Shire of York

Shire of York

Sunday 13 August 2017


Congratulations to President David Wallace for the following email addressed to all councillors and to Paul Martin.

It is the style and content that is required from the Shire of York in future public communications with the community regarding issues of extreme importance, including on its proposed Facebook presence.

It could be considered to provide valuable information that dispels misconceptions about the actions of the shire council and any prior knowledge it had regarding the reincarnation of the Allawuna Farm Landfill project.

No relevant information pertaining to Allawuna Farm Landfill was deliberately withheld from the public, this time.

The Department of Environment Regulation that accepted both the ROE8 and Allawuna Farm proposals is now the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation. The Minister for Planning and Land is now Rita Saffioti.

The new applicant intends to use the SITA/SUEZ planning approval suggesting it will be seeking a licence for the same hazardous waste disposal, including asbestos, and the same volume of transport and disposal of other Perth waste.

This should always be considered as a totally unacceptable outcome by the 3,400 residents of the Shire of York.

There are serious issues that must be raised if the current proponent is Alkina International, publically listed as a $2million-annual turnover company with 11 employees with no logistical expertise in the transport and burial of waste material.
A company of this size is unlikely to raise enough capital to purchase the Allawuna site and the required vehicles, machinery and site infrastructure, although it does own earthmoving equipment.

It is therefore probably a proxy representing another company . This could be considered to be deceptive behavior in certain circumstances. The likelihood is it is acting on behalf of a much larger company, like Cleanaway or even SUEZ itself.

What the shire should submit to Lisa Saffioti, the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation, the Premier Mark McGowan, Alkina International and ‘Uncle Tom Cobley and all’ is that it does not have a consultative process.

The only result acceptable to the Shire and the community is that the Allawuna Landfill project does  not proceed at all.

If it does the Shire will  take all reasonable legal steps, including an injunction to prevent this happening, and call on the government to use the same principles to prevent Allawuna Farm landfill on behalf of country residents as it did in scuttling the ROE8 project on behalf of suburban residents.

David Taylor

David Wallace
Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2017 8:20 AM
To: David
Cc: Dense Smythe; Pam Heaton; Heather Saint; Jane Ferro; Trevor Randell; Tricia Walters; Paul Martin
Subject: Fwd: Landfill
                       HI David

There is an existing valid planning approval for the site for a landfill as the planning approval runs with the land.  The Shire has been attempting to negotiate with the State Government to achieve clarity in the scheme provisions of the approval particularly regarding a sunset clause.  An item will be presented to this month’s Council meeting about this matter.  Any inclusion of the sunset clause or clarity on the existing planning approval is ultimately at the discretion of the Minister for Planning.     

The first the Shire knew about this new proposal was last week when we received notification from the proponent that they intended to seek approval to develop the site.  Acting upon legal advice we wrote to the proponent seeking clarification if they intended to use the existing planning approval or seek a new planning approval.  We have not had a response to this correspondence as yet.

On Wednesday of this week we were advised by Dept of Water Environment and Regulation (DWER) that an application had been submitted to DWER for “Works Approval” which indicates the proponent is proposing to use the existing planning approval however the Shire has not received copies of the application to be able to assess this.    

As part of the DWER process for assessing the application for works approval the Shire will be formally consulted and there will also be a period of public consultation.

We have been in contact DWER over the last couple of days asking if the period of public comment could be extended beyond the three weeks DWER were proposing to a longer period of time to allow the community and the Shire the opportunity to make detailed submissions.  

The Shire has the opportunity to comment and a response will most likely be presented to a Council meeting so the community can see what the Shire is going to submit as part of the consultation process.  

I hope this clarifies the situation as we know it currently.  Happy to discuss further if you wish, or alternatively you may wish to contact DWER for more information. 


David Wallace 

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