Shire of York

Shire of York

Tuesday 19 April 2016


(Why? Has this website been contaminated with web-crawler detritus and become the Nationals own Allawuna Farm?)

In the past week a strange algorithm has appeared within the official website of the Nationals WA which implies it no longer exists as it did.

Information on the activities of the ministerial team of Terry Redman, Colin Holt and Mia Davies is no longer directly accessible on Team/.

The site is now under the control of robots.txt files that is normally put in place to prevent access by nasty search engine crawlers- which could be engineered by computer savvy, disgruntled and/or disgusted constituents.

The system includes a protocol, Robot Exclusion Standard that indicates access by certain searches which could overwhelm a particularly underwhelming political party, broad spectrum information resource.

Robot.txt files installers claim that this protocol ‘should not be used as a means to hide your web pages from Google search results’.

Even though much of the information can be accessed on other sites, this advice appears to have, so far, fallen on deaf ears with ‘The Team’.

Why and how this act of political constipation has occurred will probably remain another mystery hidden within our Westminster parliamentary system.

It could be that the community message from York, regarding the potentially devastating effects of the Allawuna Farm, Ronans, waste dump site, has led to an angry-response fuelled melt-down of the Nationals WA main cyber organ.

The contacting of 145 Councillors between Mundaring and Kalgoorlie, by a concerned York citizen, fearful of the future quality of the water supply delivered by the Goldfields pipeline, could have been the catalyst for such a website crisis.
It should be remembered that a reason given why the metropolitan area can no longer bury its waste on the coastal sand plain is that there is the potential for serious groundwater contamination in such soil conditions.

SITA makes a claim, supported by the Minister for Water, Mia Davies, that its
method of underground waste storage will not allow the leaching of contaminates.

Given this, there is no reason why waste disposal sites cannot still be developed on the coastal plain, other than the fact that the powerful Perth
electoral lobby does not want them there. (The result is called political self-preservation.)

Notwithstanding, maybe the disparity between what is good for them (Perth) and what is good for the rest of us could be finally striking a sympathetic chord?

It could also be because of the unravelling of Royalties for Regions myth, with nothing really having changed for the better in the bush since 2008? Or maybe it is because the Nationals WA can no longer afford to pay their internet service provider or their webmaster?

David Taylor.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe the people from the bush finally found out the risk to their water was a strong possibility. Wonder if they inundated the 'Water Princess' and her 'boss' with demands they both have a strong chat with the Environment Minister. Seems thats who MIA is blaming.

    We all know Gov. standards are slipping in the common sense department, seems it has now started slipping in the political protocol department as well.

    The 'Water Princess' was miffed because Col's Treasurer forgot his manners and rocked up in Northam without following due process.
