Shire of York

Shire of York

Sunday 17 April 2016

A BIG TWIT AND FACEBOOK FACIALS (From MAMAMIA, your much-loved Member)

Recently, Mia Davies responded to a well- crafted, well researched letter regarding SITA’S Allawuna Farm tip. Her response was farcical, placing the problem squarely on everyone else’s shoulders but hers.

David Taylor.

                                              A BIG TWIT AND FACEBOOK FACIALS
                                         (From MAMAMIA, your much-loved Member)

Yo Central Weetbix Kids

I read that ‘The Real Voice of York’ bloggy thing that I like to call ‘The fading Echo of York’.

I’m so angry that I’ve had to write a letter to answer some pertinent, impertinent questions about me and that cash-cow SITA.

In fact I had to show off my awesome Oracle. Now don’t be grubby, my Oracle allows me to answer impertinent questions with total ambiguity, meaning my answers could be meaning anything.

Like ‘the rain, the drought, will conquer’, meaning you’ll either need a bigger umbrella or you’ll be sucking dirt through a straw.

It also allows me to be like Pontius Pilot, there’s nothing I can do and I wash my hands of York’s 
problems, in bottled water.

I do keep being constantly constant in my slightly peeved attitude towards a few rather small, and not really all that smelly trucks, driving up and down the Great Southern Highway.

Now I’ve had a lightbulb moment.

Why don’t we call it SITIP ROAD and divert all York traffic through Northam, Beverley and Brookton? Problem solved Hey!

What you don’t appear to understand is that I’m the Minister for Water, that CO2 stuff.

When and if it falls from the sky, it’s the Bureau of Meteorology’s problem. When it hits the ground it’s the Minister for the Environments problem. That’s young Alby Jacob, who used to chop down trees for a living.

Then there’s Watercorp, Waterwise and all those others with their ‘trotters in the trough’ but who truly-ruly care. (Agencies such as DPAW, DoH, MRA, DePox, FiB and WGAF.)

I suppose you could say my department, not me, does some analysis on why you can dig big holes in water catchment area and fill it with sh*t.

My agency is for referrals only and makes no decisions. I say it handles everything with ‘rigour’. Others claim it’s more like rigor-mortis. (Yes, we do have some spectacular nose-picking competitions at lunchtime.)

My agency’s expert analysis is done on a ‘who pays wins’ basis. There’s no such thing as an independent expert in politics.

Some of you may think what Mamamia actually does for a living. (That’s why I don’t like a lot of you.)

I’m also the Minister for Sport and Forests. So I spend a lot of my time making shore? (bloody check spell) sure that WA sporting clubs are issued with lots of permits to hold ‘Chook Raffles’ and there’s plenty of wood to make paper for the tickets.

Recently some sporting club members refused to jump into the Swan River, off Elizabeth Quay,
because of matters-‘faecal’.

The only had to swim 400 metres.

All I have to say to them is ‘Suck it up princes and princesses’, raw sewage up the nostrils cleans out the sinuses. Obviously their Chook Raffle ticket allocation will be cut off.


1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't waste a phone call on MIA.
    If the Minister for Water has no power to protect our States Water catchment, why the hell is there a portfolio for it.

    Can someone tell us what her role is?
    Why is she paid so much money if she can't do anything?
