Shire of York

Shire of York

Tuesday 15 March 2016


On March 9, 2016, a letter titled, St. Ronan’s Wellness, addressed to the Leader of the Nationals, Terry Redman was published on this blogsite.

On March 10, 2016, there was a response from the, Hon. Mia Davies, regarding the content of this letter in a press release published on her official website.

Is this a coincidence, or a political exercise in reacting with alacrity for self –preservation? That decision is up to the reader. It certainly suggests that, like many of her kind, Ms. Davies is openly and deliberately reactive rather than positively proactive.

Ms. Davies neglects to mention the location of the SITA site other than it is 18 kilometres from York. She did not wish to nominate the location as being St. Ronan’s with its historic and emotive connotations.

Ms. Davies filial reaction as the Member representing York was just disappointment, nothing more positive than that.

Her objections were with regard to the adverse road conditions of The Great Southern Highway and the lack of support for the project within the York community, with nothing much more to add.

Ms. Davies could stop this farce today be declaring , as Minister for Water, in the best interest of the State of Western Australia, that because of the serious effect of climate change on annual rainfall, she is not prepared to allow a waste management refuse site to be located in the vicinity of any known fresh water catchment area.

That decree would be applauded by everyone, but she will not do it!

The reporter for The Avon Valley Advocate, Mr. Timothy Williams ( ) is aware of what is going on and should be questioning Ms. Davies and reporting on this deadly serious environment issue. If he does not, then his newspapers’ support of a local community within its circulation area, and its relevance as a committed local newspaper, is in question,

A reporter for The Sunday Times and Perth Now, Mr. Peter Law ( ) is also fully aware of the SITA saga. The relevance of both his print and online publications to its readership in regional communities, considering its hard-copy newspapers’ purchase price, is directly related to its coverage of regional issues such as SITA. No coverage, then no purchase and no circulation!

Mr David Templeman ( ) is the Shadow Minister for the Wheatbelt and Heritage. Mr David Kelly ( is the Shadow Minister for Water. The relevance of these two opposition spokesman to Rural, Regional and Remote Western Australia hinges on their actions regarding issues such as SITA and St. Ronan’s. Their future political fortunes may rest on their performance now!

Last but not least, the Hon Terry Redman, the Leader of the National Party (WA)  should make himself aware that the SITA issue will be a major distraction to his party’s campaign prior to the forthcoming election and every reasonable attempt will be made for this issue to adversely affect, Mia Davies, chances of re-election in 2017.

David Taylor.

                                               TWITS from MIA’s TWITTER ACCOUNT

                                (including some good stuff from my In-Your- Facebook)

Hi Constituents,

There’s one year to go until the next State Election so I have to tell you I’ve been a very busy girl.

Perth is so vibrant, so sassy, so in-your-face, so me-so to speak.  Yet sometimes I feel that I should relax and visit the Central Wheatbelt more often.

It’s so quiet up there, not too many people to worry about. That’s even if your worries should be my worries, which they’re not.

Sometimes I feel I should invite you all to my place, Parliament House. I’d feel much safer if you had to drive to see me.

I know our roads are not that flash, but that’s not my Ministerial problem. (My COS has just said ‘don’t mention those wooden crosses- says that’s a ‘shush’ and a no-no’.)

And Terry, that’s my boss, Terry Redman, says he won’t use Royalties for Regions funds to fix rural roads because it’s Main Roads’ and the drivers fault.

I’m not sure if he means it’s the drivers fault for daring to drive on our sh*t roads, or he thinks most were sh*tfaced.

I try to forget that Royalties for Regions money was used to build a Tavern in York. Thank the Lord it’s hardly ever open.

So guys, the ones I like to call my Central Weetbix family, what have I been up to on your behalf?

I must tell you I’ve been soooooo busy my ankles are swollen from spoiling you, my voters.

Firstly I’ve been helping out in the Southern Forests with a whole of region approach to water security. Ooops! Sorry that’s nothing to do with you.

Oh here’s one. Now I’ll dazzle you with all the cash I’m throwing in your direction. Its $7 billion, yes $70 million, do you believe that?

Well not really. Its $7 million for 31 projects throughout the state, with 14 in regional areas, and only one in Central Wheatbelt.

It’s actually just $95,000 for the new Kellerberrin Skate Park where the whole family, including granny, can go along, have fun, and ’break a leg’ so to speak. Yes, I do realize that $95,000 is not much more than 1 per cent of $7 million, but there is wheelchair access.

It is for your own good. My electorate is renowned for my electors being overweight, obese, actually downright fatsos. So go ahead my middle-aged little piggies, use it in good health because there’s no money for hospital or primary healthcare upgrades.

Just think of me as ‘Nurse Mia’, your fat busting, Health Care Professional Parliamentarian.

Now here’s a good one, it’s my Nicky Winmar Carnival for Future AFL (Indigenous) Stars. We all know Nicky is a Wheatbelt boy, born in Pingelly and our region should honour him and all our other famous Indigenous players.

We did, it was held at Bendigo Bank Stadium, Mandurah, so no-one had to travel up crap inland rural roads.

Recently I was in Merredin, Oh-silly me, Geraldton, looking to see how to use water to support growth and diversification in horticulture to create new economic opportunities in the Mid-West.

This may flow-on (a Waterwise pun-‘giggle’) to the Central Wheatbelt sometime in the future.

Speaking of water, did you all get my free Waterwise showerheads in Beverley, Kellerberrin, Merredin, Mukinbudin, Narembeen, Northam, Wongan-Ballidu and Yilgarn? They make it so much easier to shower with your pants on and still save water.

Did I forget someone, maybe York? That’s understandable; it is the nearest town to the end of the alphabet other than Zanthus. Oh, I’ve just been told Zanthus doesn’t exist anymore, sort of like what’s coming to the rest of regional WA. (Yilgarn has got an ‘I’ in it.)

You all know I can be a little sneaky; otherwise I wouldn’t be a politician. What I say is ‘the Wheatbelt to get this’,’ the Wheatbelt to get that’, when in reality it is getting next to bugger-all.

My latest is “Royalties for Regions funding revitalises Wheatbelt pools’’ which means 94 pools outside the metropolitan area, not just the few in the Wheatbelt. Just you be grateful that you’re actually getting anything at all.

No! ‘Pools’ doesn’t mean natural pools like St. Ronan’s Well, it’s those real swimming pools that you all wee in. As Minister for Water I’ve been thinking of making weeing in public swimming pools a criminal offense and I am presenting my Criminal Code Amendment (Prevention of Unlawful Urination Activity) Bill along with the lock-up an environmental protester bill to Parliament as soon as possible.

Some of you think water just falls from the sky! It does, but not much these days. Hopefully we won’t run out of this precious CO2 stuff before the next election and I can claim that Wheatbelt pools are wee-free.

Unfortunately, I thought of ‘Mad Max’ Trenorden the other day. The press used to call him the ‘Old Nationals Warhorse’. Some people think Brendy and I thought he was the ‘old carthorse’ that needed to be politically euthanized. Yes we did- and so we did!

Firstly, in 2008, we told him to go and sit on his thumbs in the ‘Upper House’ so he couldn’t interfere with Brendy winning the seat of Central Wheatbelt

Then, in 2013, we unceremoniously kicked him out of the National Party!

Max said we thought he was bad for the party because we were creating a new youthful image without those with hair in their ears and 26-years of political experience.

He reckoned as the party’s campaign director I was a major player in sending him to the knacker’s yard. Nor was he happy with Brendy who he claimed hung him out to dry.

Tut, tut, that is so picky Maxy

Some say that Max was a major instigator of Bendigo Bank coming to WA after most of the big banks packed up and left the Wheatbelt, and that he was a major reason for the Avon Link.

He also wanted to make Northam an Excellence in Educational Hub by combining the resources of Northam Senior High School, St. Joseph’s Convent and Muresk Agricultural College, make Merredin an inland Agricultural Transport Hub, and York a major equine facility for equestrian and racehorse training and events.

Everyone knows he refused to accept Perth’s refuse at Grass Valley, while I can’t wait to smell Nedlands’ rancid caviar residue at St. Ronan’s. in the morning. That’s an ‘Apocalypse Now’ joke for an apocalyptic project.

Anyhow Max ideas are so passé, nothing like the new National Party agenda.

Now the Australian Sports Foundation Chairman, Mark Stockwell, has had the audacity to say sport funding in WA is in the ‘Dark Ages’ of sausage sizzles and chook raffles.

As Minister for Sport I love sausage sizzles even if burnt sausages can be carcinogenic. I rely on that old sporting cliché ‘no-pain, no-gain’.
I remind Mr. Stockwell that we’re spending $1.5billion on a new sport stadium, so of course me and my government is funding sport less and less.

9041 1702 (MERREDIN OFFICE) 9622 2871 (NORTHAM OFFICE) or

And don’t forget to get in early to register for the pleasure of handing out my ‘How to Vote’ cards next polling day.


  1. She deserve it!
    Mia has the opportunity as Minister for Water to stop the stupidity.
    Seems all those who have the power to step in have adopted the attitude 'it won't impact on the water I drink', giving no thought to the future generations who will be sourcing their drinking water from the Mundaring Catchment.

    Great work David.

    With all the horrible things York has been dealt recently it was good to get a laugh - loved the TWITS from MIA’s TWITTER ACCOUNT

  2. The wheatbelt is over the big hill, the water pipe from Mundaring to Kalgoorlie supplies water to what Barnett and his Ministers consider un-important voters!
