Shire of York

Shire of York

Thursday 10 March 2016

Did any of the 'visionary' disciples see this one coming?

To envision something  - to imagine what a situation will be like in the future, especially a situation you intend to work towards, for example; the pork barrel purchase of 'Chalkies'.

Evidently, it was the vision of James Best and Graeme Simpson to purchase 'Chalkies' way before the most loyal of sycophants knew anything about it (other than Mickey and Dickey).
More coming soon


  1. Brilliant investigating - well done to who ever managed to obtain this document.

    Un bloody believable.

    This HAS to go the CCC

  2. So we know Best was a liar and Simpson was, well, Simpson, but now we know the sellers are liars as well.

  3. Mr. Blogmaster you would publish the language I have just been using, so I will settle for the following.

    CCC inquiry into the Shire of York is a must and needs to include all contracts signed during the last two decades! Will be sleepless nights for all those involved as more is released on this dirty deal.

    Even more sleepless nights for those involved in deals over the last two decades if we get a CCC inquiry because the CCC can access personal bank records and track spending.

  4. I calculate that to be 12 weeks before the July 2 meeting. So why have the meeting at all, so it looked legitimate!

    Everyone who attended the meeting wasted their time, if memory serves me right the police were present, which doesn't surprise me as James Best and Graeme Simpson knew exactly what they were doing, they were more worried about getting found out before the deal was done.

    Never trust a bankrupt Real Estate Agent, you'll walk away much poorer.

    There was no public consultation over this transaction, its obvious the decision was pre-determined, James Best was in no fit state of mind to listen to any contrary argument, yet the Department continue to ignore the real criminals.

    If I didn't know better, and I don't, I'd say the purchase of Chalkies and renewing Cochrane's contract was some sick perverted form of punishment on the ratepayers of York for not worshiping James Best.

    I very much doubt the CCC will do anything because of one document, I suspect many more documents exist and will surface in the fullness of time. Besides the CCC are too busy taking care of its own poor housekeeping.

    You can be sure that Best and Simpson weren't the only people to know about the deal, Tabatha, Gail and Tyshca must have known, exactly who are they loyal to, not the public!

    If the deal was a foregone conclusion and James Best was not open to any persuasion , then the decision was a bias one, so theoretically should be judicially tested, it certainly appears that the decision would have been the same regardless of the number of people who attended the meeting on 2 July.

    1. I was there at the special council meeting Mike Gill was one of the first to ask questions, he told James Best the place should be condemned.If an engineer says its condemned what sort of an idiot then goes ahead and buys it? An idiot like James Best. Don't forget Paul West's part in all this and his swift exit after the deal was done. Paul West had a very dubious history at the new med centre in Northam, he was sacked for financial anomalies. York's a magnet for corruption, Paul Martin will need seriously wide shoulders.

    2. It appears we are up against questionable people who get called in by their mates, who have previously infiltrated the Local Government system. Together they create even more havoc in our community, receive huge $$$ and leave!

      The world has truly gone made.

  5. Thank you to all the brave people who work so hard to keep the Blogs going. You have provided a platform for the tables to be turned on the corruption in York and have given people back their power.

    Those attending the July 2nd Shire Circus at the wreck centre knew something was not going to be good for us given Visionary James was too scared to face the people of York without a massive private security contingent.

    Visionary James arrived late as usual, surrounded by his hired Northbridge? heavies and a bunch of secret service 'men in black'.

    The uniformed Police - attempting to be inconspicuous up the back - were clearly embarrassed and said they had better things to do than attend the meeting because yet another truck roll over was blocking the Lakes/York Road.

    If it had not been so serious for Ratepayers, it would have been a crack up comedy night! Half the DLGC senior staff were there. Some had wives, hoping to blend better amongst concerned residents - or so they thought. Silly buggers had no idea people in York recognised them, even with their winter coat collars turned up and beanies pulled down over their precious ears!

    Time for James Best , the Blisses and the DLGC to be investigated by the CCC.

    1. The men in black were Neil Douglas second in command at McLeods lawyers, Jonathan Throssell CEO Mundaring, Jenni Law DLGC and another 3-4 unknowns. Your right, it would have been bloody funny if it wasn't so serious. You mentioned blogs plural, is there another?

  6. Graham - I trust the Blog master will be kind enough to post this for you.

    Why was the CEO of Mundaring at a Shire of York Council meeting?

  7. On the night, when it became apparent to Throssell and posse that they had been asked to attend as part of the Best charade of solidity, it backfired.
    On that fateful evening, before Best entered the YRCC, his invited guests attempted to talk him out of making the decision to purchase Chalkies. Neil Douglas was allegedly furious that he and McLeods had been dragged in.
    However, Neil Douglas's attendance at the meeting, ostensibly as part of the invited decision making committee is interesting, as not long after, Mr Denis McLeod and his boutique firm of shysters were advising Graeme Simpson on matters relating to the purchase.
    Maybe I'm paranoid, but isn't that an incy wincy conflict of interest for his firm?
    Thanks for the link Anonymous 11 March 2016 at 00:51, I did visit but found it bitchy and uninformative for my palate.

    1. How do you know this, are you privileged?

    2. Yes, all you need to do is curry flavour with the right people. I've bhuna round a bit.

    3. Prefer the straight truth14 March 2016 at 06:11

      Graham Masala14 March 2016 at 03:59 I would rather remain under-priveleged than lower myself to mix with those on the dark side.

    4. I don't agree with your logic 'Prefer the straight truth - 14 March 2016 at 06:11', you instantly assume Graham Masala has been blending with the dark side. That would have been a rather a spicy mix but I think the heat left your so called 'dark side' some time ago only to leave us with an insipid watered down version that are pitta-ful. Cumin to the present day - the madras cals on council are getting it right and pushing us in the raita direction.

    5. Have those insipid watered versions left town? Randell is still floating in an out on the tide. The others are conspicuous by their absence.

      Expect they will attempt to rub shoulders with the new CEO in an attempt to win his favours.

  8. I ask the same question as Vin D Loo. How do you know all this information Graham Masala. You sure seem know a lot more than the average person attending that meeting.
    Both blogs provide a great service for the people of York.

      5 . CEO’s duties as to financial management
      (1) Efficient systems and procedures are to be established by the CEO of a local government —
      (e) to ensure proper authorisation for the incurring of liabilities and the making of payments;

      Graeme Simpson didn't get authority to make an offer on the property until 18 June 2015. So what authority did he have to make the offer?

  9. Oh dear me, don't tell me the smart arse James best made a fundamental legal stuff up.

    Hope the Blisses haven't spent too much of the $650,000.

    1. Whats this got to do with the Bliss's? They haven't done anything wrong, unless in your world, its illegal to sell a building to a local authority.
      As much as you obviously dislike the Bliss's that doesn't mean they've done anything untoward.
      PS it was 625k

    2. No one said the Blisses did anything wrong!

  10. The self promoted guru ex Mayor from South Perth and 'blessed by Minister Simpson' Commissioner Best should have known this detail. It begs the question - exactly how qualified and knowledgeable of the LG Act were those involved?

    How involved were Senior Staff in this deal? DCEO Cochrane must know the LG Act word for word so she can carry out duties if she relieves the CEO. How come she didn't pick up this fundamental error? Perhaps she was too pre-occupied with other things, like weeping on Best's shoulder to convince him to renew her contract.

  11. Minister Simpson should issue Best and Senior Staff with a Show Cause Notice.

    Pat would be only too happy to write a Minority Report if he is asked nicely.

  12. I'd rather no-one ever showed us this man's visage again.

  13. It was a happy and joyous occasion yesterday, the community workshops were fantastic with hundreds of great ideas, its a great shame the concept of community engagement hasn't been thought of before, well done council.
