Shire of York

Shire of York

Thursday 1 September 2016


YES IT DOES MATTER TO YORK- Pilbara 10- Wheatbelt 0

In November, 2013, at the height of his political power, Brendon Grylls, chose to live with his family in his Pilbara Electorate, give up his leadership of the National Party and his important ministerial portfolios. A very commendable action, the reasons for which have never been explained, nor should they be- although strong rumours abound.
Since then Mr. Grylls has thrown billions at a dream to build two North-West cities, one Pt. Hedland, the other Karratha with a combined population of 100,000.
He expected the plaudits and co-operation of the international mining giants Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton. He got neither. It is understandable, BHP in particular is known throughout the mining industry as Be Hired at your Peril. An Orwellian, ‘1984’, nightmare where its Newman sites are electronically visually monitored from Perth 24/7 and your first mistake is your last.
The Australian Securities & Investments Commission and the Western Australian Department of Commerce are now investigating the $100 million failure of the luxury Newman Estate.
Last year, Brendon Grylls, appeared on a promotional U-Tube Video for this company. Despite the fact that the mining boom was already over, Mr Grylls, clearly stated that the Pilbara cities plan should go ahead and by inference, the Newman Estate was still a viable commercial project for prospective investors. Mr. Grylls is now desperately trying to get this video removed.
What has this got to do with York? York is in a National Party held electorate, the Minister for Agriculture and Food is Liberal, Dean Nalder, a portfolio traditionally held by the Nationals and believe it or not, there is now an underlying bitter enmity within the Party.
Mr Grylls is not the Nationals Messiah- he’s just a silly boy!

A Poem for the Pilbara Prince

He leapt back out of the wild North-West
lisping loudly and beating his chest
The Nat’s had come last in its own backyard
the Pilbara Prince was taking it hard
In the Federal Election R4R had not worked
this made the Prince look a bit of a jerk
It was not just the fact of the almighty loss
even Hanson had rubbed in a pile of compost.

His shiny brown Bludstone’s made everyone wince
morphed from Nedlands’ farm boy to Pilbara Prince
In R.M Williams he was immaculately garbed
his jowls manly haired, his lisp sharply barbed
Steely eyed he was, like iron ore rust
Those evil mining giants had turned his dreams into dust
They had no truck with his political illusions
Heatstroke had caused some Princely delusions.

Stylish Pilbara Club Med, a luxury Newman Estate
the latter is now on ASIC’s plate
A sun and cyclone drenched oasis, the North-West on the go
proudly supported by Rio Tinto
Grand public conveniences from R4R grants
to BHP it was uneconomical political cant
For the mining giant mantra is ‘Fe, Fi-Fo, and Fum’
Fe means iron, Fi-Fo, fly-in and Fum means f….um.

Most of Australia think heat’s pan-fried his brain
in taking on giants there is nothing to gain
He’ll be corporate toe-jam if he goes down this track
he went north for his family, why did he come back?
The Liberal’s think that he’s gone barking mad
for his party his posturing could end up really bad

For both the Libs and the Labs the cock as thrice crowed
for Abott, Rudd and Gillard it meant the end of the road
Now another political pistol butt has a new notch
Poor Terry Redman got a huge kick in the crotch
Old Max Trenorden, was the one who first learnt
step aside for the Prince or get horribly burnt
Colin Holt was smarter, roll over play dead
I’ll give him my job and stop the kick to the head.

The R4R bullet is all that’s been fired from his gun
is there more to his resume? -the answer is none
What he’s spent on the Pilbara is like the national debt
He wants Pilbara city’s- and he’s not finished yet
His gold-tooth rat rhetoric, could see the Nats drown
Foot between lisps, he’s now considered a clown
His Newman Estate links he’s trying to hide
A $100 million loss could see some go inside

The Prince has the delusion that he’s terribly smart
most of his peers think he’s just a loud fart
The Prince has spent billions on his Pilbara scheming
to those who really know it’s been expensive wet dreaming.

1 comment:

  1. I suppose he expects us to vote for him.

    I did when he was our member, then he ignored us here in York.

    Mia took over and she ignored us as well.

    Then the Nationals shafted their leader and got rid of Redman - must be contagious amongst Politicians.

    We seem to have a generation of Politicians who only worry about getting voted back in - they don't give a dam about what is actually happening in the community.

    Can't bring myself to vote for the Nationals at the next election.
