffice! Well said.

  9. Was that Pat I saw loading a ute - save Moore River ( to hell with York) - with cartons at the co-op?

  10. Bride of Hooperstien6 December 2015 at 17:11

    I can not believe that photo Gail Mazuik is she some kind of celeb or something. What the hell is she doing she is administration why is she with Pat Hooper oh that's right she's the purple circle token Bride.

  11. Eyes Ears and Wrinkles6 December 2015 at 17:45

    Well, Well, Well who helped Pat Hooper with the minority report then. Pat Hooper didn't even know the code of conduct, maybe his mate Ray Hooper or Dave Morris couldn't have been Gail? maybe she typed it up, yeah why has she got her nose in? why is she at all the council meetings? why is she any where? she is staff not even senior staff? why is this woman in the middle of everything? she was even at the elections?

    1. Given the wrong year was used for the Local Government Act - the Minister should have checked the mental state of the Author before he believed the contents of the Report.
      Probably was Gail who typed it, given her 'threesome' in the Town Hall.

      Why does Gail attend Shire meetings - what is her purpose?

      I know she has a desperate need to feel important now Ray has gone.
      She contributes nothing to the meeting.
      Time she was ordered to stay in the office to do some real work.

  12. OH PAT, were we not all the minority when you were president, and you couldn't give two f's about the minority. you did what you said the town wanted.
    But when your the minority when the town is in front of you as a majority you turn coat, well not really cause you were actually the minority all the way along, your a fool, you were told, you were warned, you were even shown, and you decided to follow the untrustworthy and its coming back and biting you in the bum, and still you act defiant. the truth is a powerful force and it always wins , may take a day make take a year may take longer but it comes out, a word of advice from a very wise woman in town wiser than her years,

    Its not the mistake that defines you but the way you remedy the mistake that becomes you.

  13. The really sad truth is Pat is so delusional he actually believes he is in the right.

  14. Because of Pat Hooper = a change of business name and he is destroying more peoples lives why not continue to work under BBC pty ltd. James Best.

  15. Now that Hooper has shown the lengths he was prepared to stoop in order to shaft his fellow Councillors, and given Hooper's obvious unhealthy friendship with the incumbent Trevor Randell, can Randell be trusted not to do the same?
    I'm not sure Randell would be aware if he was being manipulated by Hooper, after all, he was clueless the first time round.
    Randell's fellow Councillors need to be aware that he may be bating for the other side, so to speak.

    1. There is no doubt Randell was manipulated into council by the Hooper machine.
      Randell sent nothing to electors, did no advertising and was so sure he would not get in he didn't bother turning up on election night.
      He is a liar. He told many people IF he was elected he would resign the following Monday and of course he didn’t. Pat and Ray probably pressured him into staying on as their stooge.
      Trevor is uncomfortable in council meetings - could be finding it difficult working with an honest Shire President!
      The story is he was manipulated into Council position by Pat Hooper's backers to keep Ray Hooper informed via Pat Hooper.

      He is being watched closely - one mistake will see him exposed for what he is!

  16. What about some cartoons, we miss them!

  17. Hi Pat, Ever heard the saying "what you give out is what you will get back"!! Be very careful as Karma corrects all. And you were a school teacher; the Minority Report was filled with dribble??? Heaven forbid. You were always only interested in yourself and what you could get from this town. Never ever a community person as you try to make us believe. Hell has not fury like a town trampled on.

  18. Anonymous7 December 2015 at 05:11 - You are spot on. He has no idea what fury he has created within the community with this report!

    For as long as Pat has been involved in council many residents humoured Pat's need for recognition..... until they read the Minority Repot.

    You silly silly man Pat, what few friends you had will distance themselves very fast.

    Yes, he graduated as a school teacher, but the year Pat graduated from Teachers Training College there was a desperate shortage of Teachers throughout W.A., consequently there was no choice but to pass every single student at Teachers college whether they were good or not.

  19. Pat, you were given the honour of becoming a Councillor in the belief you would do some good things for York, unfortunately you blew it spectacularly!


  20. Seeker of the Truth7 December 2015 at 23:19

    Did Ray Hooper resign or was he terminated.
    An important fact needing clarification because Pat is unequivocal in his statement to the Minister that he read a letter from Matthew terminating Ray.
    That statement carried a lot of weight in his otherwise insipid drivel titled Minority Report.

    If he is found to be a Liar surely there must be some form of accountability, he was a Councillor and JP aren't they supposed to tell the truth.
    Otherwise why bother giving them fancy titles like JP in the first place.

    Justice of the Peace.
    Truth and Justice go hand in hand to establishing long lasting Peace.

    Lets have some more of that good old fashioned truth.
    How about asking Mr Fitz Gerald back for another bite of the cherry.
    Only this time lets give him some formal power to ensure he is told the truth.

    And yes Pat we will ask you to have a chat this time.

    1. Oh sweet pea, check out the article posted on Tuesday 24 March 2015
      NOTES FROM UNDERGROUND 4, Hooper's resignation letter is there.
      Fret not, XXX

    2. I read Ray' Hoopers letter, I can assure you he resigned!

      It was signed by him and dated 15th April, 2014. It is headed NOTICE OF TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT. That is clear - even to the uneducated.

      Quote: I consequently tender my resignation effective as of Wednesday 4th August, 2014.

      The letter was clearly marked: cc All Councillors (that means Pat Hooper received a copy) , Tyhscha, jacky, graham and Gordon…..not sure why Gail missed out on a copy.

    3. So Pat Hooper is a barefaced Liar.
      He has misled the Minister and betrayed this community.

      What other lies will emerge as this saga unfolds.
      Perhaps we will find some dodgy backhanders went down with the SITA proposal.
      Duperouzal sure looks like a candidate for worm of the week.

    4. Seeker of the Truth 7 December 2015 at 23:19

      Here is the Code of Conduct for Justices of the piece:

      General behaviour • We will maintain and promote, in both our public and professional lives, standards of conduct that uphold the integrity and independence of our office.
      • We will respect and comply with the law and conduct ourselves in a way that promotes public confidence in the integrity and independence of our office.
      • We will always act impartially, not allowing conduct in our role to be influenced by political, business, family or social interests
      • We will at all times separate the functions of our office from any personal or political interests.
      • We will not convey, or permit others to convey, the impression that we are in a special position of influence.

      Issued by
      The Hon Michael Mischin MLC Attorney General of Western Australi

    5. After reading the JP code of conduct,I think Pat's signature isn't worth the paper its written on!

    6. * Pat and integrity can never be used in the same sentence - he has none and proved that by writing the Minority Report.

      * Pat never acted impartially - if he disliked (mostly unadulterated hate) a person, they didn't stand a chance of impartial consideration from him. S

      * Pat could not separate personal feelings from his role as a Councillor - hasn't spoken to me in years.

      * From day one, Pat gave the impression of his importance. Bloody embarrassing for the Town of York. Even big noted himself in York in England!

      A complaint or two to Attorney General may be in order.

    7. Seeker of the Truth8 December 2015 at 16:45

      Thanks Tom brilliant, we could have done with someone of your intellect and resourcefulness on council these past ten years.
      Who is the governing board for appointment of JP's, someone is responsible for ensuring this code of conduct is met.

      Do we send our complaints to the Attorney General ?

    8. Justice of the Peace Branch

      Department of the Attorney General

      There's no form to complete, simply outline complaint details in an email to:

    9. Those old copies of Pat Hooper's Face Book people have saved would make excellent evidence to prove he is not fit to be a JP!

      I haven't used a JP in York since Cyril Screagh died. Don't trust any of the others.

      Did someone say Pat was selling up and leaving York?

    10. Anonymous8 December 2015 at 01:40 - Why would Gail need a copy? She probably typed it for him!

  21. Seeker of the Truth7 December 2015 at 23:19 - your comment " Only this time lets give him some formal power to ensure he is told the truth". I hope you are not inferring Fitz Gerald was not told the truth by those he interviewed?

    Those people interviewed have been through enough, without being accused of lying!

    1. Seeker of the Truth8 December 2015 at 02:37

      No not at all, the inference was to him having the power to interview Mr Hooper and those responsible for the atrocities endured by so many for so long.

  22. Interesting to read (according to Pat) Ray Hooper had not expected the 'treatment he received' . Apparently it came as a bit of a shock to him.

    Ray, there's a large number of people in York who did not expect the treatment THEY received from you either.

    You were given a position of leadership and turned it into a dictatorship, then hand picked females who would do your dirty work for you!

    You deserve everything you get!
