Shire of York

Shire of York

Thursday 19 March 2015


…not when Truth is waiting in the wings…         James Plumridge

Beware, bloggers, retribution may be at hand in the form of a Supreme Court writ.

A person I dare not name but will gingerly refer to as El Supremo has said that people who make personal comments on the blog will be held accountable under the law of defamation.  In other words, they will be sued.

Most of the people who contribute to the blog do so anonymously.  I find that regrettable.  I wish more contributors would have the courage to identify themselves, and that some of the people who contribute anonymously would take a little more care to avoid sounding like trolls.

Don’t forget, we are the good people.  We wear the white hats.

It's very hard to sue a person who writes anonymously on the Internet.  If it were easier, the courts would be clogged for decades.

It would be difficult to sue the publisher of this blog, because nobody seems to have the faintest idea who he is, and the only physical address he has given us belongs to a former, fondly remembered, Shire of York CEO.  (I’d love to think he is the mysterious blogmaster, but on balance I’m sure he isn’t.)

That leaves only the handful of brazen fools brave enough to subscribe their names to what they write.

On this blog, the most prolific of those fools are David Taylor and myself.  Of the pair of us, I would say that I am the more restrained, but both of us could easily be in the firing line for legal action, depending on what the august personage whose name I tremble to speak, or his bureaucratic friends, would count as a personal comment.

I don’t know David, and won’t presume to speak for him.  For my part, let me say that I don’t regard threats of litigation lightly.  Most of us are defamed at some time in our lives, but only the wealthy, the powerful and the publicly funded can afford the luxury of dragging their critics into court for saying rude things about them.  The rest of us must simply take our lumps.

As is so often the case, the scales of justice are tipped in favour of those who can afford to pay for it, or can prevail on the taxpayer or ratepayer to meet the cost.

All the same, I consider such threats cowardly and ridiculous, especially when they are made by or for people who occupy or aspire to high office, or choose to live in the public eye.  For those people, being the butt of jokes or unkind remarks goes, as they say, with the territory.  But it’s only too easy to forget, as I may have done, how pompous and self-important such individuals can be.

People in those positions have usually enjoyed the benefits of a good, often tertiary education and are perfectly capable of responding personally to whatever nasty things may have been said to expose them, in the common law phrase, to ‘hatred, ridicule or contempt’.  (I’m not keen on hatred or contempt, to be honest, but ridicule is another matter; it’s the atom bomb of the disadvantaged.)

Alternatively, if they lack the confidence to speak for themselves, the privileged can hire a personal ‘bugle’ in the shape of a PR firm or ‘spin doctor’—a lot cheaper than a firm of lawyers.

If ‘important’ folk who believe their reputations have been traduced, or just want to silence their critics, scurry off to the Supreme Court, this may have the effect of shutting down until trial all further discussion of whatever it was that might have brought public odium upon them.  For that reason, defamation writs used to be known as ‘stop writs’ and for all I know may still be. 

I think I’m right in saying most defamation actions don’t go to trial.  They are usually settled out of court, and the wicked defamer silenced further, or permanently, by a confidentiality agreement.

Until a few years ago, each state had its own law of defamation.  Apparently WA was once the only state in which defendants could get themselves off the legal hook by proving on the balance of probabilities that what they had said or written was true. I believe that is now the case throughout Australia. 

Another defence is to show that what you said that gave offence, even if it turned out to be wrong, was the expression of an honest opinion, inferred from stated facts, on a matter of public interest.

I await with trepidation the fall of the executioner’s axe.  Meanwhile, I promise I shall ask the blogmaster to post in these pages any lawyers’ letters or court documents I have the misfortune to receive.

And if I am to be sued, which great heaven forfend, I remind the Dark Side that there exists a process called discovery of documents that is a lot quicker and in the long run more comprehensive than what can be done via FOI.  No crafty redactions allowed, unless there are national security issues at stake, which as I always say seems highly unlikely in matters pertaining to the Shire of York.

The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, beg in the streets, and steal bread.  ANATOLE FRANCE

When you got nuthin’, you got nuthin’ to lose.  BOB DYLAN


  1. Darlene Barratt19 March 2015 at 18:24

    Oh Really!!!!!!!! well I do hope they are ready for the cat to be let out of the bag, with a trail of evidence behind it, Mr Plumridge you would not be standing in court by yourself Sir, in one way you almost hope it happens, let me know when ticket sales start. I will take 2....

    1. Interesting to read your post Darlene as James Best told me on Wednesday that nobody at the Women's Health Hub have ever heard of the blog. Also nobody at the Crc, Men's Shed or Cwa have ever heard about the blog. Who's he think he's kidding.

    2. Darlene Barratt19 March 2015 at 21:51

      The Vision of Judgement.......... Mr Best............ on the perpetrators not the victims. that's very interesting Tanya,

    3. Mr. Best is hoping by making the statement none of the groups in York have heard of or read the Blog it will diminish the validity of the information on it.

      Yet another attempt to divide the 'trouble makers' from the 'upstanding citizens' who belong to various community groups. It won't work Mr. Best!

      The DLG may find People Power Blog spots will pop up all over the state because 'we the people' have had our voice taken away from us by Public Servants who are our employees!

    4. Is Blogging the only way left for honest people?

      The 'Roads Boards' days of impeccable accountability, honesty, and a hand shake has been sullied by greed, egos, control and corruption.

      Time Local Government is declared (to coin Tony Abbot's latest term) dead, buried and cremated.

  2. Does this mean someone in power is re-instating intimidation and fear to control the people of York again?

    I was under the impression York was supposed to be moving forward, not back to the dark days of control by fear.

    Enough lives and businesses have already been destroyed!

    Message to the Blog Master: Please keep the Blog going, it is the only voice the people of York have had for a very long time, without the fear of retribution. This Blog is our only chance for the truth to be exposed. Clearly the Blog is upsetting people in high places which means the Blog is doing a bloody good job.

    Mr. Plumridge - thank you for helping 'the people' of York.

  3. Thanks for your support, Darlene, and for saying who you are.

    To be honest, I don't expect to be sued, or that David will be. Suing for defamation is a precarious as well as costly and time consuming exercise. Nobody can predict what nuggets of truth it will launch into the public domain, as poor old Oscar Wilde discovered when he sued the Marquess of Queensberry.

    I hope I haven't discouraged people from posting to the blog. It isn't my blog. I don't agree with everything people say in their posts, but I will defend to my last breath their right to express their opinions, whether or not they do so anonymously.

    Perhaps I should have been more explicit about the law of defamation. I don't believe it should exist except as criminal defamation, where people are falsely accused of having committed serious crimes. A section in the WA criminal code provides for that. It is rarely used.

    My objection to the civil law of defamation, apart from freedom of speech considerations, is that for reasons of cost it is simply not accessible by ordinary folk. Legal Aid won't touch it. The purpose and practice of defamation law is to protect the reputations of the big end of town. The rest of us can go hang.

    Here's an example from our own doorstep. Some readers will have come across another blog about York, dating from about 2009. Apparently it is no longer active, but it is still online. I found it accidentally when first searching for this blog. It presents as truth absolutely outrageous and depraved statements about York identities of the day, some of whom remain well known in the town. The founder of the blog, a former resident, makes no secret of his identity. Has he been sued? I doubt it, because as I said the blog is still there. My guess is that none of his targets could afford to sue him. In my view, we should not have laws that serve only the wealthy and powerful. My reputation is as important to me as Joe Hockey's is to him, but I couldn't afford to sue anyone who alleged that my talents, such as they are, were for sale. My recourse wouldn't be the courts, but to mount a defence in the court of public opinion.

    1. Darlene Barratt19 March 2015 at 22:20

      Your welcome James, Plumridge that is. This has made me more determined to blog, and under my own name as I have done, with three months to go I am interested to see what miraculous changes will take place in the Shire of York, as of yet I have seen a lot of writing in a pad but no real movement at the station, I am also sorry to report that at the show cause meeting I stated that "Shire was moving forward that things that took 5 years to sort were now taking 3 months" well that's cause a problem I had was almost at completion but alas we are now at 5 months with no legal, legislative reason why, Now I am expected to go in again for the third time and explain, Mr Best is the council and should be acting on the best benefit for the Shire not the best benefit for the DLG.

      For Mr Bests Information, your are ill informed if you think that members of the community who belong to groups don't know about the blog, I must admit, that I know of my problems and a few of others but when a piece of paper is put on the blog that that sais this is this or that is that then it is. It is an absolute insult for any one who is part of that regime, that saw attacks on residents sat back and looked after cushy jobs and watched while rumours and lies where spread and people destroyed, you talk about the lady in South Perth who lost everything, tell me that story again. the best thing for the world would be to abolish local government every where, there is enough twats telling us what to do with the two legal governments under our constitution that being federal and state.

    2. Those who stood by and watched lives and businesses being destroyed put money before their ethics. They are shameless.

  4. I'm in the Mens Shed and obviously I read it, Just because a member of the public belongs to an organization does NOT mean they do not read the blog and more importantly agree with some of its content! It is very dangerous for Mr Best to cast aspersions about people who belong to organizations and that people who read the blog don't go together. Admittedly some people in the Mens Shed don't agree with the blog but still read it. Others really don't care either way. But it is very wrong for Mr Best to use the divide and conquer path, I will read whatever I want to and I'm not happy about Mr Best almost sectioning me out because I'm a member of the Mens Shed.

    1. Several words come to mind arrogant, condescending and patronising to name a few. Does Best have any idea how insulting his dialect is. I have personally never met anyone who rubs me up the wrong way as much as this man.

      He sat across the table from me and said people who post on this blog are all idiots. "Present company excluded would have been the polite thing to say." Oh well I've been called worse.

      He also said nobody on the blog including Mr Plumridge ever bothers to contact him instead just posting bullshit. Yet I was sat infront of him with a list of questions about things on this blog.

      He refused to answer them stating he was just too busy with visioning and triage. He stated whilst the blog had over 70000 hits probably 1000 were his hits. Perhaps this is why you don't have enough time on your hands? That's an awful lot of time reading bullshit written by idiots!

      The question I now have is Are you my Council Mr Best or are you a consultant here to deliver a vision? You obviously don't have time to be both. No one person could reasonably be expected to be both. I used to be able to ask my Shire President questions and get answers. You only want to talk about what suits you. It doesn't work like that and you know it. You get paid the big bucks to deal with the good and the bad.

      Matthew Reid has a vision and over 900 people obviously believed in it. I certainly did.

      As for the swearing I say this to you James. How dare you talk to me about learning a thing or two about the corporate environment with a mouth on you like that.

    2. Blogger with ideas20 March 2015 at 01:53

      So we are all idiots are we? We write bullshit do we?

      Guess you don't want idiots who write bullshit involved in your visionary groups. I had intended to come along but I will give them a miss now.

      At least we know where we stand with you.

    3. No good 'visioning' the future until you have addressed the problem that got us to this point Mr. Best.
      You told a group you were 'dealing' with those involved with the Fitz Gerald Report.
      I don't much like the term you used. 'Dealing' sounds like those involved were naughty little children.
      I've asked several people involved in that report and none of them have heard from you. Exactly when are you intending to start?

    4. Goodness me, Tanya. So Mr Best thinks I’m an idiot writing bullshit on this blog. Who’d have thought it?

      It’s true; I haven't contacted Mr Best. He hasn't contacted me. Neither of us is under any obligation to contact the other.

      I don't doubt that some of the statements I've made on the blog are wrong, though I think that 'bullshit' is too strong a term to describe them. Mr Best is free to disagree with me and to publish his disagreement on the blog or anywhere he likes. He can email me if he wants to. I am only too ready to engage him in argument about any of the matters on which we don't see eye to eye.

      I don't make up the stories I post on the blog. I get them from various sources (Mr Best would be surprised if he knew who some of them are) and like any responsible newshound I check what I'm told with others who are likely to know what is and isn't true. In the jargon of the day, that's called 'triage'. So I'm busy with that, as Mr Best is, and as for 'visioning', with me that goes on all day.

      Let's return to the topic of bullshit. I complained in a couple of posts that Ranger John Gowerd (a really nice bloke) had apparently been ordered on three occasions to visit the Saints' premises in Avon Terrace to take photos of the front windows. Mr Best supplied an explanation for this that might just have sufficed for the first two visits - though it really didn't hold water, and wouldn't convince anyone smart enough to see lightning and hear thunder - but had no possible relevance to the third visit. No further explanation was forthcoming. So who was bullshitting then, Mr Best?

      Recently I raised the question of some historic breaches of section 5.40 of the LGA, the consequences of which are still with us. Mr Best's response was to tell at least one person that, in effect, there's nothing untoward about what happened, no patronage had occurred, all the staff are wonderful. Meanwhile, one of the beneficiaries of the patronage I referred to (not at the Wreck Centre) has found himself yet again in trouble with the police. So who was bullshitting then, Mr Best?

      Mr B, York is not South Perth, but that doesn't mean we’re living in Yokel County. We're pretty bright people round here, even those of us who don't cut it as 'important people', the ones you said when you arrived here that you were eager to meet. We don't need to be told how clever you are; we can figure that out for ourselves. We don't like to be told that we are angry and always fighting, because it isn't true; I've lived here for 6 years and found York full of friendly people. We don't like to be told we can't have Council meetings in the Town Hall because you dislike the non-existent ‘angry vibe'; I've never attended a meeting there that wasn't good-humoured, even when people were in strong disagreement. We don't think much of having to meet in the Pavilion, with its faulty air-conditioning and crap acoustics.

      I'm not your enemy, Mr Best. But as Tanya says, you need to make up your mind why you're here. And you need above all to ask yourself why things are not going well for you in York, and not blame other people for things going wrong, especially not the 'idiots' who write for this blog, because in truth we are not idiots, but folk who want the best for this town, even though our ‘vision’ of how to go about getting it may be a mite different from yours.

    5. Foot-In-Mouth Analogies20 March 2015 at 05:39

      To Mr Plumridge, the James we commoners hold in great affection: both you and Mr Best have used the word "triage". Perhaps you should be cautious in the use of this word, as this was one of the Foot in Mouth words uttered by Mr Best in a recent meeting.

      Because he doesn't know so much about York, Mr Best blind-sided a normally calm person in the meeting with the word, not knowing he was treading on ground evoked by a situation arising from the young doctors having withdrawn their services from York Hospital Emergency Services. Mr Best's ignorance of the situation evoked quite a stunned reaction from that person present (and from the rest of us listening, including one very aware of the circumstances) who had suffered a major catastrophe involving faulty Triage in reality. In fact I and others recall that, in York, doubts about Triage in the medical sense were expressed at meetings, including public ones, by medical and 'paramedical' persons in the immediate wake of those doctors' decisions.

      Fortunately for Mr Best and all assembled, the person put into shock regained equilibrium within seconds and so did Mr Best, but it could have turned out rather worse for Mr Best's "Visioning" (justifiably not titled 'Forethought") presentation had that person 'broken down'.

      Now Mr Best is saying he is using, by analogy, the word 'triage' to try and persuade us that he is using a logical method to sort out the 'important' cases of damage to 'deal with' (his word, apparently) before (if ever) the 'not so important' ones. Will this form of 'triage' lead to one or more omissions or miscalculations that will lead to disastrous effects on one or more persons and their families in York? It is to be hoped that it will not, but he needs to be 'Mindful'.

    6. Only a Tiny Bit Pedantic20 March 2015 at 08:34

      James P: You are usually right about everything (or most of everything); so sorry 'bout this, but its not the Pavilion where the Council meets, its the Wreck Centre. Yes the Wreck Centre does have the 'faulty air-conditioning and crap acoustics' you ascribe to it (not that some want to admit it). The Pavilion is where the Advisory Groups meet and these are not issues there.

    7. More to the point we should be using the town hall. More foot in mouth from the commissioner staying "this is traditionally where residents go to argue and fight."This was actually written in a recent council agenda.

      For someone who is supposed to have a sociology degree he certainly has little awareness when it comes to how not to alienate our community.

    8. Foot-in-Mouth Analogies and Only a Tiny Bit Pedantic: Thank you for your corrections. 'Triage' was a howler. I've just looked it up in my 1982 Macquarie. I now understand that it's a medical term, originating on the battlefield, for the gruesome business of sorting out casualties 'according to the urgency of treatment required'. Possibly its meaning may have stretched a little in recent years, but nothing like as far as I had mistakenly assumed. I would consider Mr Best's use of the word to be closer to the original meaning than mine, which is simply wrong. There have been plenty of casualties in York going back to the dark days of the Hooper-Boyle ascendancy, and it may well be necessary to sort them out according to degrees of pain and distress. I take it Mr Best was using the word metaphorically. In principle, there's nothing wrong with that.

      A lady once asked the great lexicographer Samuel Johnson why, in his dictionary, he had defined 'pastern' as 'the knee of a horse'. (It's the area between the fetlock and the hoof.) 'Ignorance, Madam, pure ignorance', the sage replied. That's my excuse, too, but in my case it's a very poor one.

      I've no idea why I wrote 'Pavilion' when I meant 'Wreck Centre'. Perhaps the word just popped into my noggin and I was carried away by its mediaeval associations and mellifluous sound. There's nothing even remotely poetic about the Wreck Centre. It's a dump.

    9. Absolutely spot on the Wreck Centre IS a dump!
      The place is just a money pit - how could the Council possibly expect to raise revenue from the proceeds of its use as a Convention Centre when it is so dirty and uninviting.
      The carpets inside are filthy and the outside seating areas look as if they have never been cleaned. I heard we pay $1000 per month for a window cleaner - who's windows are being cleaned, certainly not the ones at the wreck centre.

  5. A defamation case in court. A far better stage to expose all the failures than this blog could ever dream of. It would be sure to get the attention of the media that is missing now, and it would ongoing.

    A sure sign of desperation and that truth is hurting.

  6. Chewing it over, it makes me bloody angry that I feel I have to post as anonymous in the first place now that Mr Best has brought us into his argument and in case my colleagues at the Shed don't agree with me or are worried Mr Best will be angry with them, there you have it divide and conquer exactly what Ray Hooper did.

  7. Just think how stupid anyone on the dark side would be to draw wider attention to the York saga.

    1. A long period of bad government by the previous council regime that needs to be exposed.
    2. A failure by the responsible authorities over that period to take any action despite the numerous complaints, and which would be exposed in public and other oath.
    3. The DLG and Minister then taking action with the flawed probity audit, show cause notice debacle and suspending the council, including the "minority" report. - but ignoring all the previous complaints. Love to see Simpson, Matthews and Co explain that.

    There has to be a very good secret reason why the previous council regime was a protected species despite all the numerous complaints and that would hopefully be exposed.

  8. Blunders due to irresponsible behavior can manifest themselves in several forms, including unreliable execution of professional duties, shoddy or superficial professional work, and attempts to blame others, cover up, or make excuses for one’s own mistakes or inadequacies.
    Sound familiar..?

  9. No one man can possibly be expected to resolve the past issues in such a short time. In fairness to Mr Best, so far he has shown me consideration and empathy. Until he proves otherwise, I am prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt and I place trust in his commitment.

    1. Realist, am I correct in assuming you are not one of those targeted by the Shire or the Councillors?

      Of course Mr. Best could resolve the past issues IF he really wanted to. Some issues are certainly more serious and complicated than others, but you know what, they are going to continue to be just as serious and just as complicated until they are addressed.

      Bring back our Shire President and his Councillors and let him get on with the job he started!

    2. No, you are totally incorrect. I am one of the serious and complicated issues, one of those as you call it 'targeted' by the Shire and Councillors. You have no idea of my problems and how they are being dealt with so, what about your issues if you have any and just how big are they?

    3. Realist - don't expect an answer from 'Not Happy', this is exactly what Tony is taking about, its the same person doing it, they get a difficult or clever response asking a question and you never hear that user name again. Then they turn up as a different user name and do the same thing all over again. It's probably someone who doesn't have much to complain about personally but pretends to be a victim and moans about anything.

    4. Well, my interpretation is that 'Realist' and 'Not Happy' have more in common than different between them. They both want issues of injustice resolved. That is their common ground. They are both pinning their hopes on some Leader for the solution. One hopes Mr Best is the Rescuer (in religion, the "M" word would be used, but I don't want to be blasphemous). The other thinks it depends on the Shire President ("M2", if that is possible) being back in place. Maybe it'll be some of each, even. Or none of either. It might have to be that Envisioned/Imagined Indian Aristocrat, whose picture appears under the topic "but not this week". Well, no, it can't be him, as we have him grabbing our souls for perdition; or that's what it looks like in the picture. Well, it certainly won't be this week, whoever it is. That is certain.

      On a slightly different angle, 'Realist' and 'Not Happy' are not enemies. They just each thought the other didn't understand where they were coming from. A lot of that happening at present. Am hoping for a happy resolution for both of them. Need more happiness in town altogether, really. Too much conflict around.

      I don't think 'Double Bass' gets this point. He may be trying 'divide and conquer'.

  10. In all fairness people, this mess is not down to James Best. The town has had and still has a toxic culture instilled in the administration. Over the years this toxicity has been fueled by two Presidents, both with low self esteem, both allowed the previous CEO Ray Hooper to operate in a manner which exceeded the bounds of ethical propriety.
    In allowing a Machiavellian personality like Ray Hooper to operate unconstrained, with a complete lack of empathy, a compulsive need to exercise control, self-absorption, and prejudicial attitudes toward certain people, was certain to have catastrophic consequences sooner or later.
    None of this is James Best's fault. I doubt he would have taken on the job had he known just how bad things were. I concede, he has a habit of engaging his mouth before his brain, but with no malicious intent, I am sure.

    1. Anonymous and Realist, try showing support for Matthew Reid, criticising a staff member, using your real name on the blog orr asking for the Fitzgerald report to be investigated and then see how much empathy Mr Best shows you. If I told him all the things he wants to hear and less of the things he does NOT want to hear I am certain he would be very easy to get along with wouldn't we all?

    2. Isn't it about time the Fitz Gerald Report was released officially? It's been posted on this blog for the best part of a year and circulated as samizdat ever since. So far as I know the official reason for not releasing it is that doing so would have legal ramifications for the Shire. To borrow a word from the commissioner, that is a bullshit argument. I don't believe for a moment that councillors and staff who get a bum rap in the report are going to sue.

      The report is far from perfect; I've said a few things about that in the past. But it has considerable merit as a register of the crimes and follies of former Shire councils and administrators. Bring the report into the light it and our conversation about it into the open!

  11. There have been very silly comments on the blog, some have been rude and personal (probably from people with vindictive tendencies who don't even have a real issue themselves) and others serve only to discredit the blog where the content of the posts (which contain claims and accusations) have been challenged yet remain unsupported. I would also suggest the few commenter's who's claims to have knowledge, documents or information are not genuine, refrain from posting as they give cause to belittle the purpose of the blogs existence.

    I can assure you I am not alone when I say, unless there is a prize for the longest name on the blog, why do so many commenter's feel the need to use a statement or sentence instead of a name or pen name? I think I prefer anonymous, it is far less annoying!!

    1. Tony, I agree: there have been some very silly comments on the blog; maybe some of them were made by me, in which case I apologise to anyone who was on the receiving end.

      However, it seems to me that not very many of the comments I've read on the blog, and none that I've written, have been vindictive, though incontrovertibly quite a few have used intemperate and sometimes colourful language to express anger, disappointment and dismay. How can anyone blame the writers of such comments, if, as most of us now believe, they were the victims of petty tyranny and spite?

      Let me admit that I was not one who has cause to have a grudge against the Shire. My complaints are not personal. I (and my dogs)have been treated with great kindness by two Shire rangers, Matt Sharpe and John Gowerd, both of whom I like and respect highly. What initially 'radicalised' me were three things: reading the Fitz Gerald Report; speaking to people mentioned in the report as having suffered from the attentions of vindictive, self-important Shire councillors and officials; and the minister's unwarranted suspension of the Council, and especially of our popular new Shire president, Matthew Reid. What clinched it for me was reading through mountainous files of Shire documents - letters, emails, minutes etc. - others had stored away or obtained via FOI. (I have two such files before me on my desk as I write.) If you want to see vindictiveness, that's where you should look.

    2. A few corrections, Tony. 1. the content of the post of the Fitz Gerald Report definitely is not 'unsupported'. For every item in the Report there is backup documentation in the form of appendices or attachments. There is good legal reason for not publishing those in this forum.
      2. Your punctuation leaves something to be desired; "commenter's who's" should be "commenters (or commentators) whose" and ditto for "commenter's" when repeated. 3. I have myself seen copies of some of the relevant documents. 4. You should not automatically doubt those who say things you do not like.

    3. Commentator 23 , I didn't realise it was a competition.......
      A few corrections:
      1. I did not refer to or question the post relating to the Fitz Gerald Report being unsupported nor have I questioned the reason for not publishing those documents in this forum
      2. In view of some of the spelling and grammar already displayed on the blog it leads me to believe that maybe you single me out because you have a guilty conscience regarding my previous post.
      3. I have myself seen originals and copies of most relevant documents.
      4. It is you who should not automatically doubt those who say things you do not like.
      5.Take care with your writing style, your identity (one of many) is revealing itself Mrs.

    4. Tony, I think your identity is also revealing itself. Style gives us all away in the end. In some cases it's as revealing as a signature. Of course I may be wrong about you.

      If I'm right, I'm glad you're up and about again and posting on this blog. It needs some dissenting voices. I believe in strong opposition. As William Blake says in his 'Proverbs of Hell': Without contraries is no progression'.

      I was too polite to charge you with crimes against the much-abused apostrophe. Sadly, you're not alone. There's a very good Australian book on punctuation. I've forgotten the author's name, but the book bears the somewhat risque title 'Eats Shoots and Leaves'.

      Thought for the day from Friedrich Nietzsche: 'A person who has character also has a typical experience, which recurs again and again'. It's as true for language as for the rest of life, and is why style so often tips off others as to who we are.

  12. I am disappointed at such radical behaviour from a man of his supposed intelligence but spoken from a mouth of frustration, I am sure.

    The blog is a useful and essential tool to gauge the feelings and aspirations of the community (albeit a diverse group) so why not embrace it for future planning and visioning. It is a tribute to the efforts of a few who have worked tirelessly to provide facts and expose truths. Although Ray Hooper and his acolytes; the other fools at the DLGC and Minister Simpson would be aggrieved by the content (which I suspect is the cause of James Best's angst) there are messes to be cleared up and important lessons to be learnt.

    Yes, a few commenter's have been impolite and there have been silly one liners but, in contrast, a majority continue to provide facts, documents and sensible comments in support of truth and freedom of speech. I steal away with words from well known orators (Voltaire and Plumridge) that I do not necessarily agree with all that is (and probably will be) said in the future but I defend to the death the right to say it.

    It isn't difficult to stay within moral and legal bounds through the skillful use of words which can spin, avoid or bend the truth and not surprisingly, we are all capable of lying, more frequently than we care to admit.

    The framework of the blog includes facts, plain arguments and satire which is a very healthy and acceptable media combination. As we know, common sense is not so common and I fear if Mr Best continues to engage his mouth before his brain, a spin doctor just isn't enough, he may need a choreographer!

  13. I believe Mr. Best naively took the word of the Minister and guru advisors from the DLG who no doubt briefed him as to who is responsible for the problems in York - the trouble makers of course. I expect those 'important people' confirmed the lies.

    I agree the disastrous fallout from Ray Hooper is not Mr. Best's fault, however, he does need to realise some of his comments are hurtful and are causing serious secondary trauma to those previously targeted.

    Please Mr. Best, don't insult those who suffered by pretending none of it happened. Scrub out your line in the sand and start addressing the issues. You could also consider telling the DLG and the Minister they served the Show Cause Notice several years too late and consequently got the wrong people

  14. Darlene Barratt20 March 2015 at 20:30

    Its not Mr Bests Fault no but he is our council member unelected by the community but still our council
    (•a body of people elected to manage the affairs of a city, county, or other municipal district.)

    At the town hall for the show cause meeting how many people turned up in support of the council, yeah I know some don't like Mathew Reid, personally, he has upset me on more than one occasion, but he was working towards making people accountable for their actions. It was voted that documents should be taken to an investigative authority. council resolution which has not been rescinded at any meeting thus far.

    Now if there are facts, which there are and you tell someone about those facts and they just come back and say, well you know such and such made a few mistakes, or well in hind sight they probably should have done this, or I don't believe that was the case, or my favourite that it has been taken to the police and they are not interested. (what not interested in possible fraud,? If I was suspected of fraud I know for a fact the police would be interested and they would look at it, and they would investigate. what happens next would be dependant on the outcome of the inquiry.)

    I have been told that people have asked Mr Best to follow through with complaints about Mr Ray Hooper and he has apparently stated that people want Mr Hooper to be made accountable for certain things and Mr Best has said he can't, does this mean that if you work at the shire the council of the day can do whatever you like, or that the council still has no authority, As explained to me by Minister Castrili and Minister Simpson The Council is in charge of the CEO and the CEO directs the employed staff.

    1st Question - How is it that Ray Hooper could take residents to court and for one exceed budgeted legal fees to a blow out proportion, without following proper procedures or really plain vindictiveness lie to the people of York about a supreme court action, and miss report costing's of legal affairs. etc etc etc I could go on all day but I'm talking accountability.

    If Ray care's to take us to task with any action, I say bring it on.

    Two wrongs don't make a right, we want to make sure it will never happen again, because local government seem hell bent on letting people who are serial offenders keep offending, Too many people have been damaged, but some have the strength of character (god knows how) to move forward, pick themselves up and volunteer to help others. I's disappointing when someone sais to you forget the past and move on, don't you think we would all like to do that, but what we are waiting for is the apology and explanation we deserve, instead of the bullshit we have been offered.

    If any one has broken the law or done the wrong thing they need to be accountable it has nothing to do with the rest of us moving on its the process.

    1. Good for you Darlene and well put.
      I think it is admirable under the circumstances that some of the most hurt citizens have maintained their dignity and sound mental state following the cruel actions of various people in this Shire. No matter what, you have continued to laugh and smile through adversity and for that you should be very proud.
      Remember in life....what hurts you or doesn't kill you makes you stronger!

    2. You are correct Darlene, Mr. Best is OUR council (not our choice) and I believe he is deliberately side stepping issues many in the community want addressed.

      Mr. Best, how would you feel if your family had been targeted by numerous Shire Staff (yes some are toxic), taken to court, accused falsely, had vicious rumours spread about you by the CEO, had your children relentlessly teased and bullied, had staff in shops make snide remarks to you, being threatened by people you don't even know? Yes Mr. Best, all of this and more happened here in York as a result of Councillors condoning the behaviour of the out of control CEO with a machiavellian personality. The two presidents (both Machiavellians) thought it was hilarious and enjoyed taking part in the fiendish ruling of York.

  15. Some of the things Mr Best is reported as having said make me cross, but I don't dislike him - he can be quite charming - and I'm glad some people are posting on this blog to defend him, in some instances a tad halfheartedly.

    I'm with those who see beyond him to the real authors of our discontent, namely, Minister Simpson and his advisers. Even so, he has to accept, as we all must, his own unique contribution to the mess.

    The problem is, Mr Best hasn't grasped where we 'passionate extremists'are coming from. He seems to have taken as gospel the Hooper-Boyle-Hooper-Morris-Jolly-Simpson view that we dissidents are nothing but trouble makers, a misguided guerrilla force sniping from cover at the legitimate arbiters of our fate.

    Well, no we're not. We believe the Minister was wrong to suspend our Council. We believe that such action should have been taken during the Boyle-Hooper ascendancy, in response to a welter of complaints from the public, and not this year in response to the grizzles of disaffected staff, past and present, and the likes of Crs Hooper and Boyle. We believe that the so-called Probity Audit, apparently carried out by people who wouldn't know whether Probity was a man or a horse, was a sham, and that the minister was a fool to take it at face value. We believe that Shire President Reid should be restored to his rightful place and elections held without further delay for the vacant Council seats.

    If Mr Best could understand all that, and make his understanding plain to the rest of us, he might be in a position to do some good for York. He could start by taking advice from Matthew and involving him in policy and decision-making. He could apologise for calling some of us idiots, which manifestly we are not. There are those among us, Mr Best, who in the intellectual stakes could leave you, the minister and his advisers a few furlongs behind. Shire President Reid is one of them - a real achiever on many fronts.

    Veritas, I acknowledge gratefully your very kind compliment in putting me between the same parentheses as Francois Marie Arouet, better known as Voltaire. However, he probably didn't say the words commonly attributed to him, 'I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it', though there is no doubt that as an apostle of free speech he would not have disavowed the sentiment. What he certainly did say, in his Essay on Tolerance, was 'Think for yourselves, and extend to others the privilege of doing the same'. And in a letter to a clerical antagonist, M. le Riche,he wrote: 'Monsieur l'Abbe, what you write is worthy of contempt, but I would give my life to enable you to continue writing such nonsense', which is pretty close to the attributed saying.

  16. James, in your original post your referred to yourself and David Taylor as prolific contributors to the Blog, sadly, I have to inform you that David will no longer be contributing to the blog as he has landed himself a plum job at the Department of Local Government, public relations office.

    1. In answer to a suggestion raised on the Blog by an anonymous ‘B’

      To ‘B’- or not to be, that is the question? Have I gone to the dark–side?

      No ‘B’ I have not!

      Do I enjoy being referred to as an ‘idiot’, ‘a feral’, ‘a dictator’ and an ‘extremist”?

      Given the situation- yes ‘B’ I do!

      Given all the circumstances I think Matthew Reid should be a proud man with
      so many defending his integrity and honour.

      I am sure Mr. Reid will repay us all with honour and integrity when he re-assumes the
      mantle of President of the Shire of York should he be allowed to do so.

      Kind regards David Taylor.

  17. What? Good grief! Are you serious? Are you saying that David Taylor, scourge of bureaucracy everywhere, has gone over to the Dark Side?

    Good people, don't believe a word of it. This can only be disinformation from the state government's Department of Dirty Tricks. First they bug Matthew's phone, then mine, and subject us to round the clock surveillance. After that they kidnap David and pretend to give him a job writing anonymous posts on the blog praising the minister's wisdom and advocating use of the New Oregon Model. They teach him to love Big Brother and forbear from all forms of carnal indulgence, as per 1984. A wretched fate for a doughty warrior, but inshallah, brothers and sisters, he will be avenged!

  18. My word, as if the town were not already on tender hooks in the knowledge we have a ranger with a camera (and he's not afraid to use it) we receive news of a dissension.

    A more sinister thought about Big Brother and the dystopian place we call York (our own little Animal Farm of Pork) is the possibility that some believed it was real. Perish the thought that Ray Hooper (an avid reader of classy paperbacks) ventured outside the realms of sci-fi and super heroes to create his fantasy empire based on ideas gleaned from the pages of Orwell's novels (a pleasure possibly undertaken as in flight entertainment en route to Canberra or the likes).

    A very plausible council agenda item might read
    We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power. What pure power means you will understand presently. We are different from all the oligarchies of the past, in that we know what we are doing.

    Officers Recommendation:
    "Never again will you be capable of ordinary human feeling. Everything will be dead inside you. Never again will you be capable of love, or friendship, or joy of living, or laughter, or curiosity, or courage, or integrity. You will be hollow. We shall squeeze you empty and then we shall fill you with ourselves." Resolution 1984 6/0

    As for Pork, I can envision the team efforts of Napoleon and Squealer, both pathologically mistrustful of others, and because of it, crucial information goes missing. Napoleon has convinced himself and his trough sharers that there are many troublemakers here, there, and everywhere. Agitators who provoke trouble or cause dissension. He divided the farm into two groups, the "smart and dangerous and the "fools. Squealer (Napoleon's right trotter pig and minister of propaganda) supports the same principals as Napoleon and is known for being able to turn black into white. Through Squealer, Napoleon discredits Snowball (his rival) for his own advantage. The other animals work harder with the promise of easier lives in his new empire.
    What a story - or is it realty?

    “He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.”

  19. "In order for evil to flourish, all that is required is for good men to do nothing"

    In his Australia Day speech Commissioner Best spoke of those residents of York who want no truck with newcomers, tourists, new investors etc. Residents who desire only to be able to drive to the shops, park, shop and go home.

    Wish on; but understand that every town needs new people, new investments, new ideas, new energy, to grow and survive - without these there can be no future. There will be acres and acres of parking space, but no shops, no services, no petrol. Your properties unsaleable. You will be stuck in a barren no mans land. YORK WILL DIE. The oldest inland settlement in Western Australia will be a ghost town.
    Tumbleweed rolling down the empty streets..

    Mr Best may choose to believe that a fair percentage of Yorkies do not follow, have no interest in, are indifferent to, The Blog; but he should be aware of the wider interest. How many hits does the blog have from outside Australia? I know of no one with family in Western Australia who does not follow the events in York with ever increasing concern and disbelief.

    Politicians always think they will "get away with it". They will smarm, bully, lie, to hide their stupidity, incompetence and misdemeanors. But the truth is the truth and has an inconvenient way of coming out.
    To threaten to take legal action against your own citizens for raising such legitimate concerns is about as low as you can get. You bring shame to yourselves and to your great nation.

    Politicians fade or die or are simply voted out of office. But memories are long, collective memories particularly so.Politicians besmirch not only their own names but those of their families too, jut imagine the ignominy of being the child/grandchild/niece/nephew of a publicly failed politician. Biblically speaking "The sins of the fathers...............................". I doubt descendents will give thanks for any nefarious deeds.

    Residents of York should be on their knees giving thanks to the Blogmaster, Dr Plumridge, David Taylor (surely not on the Dark Side),plus "the dissenters, the trouble makers" who are fighting for justice and fairness to all, to ensure the continued existence of a happy, successful, vibrant town - York.

  20. Agreed. This blog is read far and wide. Very simple question ..... why did the DLG ignore all the complaints and allegations before late 2014 but then concentrate on minor trumped up issues to suspend a council?

    Does not make sense. So who is responsible and why? Matthews is responsible for the DLG.

    1. It does make sense. Despite a multitude of complaints, the Department allowed CEO Hooper and his minions Tony Boyle and Pat Hooper to ride roughshod over York. Enter Matthew, the eager reformer. He must be stopped and taught a lesson before he reveals the laziness and ineptitude of departmental officers from the top down. What's to do? Stitch the council up, suspend it, and hope this troublesome shire president will give up in despair. I suspect that if he doesn't, those bastards will find some excuse to sack the council and put in a commissioner for ever. The minister is just putty in their hands.

    2. It wasn't just Matthew entering as 'the eager reformer". We actively encouraged him to stand for Council, and then for President; and then we voted in overwhelming numbers for him. I think that says volumes for our efforts to get democracy back on track. We were not just sitting back and letting things slide on for ever as they were. Even The Will of the People seems to have said nothing to the Department and Minister. "When will they ever learn? When will they e-e-e-e-e-e-e-ever learn?"

  21. Dr Plumridge it seems Mr Best thinks he has been misquoted again. Im shocked-not!

  22. Well, Tanya, what does he say he said, if he didn't say what I said he said? I'm beginning to think he's devious...tell me I'm wrong!

  23. To be honest I switched off after he said he was misquoted. He denied saying the blog was "bullshit" and that we were "idiots. "Pathetic" was one word he said that he actually used instead. Once someone lies to me I then hear blah, blah, blah from there on so best wait for the minutes incase this time I do actually misquote him from lack of interest.

  24. Remarkable similarities to the 'Enabling Act'.......Your Commissioner ostensibly has the power to do anything he likes!
