Shire of York

Shire of York

Sunday 28 December 2014


Western Australian Information Commissioner

You are here:  [2014] WAICmr 24

WALTERS and Shire of York, Re [2014] WAICmr 24 (22 December 2014)

Last Updated: 23 December 2014

Decision D0242014 – Published in note form only

Re Walters and Shire of York [2014] WAICmr 24

Date of Decision: 22 December 2014

Freedom of Information Act 1992: section 6; Glossary

On 8 August 2013, Ms Patricia Walters (the complainant) applied to the Shire of York (the agency) under the Freedom of Information Act 1992 (the FOI Act) for access to certain financial records relating to the Forrest Oval Recreation and Convention Centre in York.

By notice of decision dated 25 September 2013, the agency decided that the information requested by the complainant was publicly available and therefore, pursuant to section 6 of the FOI Act, was not subject to the access procedures in the FOI Act. In effect, the agency refused to deal with the complainant’s access application (the access application). As the then Chief Executive Officer made the decision, internal review was not available to the complainant. On 16 November 2013, the complainant applied to the Information Commissioner (the Commissioner) for external review of the agency’s decision.

Following receipt of the complaint, the Commissioner obtained the FOI file maintained by the agency in respect of the access application. The Commissioner decided to deal with the matter in the first instance by requesting that the parties attend a conciliation conference. However, the matter was not resolved at that conference.

The Commissioner’s office made further inquiries with the agency with respect to the records that the agency holds within the scope of the access application, including inquiries about the agency’s databases. The agency maintained that the information requested by the applicant was available in minutes, agendas and reports of the Council that are available on its website.

Section 6 of the FOI Act provides that the access procedures set out in the FOI Act do not apply to documents that are available to the public, either for purchase or free distribution. The Commissioner considers that the fact that some information contained in a document may be available publicly, or on public record elsewhere, does not mean that section 6 of the FOI Act applies to that document. This is because section 10(1) of the FOI Act provides a right of access to documents rather than information and section 6 applies to documents that are publicly available, rather than information which is publicly available (see also Re Kolo and Department of Land Administration [1994] WAICmr 2 and Re Collins and Ministry for Planning [1996] WAICmr 39).
The Commissioner provided the parties with a letter setting out his preliminary view of the complaint. The Commissioner considered that the information stored in the agency’s databases came within the scope of the complainant’s access application and that the databases were documents as defined in the Glossary to the FOI Act. The Commissioner was also satisfied that the databases themselves were not available to the public, either for purchase or free distribution. Accordingly, it was the Commissioner’s preliminary view, based on the information before him, that the agency’s decision to, in effect, refuse to deal with the access application under section 6 of the FOI Act was not justified because not all of the requested documents were publicly available.
The Commissioner invited the agency to reconsider whether it wished to maintain its position or to make further submissions. The agency made further submissions. However, those submissions did not address whether or not section 6 of the FOI Act applied to all of the documents within the scope of the access application.

The Commissioner reviewed all of the information before him, including the agency’s further submissions, and was not dissuaded from his preliminary view. Accordingly, the Commissioner set aside the agency’s decision to, in effect, refuse to deal with the complainant’s access application. In substitution, the Commissioner found that section 6 of the FOI Act did not apply to all of the requested documents and the agency was required to deal with the access application in accordance with Part 2 of the FOI Act.



  1. Good old Gail, secretive to the last. Very interesting that someone has already pointed out that Gail Maziuk was the projects officer during the construction of the abortion of a recreation center. What qualifications does Mrs Maziuk have to project manage a multimillion dollar project in the first place? But then to refuse access to records relating to the project, just who does she think she is? Because records for the actual cost of the project have not been made available the only conclusion is that corruption has taken place. To deny members of the public the ability to scrutinize the procurement process leaves the door wide open for corruption. A recent example of this is where a contract for $160,000.00 was awarded with no tender process followed, jobs for the boys, you scratch my back and I'll fit a brand new hot water system for you...??? Who knows what goes on, that is exactly the point, NO ONE DOES, only those involved.
    Anyone who has dared to question the financials has been labeled, naysayers, trouble makers, shit stirrers, cohorts, acolytes, perpetual agitators etc etc.
    The people of York need to wake up and understand that their money is being squandered, stolen and mismanaged, by doing nothing you are condoning this behaviour.
    Does anyone know for sure how much the recreation centre has cost to date?

    1. Gail Maziuk has not woken up that she no longer has Ray Hooper to protect her. She has to face the consequences of all of her stuff ups on her own.
      How Gail ever honestly believed she was capable of being a Project Manager for the REC centre is anyones guess. Now we have seen the problems surfacing, it shows just how incompetent she was for the position.

      Bet Gail could not see RH used her. He only gave her the fancy title as a buffer to protect himself from the flack when the problems surfaced. Sinks holes in the bowling greens, shower/toilet drain pipes beneath the building set at the wrong angle and the list goes on.
      Suggest Gail follows Ray Hooper - resign!

  2. I do hope Ray Hooper is being informed of what's going on, or to be more accurate what's being uncovered. I'm sure he still has one or two informants inside and outside the administration office.
    Much of this fiasco will be put down to 'clerical errors', 'typo's' and honest mistakes, my question would be; how many clerical errors, typo's and mistakes equals corruption?

    1. How many typo's and mistakes equals corruption? Ten years worth

    2. While in Chittering Ray Hooper surrounded himself with hand chosen staff (mainly women) with very low self esteem and used them as his stooges. He promoted them into positions they were incapable of handling.
      Those women are still remembered and detested by residents of Chittering.

  3. Never was much good at proverbs, idioms and phrases but I do know....
    Anger and hate hinder good counsel.
    It is better to stay silent and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.
    Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.
    If you dig a hole for someone else, you'll fall into it.
    As you go through life, make this your goal, watch the doughnut and not the hole.
    The squeaky wheel gets the grease and, He who laughs last, laughs longest!

  4. I so love these instances quoted the above; viz:
    Anger and hate hinder good counsel.
    It is better to stay silent and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt. (In fact, if you keep your mouth shut, someone might even think you are wise.)
    Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.
    These aphorisms are absolutely true. The third one is so true that the facts ignored will wear a hole in the psyche, the social fabric, and people's individual and collective wellbeing.

  5. If CEO (in York) meant 'Credit Expenditure Opportunist' it explains why we finished up with an ex bulldozer/grader operator instead of a qualified Local Government Chief Executive officer.

  6. What a wonderful 'Uncle Ray' story. The author has a great sense of humour.

    Congratulations Ray you have gone down in West Australian History - The Information Commissioner believes YOU WERE WRONG.
    Wonder if Minister Simpson will now believe the people of York WERE RIGHT!

    1. Worse than 'wrong', reading between the lines the Commissioner is saying he's a bloody liar!

    2. Couldn't have put it better.

      Question for Minister Simpson: How much more evidence do you require before you carry out (1) An independent investigation into your own department as to how they mishandled complaints from York (2) A Forensic Financial Audit for York for the the past 10 years (3) Provide full costing and contract details for the Recreation centre in York.

  7. Gail Maziuk was project officer - finance officer - FOI officer - senior admin officer during the procurement and construction stages for the York Recreation and Convention Center. Why can't she inform the community how much the project cost? Why is she so secretive? Has she benefited in some way during the process? These questions need to be answered if they are not answered, then the public can only assume she is on the take!

  8. Is anyone going to pursue this and attempt to find out how much the project actually cost.?

  9. Another FOI may be the way to go - Gail surely cannot stuff again, or can she?

  10. In August 2013 I lodged an FOI application for documentation on the Recreation Centre, paid the $30 fee and was given a receipt.
    The Project Manager, Gail Maziuk tried hard to get me to return the receipt because Ms. Mazuik did not want to process the application.
    In December 2014 the Information Commissioner handed down his decision on my application (see this blog site).
    Is the $2.5M in the Annual Budget the annual cost to maintain and replace the Recreation Centre and facilities for the next 40 years = $100M?
    The Project Manager should know, down to the last cent, how much money has been spent and on what, where that money came from and be able to explain the difference between the $4.3M approved by Council in November 2008 and the $12M which I believe it has cost so far.
    Do you think ratepayers have the right to know how much the Recreation Centre cost? I do and so does the Information Commissioner but the Shire of York CEO Ray Hooper doesn’t because it has refused to provide the documents requested to myself and the Information Commissioner.
    Tricia Walters

  11. Well done Tricia.
    The cost to the community will be uncovered eventually, then watch the sparks fly.

  12. Well done for getting so far, it doesn't solve the problem thought, does it?
    Maybe someone can ask the question at the next Council meeting, then we can see just how accountable our new Council really is.
    My guess is, the question will be taken on notice, Gail Maziuk will refuse to provide the information.
    Perish the thought that someone may upset Gail, that would be bullying.
    Hell, the Council will prepare an agenda item, "to release a media statement to be released after the next Council Meeting stating Councils full support of staff and regret any pressures placed on them from external sources", as was the intention at the FRAC meeting October last year.

    1. External source, thank you, I have another laughter line back!
      I must say, you have way too much knowledge of how our council works.

      IF Gail is refusing to provide documents when instructed to do so, she is in breach of the Public Service Act. Unfortunately, Gail was brainwashed by Ray. She no doubt still has him on speed dial still takes advice from him!
