Shire of York

Shire of York

Thursday 19 May 2016



                                                          ‘ ROADS’ TO DISASTER’
                   The Shire of York Administration’s failed Road Maintenance Program

It is mooted that the current Shire of York Council will oversee a review of the Shire of York Administration’s maintenance and development program regarding all roads under its jurisdiction. This, hopefully, will be part of its 2016 Major Strategic Review which, when completed, should be released, in in its entirety, for public comment. This should be by no later than June 30, 2016.

Based on documented evidence and visual observation of the current standard of some local roads the prognosis for any review is that it will include a damning indictment of the performance of the Shire of York Administration directly referring to all aspects of its Road Maintenance Program over an entirely unacceptably period of time.(Since 2011 to be exact.)

Therefore any worthwhile ‘Review’ should include (but not be limited to):-
the forensic examination of any diversion of State and, possibly, Federal Local Government Road Funding (and other grants) by the Shire of York Administration to other projects, in particular the York Recreation and Convention Centre that was to the financial detriment of the Road Maintenance Program.


(a) causing Shire roads not to meet acceptable, mandatory regulation standards


b) causing adverse road conditions that could experientially increase the risk of serious vehicle accidents.  (In addition this should include a pertinent investigating into any risk of the Shire of York Administration’s exposure to compensation claims from death and serious injury through any failure in any obligatory duty-of-care requirement to ensure its roads meet sufficient safety standards for all road-users and usage.)

That the Shire of York Administration should demonstrate to the York community that it has, or will have the financial capability and capacity to:-

i)   restore!

ii)  improve!


iii) then- adequately maintain:-
all roads under its jurisdiction in the short, medium and long term.
That the Shire of York Administration should aver to the York community it will employee

a) a Roadworks  Manager/Supervisor


b) complimentary road maintenance staff with fully documented qualifications and experience in road construction and maintenance of rural and regional roads in full compliance with all mandatory procedures and standards for all such road development, construction and maintenance


c) engage highly reputable licenced contractors to provide the same services.


The Shire of York Council should avow to all ratepayers and the entire York community that is ultimately responsible for the quality of all roads listed as being under the jurisdiction of the Shire of York Administration and as such warrants that:-

all such roads will be restored to all required standards by no later than June 30, 2017.

The Shire of York Council should warrant that all rate valuations on all commercial and domestic properties (including agricultural lands) within its Local Government Area will not be increased and remain as per the rate assessments for the 2015 -2016 Financial Year until July 1, 2017.

The Shire of York Council should warrant that all rate valuations on all commercial and domestic properties (including agricultural lands) within its Local Government Area for the 2017-2018 Financial Year will not exceed the annual rate of inflation registered in the 2016-2017 Financial Year.

The Shire of York Council should acknowledge its past inability to properly and adequately exercise its designated authority over the Shire of York Council Administration with particular regard to an adequate Road Maintenance Program and assures its ratepayers that local policy strictures have been put in place to prevent such an occurrence in future.

The Shire of York Council declares it will ,and will publically be seen to be, taking control of all pertinent Shire of York, Local Government Area affairs as of July 1, 2016 in the best interest of its ratepayers and the general community.

The reason for this, with particular emphasis on the Road Maintenance Program is that the Shire of York Administration is responsible for the following:-

a) continuous systemic and endemic failings in the design, construction and maintenance of its road system and related structures for a period of no less than five (5) years
b)absolutely no measurement of the safety condition of its road system and related structures for any known period of time


c) a sixty (60) % shortfall in available funding to maintain its road system and related structures in
    their current condition.

David Taylor.


  1. Terific. Quality management in this field may be long overdue and much needed.I will look forward to better roads. However it sounds like sound management of the finances is at least as much important. Teamwork folks.Teamwork that must extend between management and road construction workers.The shire has an experienced road crew. Positive leadership.and support through information sharing and equipment and materials is what seems to have been lacking.

  2. Sorry Junior but as the saying goes you can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear.
    The current experienced crew have been experienced in building sub standard roads and have resisted all attempts to train or improve skills. Enough bullshit employ some decent people who care about this community.
    As far as leadership is concerned how on earth does a works manager get employed if he knows nothing about roads, what sort of fool does the hiring and firing in this shire.

    Thanks for the article David i look forward to the review, had the Fitzgerald report been dealt with this issue would have been on the table 2 years ago, the local consultant engineer spent 3 hours giving evidence to Mike and Matthew, he was arrested on bogus charges 1 hour after leaving the interview and then spent 18 months and a small fortune clearing his name, oh how the powefull men in this town hate anybody with brains.

    1. I've just driven from York to kalbari and can tell you that even the gravel roads in York are in better condition then most of the sealed roads lve just traveled including the brand hwy.considering the depots skeleton crew is even smaller now then when hooper was here and he bragged about how small a works crew he could get away with

    2. hooper may have reduced the works crew. In the mean time he split administration responsibilities into two or three positions so he could employ more people. He craved being surrounded by incompetent, unqualified people who would be grateful for their job.

  3. Good article David.

    Anonymous21 May 2016 at 16:55 - unfortunately everyone knows who the fool was who employed fellow fools to pad out the staff and that is why we are in the mess we are in.
    At least one fool left, got the boot at the end of the three month probation in his new job and came back to a newly created position.

    Sadly the Consultant Engineer is another casualty of the Hooper, Boyle, Duper fiasco and York residents should be ashamed they did not stand up and support all those targeted by the Shire of York.

    My Mother taught us: If you witness something bad happening and do nothing, you are as guilty as the perpetrator.

    The majority of York stood by and observed and that is something those who were hurt will never forget.

    I hope the new CEO realises he has sub standard and mostly unqualified staff rowing the leaking overcrowded boat.

  4. Am I reading this correctly, or is this a joke?
    [The Shire of York Council declares it will ,and will publically be seen to be, taking control of all pertinent Shire of York, Local Government Area affairs as of July 1, 2016 in the best interest of its ratepayers and the general community.]

    We've been waiting over fourteen years for Councillors to stand up for the best interests of the Ratepayers and all we've got are increased Rates, increased numbers of friends and relatives employed, bullied residents, threats of strikes because we asked for random drug and alcohol testing, rudeness from senior staff, conference and credit card cost blow outs.

    Why are they waiting till July, 1? Will some miracle happen then? Will the councillors (other than Cr. Saint and Walters) discover they have a voice?

  5. I suspect the CEO is prepared to put his good name behind everything that happens from July 1st as it is a fresh financial year. I don't blame him and that's fairly standard.

  6. yeah, well I am not happy to read the rates are going up again in the Agenda.
    We were promised the rates would not go up after screwing us for two years in a row, then told the current council did not make that commitment so we cannot expect them to keep it.
    Ok, if thats the case -Councillors Boyle, Hooper and Duperouzel buried the Fitzgerald report right?
    Well, you lot can now open up the file and deal with it because you don't have to keep the commitments made by the previous Council!

  7. There would be no need to put rate's up if all new projects we're put off for at least one year. The shire could use the time to take stock, learn what's going right and what's wrong. It is a relatively new council and new CEO to York.Get to know your way around,do it right. The majority are behind you.No need for quick fixes.No need for extortionatley high rate's.

    1. We're already 10 yrs behind Toodyay and Northam Junior thanks to Boyle and Hooper. The time to start is now.

      I'm not happy to pay more rates either but for 10+yrs our rates have been squandered on useless assets, consultants, legal fees and a mostly useless workforce.

      What astounds me is that clubs keep appointing Boyle and Hooper Chair. I have to wonder which part these clubs refuse to accept - that these blokes are useless stategists or that they are proven liars.

      Maybe its just a case of the clubs get what they need from the Administration because of the influence these blokes still hold.

    2. Bill, Boyle and Hooper are spent, empty shells, dried excrement they're nobodies, Hooper is the President of the Bowls club by default, he bullied his way in. Boyle is a committee member on the Race Club with Watt, so you can be sure there's something in it for them. Remember how many boards Boyle was on and how much he used to brag on about it, how many boards does he sit on now, how often do you see his wife lording it around town like she did in the old days?
      Things have changed, what ever happens in the future is up the the electorate, it was the electorate who voted in the likes of Hooper and Boyle, hopefully they might understand how important it is to vote for the right people.

    3. Bill24 May 2016 at 16:35
      If the rumours in town are true, any influence Boyle, Hooper, Lawrence, Duperouzel and the ex CEO had with the Administration has just come to a grinding halt.

    4. Took a while but we finally got there in the end!

      KARMA is rarely witnessed.

  8. I agree with Junior. It makes sense to take time to assess things.
    I am sure the new CEO is also assessing the Staff he has inherited.
    He seems a switched on chap and I doubt he will tolerate being surrounded by sub standard employees.

    I would be surprised if he had not read the two blogs and figured things out for himself.
    I know many criticise the blogs because they feel it has given York a bad name - to those people I say:
    The blogs would not have been necessary if you had stood up and stopped the disgraceful behaviour of Hooper, Boyle, P. Hooper, Duperouzel, Randell, Scott, Lawrence and senior staff who used their positions to bully residents and in one case destroyed a bloody good business!

    One thing is for certain, while we have the blogs those who bullied residents will never get away with anything again.

    1. Anonymous 24/5 17:48 - As York's other blogger, I'm grateful for your defence of the blogs. Like you, I challenge the silly assumption that we've given York a bad name. What we've done is point the finger at mismanagement of Shire affairs by people who were either elected or paid to serve and promote community interests, not to puff up their social importance or feather their own nests at the community's expense. Those are the people who've sullied the town's reputation, not us.

  9. Tom24 May 2016 at 17:58 - Thanks for your accurate and vivid description of Tony Boyle and Pat Hooper. We will all have to check our shoes before leaving the CBD in case we inadvertently step on them!
