Shire of York

Shire of York

Monday 19 June 2017


TAKE A POLL POSITION- the October Local Government Election could be a defining moment in York’s future.

The York town-site is both a national and State historic treasure but is hardly treated as such.

From the turn of this century, the Shire of York has been beset by massive problems, most of its own making.

Since 2004 it has been under the administration of a Commissioner twice, for an extensive period of twenty three months. Gavan Troy ruled for seventeen months- and James Best for six. Nearly two years under administration is probably an unenviable Australian Local Government record and helped damage York’s finances and its reputation.

Including Ray Hooper, the Shire of York has had five CEO’s in the past three-years and three Shire Presidents. Besides being incredibly disruptive this has also fostered poor governance, financial disaster, unwarranted DLGC interference, local council egocentric self-interest and aggrandisement and community animosity, all in the name of a better York.

Is it time for change? :-

On October 21, 2017, Shire of York ratepayers will be asked to decide the fate of the current President and two other councillors (should they wish to renominate) and, potentially, the immediate future of York.

With the number of councillors now seven, these three hold around 43% of any vote, unless there is an abstention where the President may exercise the right to a casting vote and create an absolute majority

It makes this group of councillors a reasonably powerful voting block should they vote as a unit.

In the past, there were only six councillors making the President and two other councillors’ very powerful indeed, leading to the domination of council by Pat Hooper, Tony Boyle and Mark Duperouzel in particular with, CEO Ray Hooper, the puppet-master.

This led to a senior staff membership of such luminaries as Tyhscha Cochrane, Jaqui (nee Jacky) Jurmann, Gail Mazuik and Gordon Tester, the likes of which- never before seen at one council.

All created financial mayhem, backed by this powerful council triumvirate, resulting in disasters such as the overall idiotic concept (the convention centre and Tavern Licence) and overly expensive build of the YRCC, the drawn-out Allawuna Farm threat, the public suppression of the results of the Fitz-Gerald enquiry  and the demonizing (and resignation) of former Shire President Matthew Reid.

President David Wallace and Councillors’ Trevor Randell and Trish Walters were all on council at some stage during this period.

So the question is- what does this group of councillors’ represent and how successful have they been in acting on behalf of the York community during their terms?

All three have borne the mandatory obligations of directing the shire’s affairs, ensuring the proper performance of local government functions, overseeing the (proper) allocation of government funds and resources and determining local government policies as they should apply to York.

Have they (together) achieved this?

As President, David Wallace is tasked with providing leadership and guidance to the community through his office, including liaising with the CEO on Shire Local Government affairs and the (acceptable) performance of its functions. He bears the responsibility, on behalf of Council, of what the CEO’s Key Performance Indicators are on behalf of the community, through his administration and when, where and how these performance parameters must be met.

Has, in your opinion, President Wallace accomplished this?

As councillors, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Randell and Ms. Walters have all been charged with representing electors, ratepayers and residents by providing leadership and guidance to their community and facilitating communication between the community and council, particularly in local government decision- making process at council and committee meetings.

Have they been adept at leadership and guidance and acting as a communications conduit between the shire and its citizens?

These are the questions everyone needs to ask- then act according to what they believe the answers are.

This assessment includes whether there are alternative candidates who are better able to represent the community and make a difference?

Just as importantly is who gets to choose the President of the Shire of York. There are two options, directly by councillors or directly by electors.

Just 10% of York’s ratepayers can make this decision and demand that their wishes be met as defined in the Local Government Act 1995

Have a good deliberation.

One local anonymous social-media commentator claims that the image depicted on this site supports anonymity. Sorry it is the mask of Guy Fawlkes who escaped the hangman’s noose by jumping to his death on January 31, 1606 and along with Batman is one of the most famous masked visages around. Sorry Sunshine, if you don’t know who he is, Google it, but keep up the good work of keeping a lot of people amused.

David Taylor.

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