Shire of York

Shire of York

Sunday 5 July 2015

Cracks under pressure


  1. Estimates from people in the know vary between 200-300k to bring the building up to scratch.
    This means the total cost to the ratepayers will be close to a million, plus ongoing costs, expensive square!

  2. OMG, what on earth is Commissioner Best thinking signing us up for $625,000 to buy this. The building looks like it should be condemned.

  3. I noticed the Site Report was reviewed by a senior Structural Engineer named Alberto Puccini. Probably no relationship but I have a pair of Alberto Puccini blackout sunglasses purchased in Italy in the 80's. Maybe they were wearing some on the day...?

  4. I bet you Alberto's got a brother, uncle , cousin in the construction industry, know what I mean.

  5. No Follies, Please!5 July 2015 at 21:13

    I am hoping this information will have gone to a place where it might be useful. It would be nice to see this FOLLY stopped. Maybe it could be named "Best's Folly" if the buyout goes ahead. (?) Heaven forbid that it does, though.

    1. Rest assured, this has been dealt with by experts in the field who know what they are talking about. It would not be helpful for the ill informed to get involved.

    2. No Follies, Please!5 July 2015 at 22:06

      Heaven forbid that the ill-informed should get involved, indeed, Anonymous 5 July 2015 at 21:42. I just hope that those with the nous (from Greek nous, Attic form of noos "mind, intellect,") and the power will do something about it. Presumably the 'blog watchers with power' will have seen the documentation just as we have. I do hope so. And I do hope that they use it wisely to stop this rot, folly, whatever we like to call it. Wouldn't it be lovely if JB saw the error of his ways, too. (Wishful thinking, maybe, unless he gets help from above to see it.)

  6. I have been in that building many times. It has the potential to be a wonderful asset to the town and to the Shire.
    The incorporation of the car park into the town square will also have obvious benefits.
    I have no doubt that there would have been an enormous uproar if the car park had been developed into units or multiple dwellings. That part of York has an obvious community or civic function.

    The challenge is for all (including those who contribute to this blog) to see the opportunity that has been created. Come up with some positive ideas.

    1. Obviously the good Doctors lent you his rose tinted specticles

  7. I am sure Chalkies has the potential to be a wonderful asset to the Town, but at what cost to the community?

    A local Civil Engineer told James Best at a public meeting the building would require a lot of work to be done to just make it safe and Best chose to ignore the advice. He was too full of his own importance to listen to anyone in York.
    My challenge to Anonymous 18th July 2015 21.:15 is - if you think Chalkies is such a great project why don't you volunteer to pay the thousands of dollars it is going to take to make the building into the 'asset' you seem to think it will be?

    Ratepayers cannot cope with any more increases in rates and we already have a white elephant in the wreck centre.

    Why do you think the Bliss's offloaded the building?

    In any case, a Town square is usually in the middle of the CBD, not at the back of it
