Shire of York

Shire of York

Thursday 21 December 2017


It is hardly a cheerful Xmas carol, but it is probably the best you will hear this Yuletide and beyond.

York, the town, is considered as iconic, not just in WA, but throughout Australia.

It is one of the best examples, in the nation, of Georgian and Regency Australiana-styed architecture of its kind- in a historic inland farming community.

As it is in a wealthy farming region that has developed and prospered over close to two centuries, why is it now considered by accountancy experts as ‘The Shire of Scarce Resources’?

Those who read the two York Social Media sites have a good idea why.

The Shire of York Council’s presumption is that 2018 should be a substantially positive year for Council and the community. We all hope so!

There are some minor contradictions to this prognostication and it is called Northam. Others could include legal action including the Old Convent School demolition derby, the Forrest Bar & Café and the substantial toughening of the Local Government Act 1995, to become the new Act 2018.

Despite the collapse of the regional ‘Super Towns’ program, Northam, that was designated to be one, managed to attract some massive private commercial development before the wheels fell off.

They include an ALDI and a new Coles shopping centre, the equal to any supermarket presentation in the Metropolitan Area.

Add to this a luxury Dome, licenced coffee shop and restaurant that may be even more attractive than the phantasmagorical Forrest Bar & Café, and will also feature superior accommodation- when completed. 

Will the new Northam facilities place competitive pressure on comparable commercial businesses in York by offering  lower prices, a wider range and variety of products and a new, modern shopping and relaxation experience? It can be assured that they will try as they are less than 25-minutes away.

How can York answer back? Firstly by opening the Imperial Hotel, as a luxury boutique tourist experience, the rapid development of a Micro- Brewery come distillery and since the advent of ‘Marriage Equality’ maybe become a welcoming town on the ‘Rainbow Trial’ for marriages and even a divorce party or two.

This will have to be a local community demand as we now know that the Shire of York has scant resource and can only assist by ensuring a level playing field in any way it  can, as best it can.

The senior Management team of the Shire of York administration has been reduced by one- and maybe it should stay that way.

There is an issue however and that is to ensure required asset maintenance is continued and improved to State and National standards.

The problem here lies in the fact that there is now neither an Executive Manager, Works and Services or an underling, Manager Works and Services, which may leave the Shire slightly exposed in this area of expertise.

It could end up meaning calling in even more contractor cavalry to be paid through scant resources?

York’s future is not in the lap of the Gods- its in the Council Members and the Chief Executive Officer making the best use of these not abundant, indeed scant resources.

Let us hope that neither let us down.

Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year
David Taylor
Shire of York Ratepayer.

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