Shire of York

Shire of York

Thursday 13 August 2015


I was slightly perplexed by the recent newspaper publication of a verbal attack on Dr. James Plumridge by a Mr. Richard Bliss.

Mr. Bliss, I assume, is the person who goes apoplectic when referred to as Dick, Dickie or Dicky, and then threatens to hold his breath for five minutes.

The content of Mr. Bliss’s personalized harangue suggests he may not be the really sharp tool in the shed that he may not have a shire permit for.

“Beware Dr. Plumridge” has the connotation of a personal threat that is a rather mindless effort.

President Reid and his ‘Cheer leader’ Councillor Smythe have had nothing to do with the Bliss financial position regarding any sale of any property and any supposed damage to the Bliss brand.

If Mr. Bliss has a problem with the current elected Council, then he should nominate to become a Member. The Local Government Election is due on October 17, 2015 where any ratepayer can ‘put up- or shut up’.

A twist to an old adage is ‘people who live in glass B&B’s, should not throw stones’.

At the time that an already convicted criminal, Ms. Kate Watts, was taking both the York Tourist Bureau Inc. (YTB) and the Shire of York to the financial cleaners, it appears that a member of the Bliss dynasty sat on the YTB board, next to the Shire President, Pat Hooper.

Mr. Bliss proudly enunciates that “in my business the buck stops with the boss”. President Hooper was the boss when the YTB was cleaned out. The buck in this case was an overall $115,000.

Accordingly, in interpreting the wise words of Mr. Bliss, boss, Pat Hooper, should have resigned.

Post the Watts debacle, a Bliss remained on the Board of the YTB when it was investigated by a Mr. Will Morgan, Manager of Associations & Charities, from the Department of Commerce back in 2013.

The investigation was regarding potential breaches of the Associations/Incorporations Act 1987 including possible problems with Conflict-of-Interest. There is no longer a York Tourist Bureau Inc. or its board.

I truly admire Mr. Bliss’s attempt to raise a mass-debate regarding whether masturbating or coitus-interruptus is some form of esoteric sin. It certainly does not appear to be part of any Provisions in the Local Government Act, 1995.

I am not quite sure of the intent of Mr. Bliss’s last paragraph regarding Ango (Anglo)-Saxon, possibly Australian vernacular and masturbation per se?

Maybe he considers Commissioner James Best use of the word “worker" in response to a less flattering anecdote possibly made him feeble minded.

To:- Beware Mr. Bliss “call me Dick”

David Taylor.


  1. It is time the Bliss properties were fully investigated for planning permissions.

    Lets start with Faversham:
    1. The Cool Room building - built by Mr Richard Bliss? - planning/building permission when?
    2. The Storage area to the left of the Cool Room as you face the house, also built by Mr Richard Bliss? planning building permission when?
    3. The Cellar - used as a 'Man Shed' at functions and weddings - requires two exit areas for the size but only has one
    4. The marquee - falling to pieces and an eyesore, missing roof perlins - can we ask if it has an engineering certificate, and if so, given the state of disrepair of the structure, how long that certificate was valid for?
    5. The various tents semi-permanently erected for what?
    6. Brochures issued for 200 people to attend with inadequate parking areas for 200 and only a single lane entry/exit, and how many toilets are there available for that number?
    7. Pillared stone walkway - built by Mr Richard Bliss - planning/building permission when?

    That's just for starters.

    1. I believe Faversham is on the State Heritage list, therefore, they would have to be notified of any alteration to the building and presumably give their permission.

      Lets not forget, 'its not what you know, its who you know'.

      I attended a Chamber of Commerce function in the cellar you refer to, I would hate to be in there if a fire did breakout.

  2. Bet there will be a flurry of back dating of work permits, planning permissions etc. for Faversham going on down at the Shire after they read the list above.

    Does the Shire of York Administration building application/approval system operate on favouritism?

    Seems some businesses in York get hammered unmercifully and others are not touched.

    Are the Blisses related to someone in the Shire or the DLG?

    1. With Richards predisposition with coitus (Richard's word not mine), it makes you wonder if there were any other factors involved in the decision making process...?

    2. TR and Kink - those two comments combined make perfect material for a cartoon - I hope!

  3. Earlier than expected13 August 2015 at 22:44

    Ango-Saxon is a Zen Buddhism influence on 'Anglo- Saxon', you know Richard went to Bali once.
    I can't imagine why the names Dick, Dickie or Dicky would make Richard spit (whoops)!

  4. Has masturbating got anything to do with cheerleaders? It's all getting terribly confusing.

  5. Questions were asked at the last ordinary council meeting about the legitimate compliance of the York Palace Hotel. The Bliss's timing was perfect, when little Jimmy Best rocked up, they would have quite rightly thought all their Christmas's had come at once.
    Some local businesses who fully complied with laws were dragged through the State Administrative Tribunal and threatened with prosecution if they failed to succumb to the Shires unlawful demands.
    The York Palace Hotel was going to be passed regardless of whether it complied or not, Best saw to that. Best needed feathers in his cap, Richard and Nola were in the right place at the right time.

  6. Well, we drank champagne and danced all night,
    Under electric candlelight,
    She picked me up and sat me on her knee,
    And said, "Little boy won't you come home with me?"

    1. Cause he's oh, so good,
      And he's oh, so fine,
      And he's oh, so healthy,
      In his body and his mind.
      He's a well respected man about town,
      Doing the Best things so conservatively.

  7. SU1
    Convention Centre
    Exhibition Centre
    Guest House
    All uses other than existing uses shall be subject to application for the local government’s planning consent. AMD 9 GG 17/10/03

    The above lists the Town Planning Scheme special use provisions for Faversham. There is no listed use for Function Centre. So can we presume that they are actually operating outside the provisions of their planning approval? If indeed they actually have any relevant planning approval since changes to zoning don't necessarily equate to planning approval.

  8. Speaking of backdating work permits -
    The brick fence on Grey Street and the work on the Ah Foo Suite. Started with or without the relevant permits? Or with a wink and a nod mysteriously approved under an old otherwise-expired building approval with 'yes of course the work started way back when' - did the Shire verify that the work really started 'way back then' or was it a party to turning a blind eye to the facts?

  9. James Best may have had authority to make a lot of local decisions without reference to any other party - however he cannot override state building and planning laws. For example, if a building requires disabled access then it has to have disabled access. If it needs a specified number of exits then it has to have that many exits. If the building code requires so many parking spaces, then it must have so many parking spaces.

  10. Funny how the Shire pursued the Saints about parking but allows the Bliss's to regularly use one of the main street parking spaces for their mobile advertising sign (the Green Faversham bus) - how about all businesses put their signage in the car parks of the main street and see what happens.
    And lets not forget Michael Watts who parks his car outside Elders for hours on end in the main street.
    Some rules for friends and other rules for everyone else.

    1. I've noticed his vehicle parked in the CBD all day for advertising purposes, I was under the impression there was a was 1-2 hour parking restriction in place, obviously Richard has special dispensation along with his buddy Watts.

  11. The Blisses are pompous arrogant people who seem to think they are above the law.

    We know they are good friends of 'Charlatan Best', which is how they came by the $625,000 windfall at Ratepayers expense.

    Who was the Shire planner I wonder?

    Who was the building inspector - why hasn't he/she inspected Faversham House.

  12. Thanks for your kind support, David.

    To be fair to Mr Bliss - somebody has to be, who better than me? - I think he wasn't suggesting that I should beware of some unspecified threat but that others should beware of me.

    I've got no idea why he would want to say that. It's rather hurtful, but I'm no longer contemplating suicide; my friend the mafia boss Guido Benito Sirocco talked me out of it. He's promised to make Dicky an offer he can't refuse. Horse's head, anybody?

    If I were Mr Bliss, I'd be happy to be called Dick. 'Dick Bliss' sounds like an advertisement, and we all know that it pays to advertise.

  13. 'Tricky Dicky' is more appropriate - sounds Blissful don't you think.

  14. 625K of municipal funds in the bank, you would have thought the man would have at least an ounze of humility. Not Dick, he can't help himself, and what gives him the right to publicly have a go at Matthew Reid and Denese Smythe?

    Is it because they questioned Best's decision to bail them out of their financial strife, ah well, I suppose his staff will get paid now,

  15. Anonymous 16th August, 15:22
    Money does not automatically endow a person with humility, this valuable attribute is generally instilled by Parents together with integrity. Unfortunately some people miss out on both.
