Shire of York

Shire of York

Friday 9 June 2017

THE MAIN ROAD TO ECONOMIC RECOVERY PROGRAM- proudly sponsored by the Shire of York Real Estate Agency.

No, York’s rapidly ageing population does not mean that State Cemetery Records refer to it as Tombstone WA and Paul Martin and his senior management crew as funeral directors.

The verdict, based on well documented DLGC facts, is that they could be better described as economic undertakers and poor financial performance pall bearers making everyone in York age rapidly through undue shire rates stress. (Let’s leave gravediggers off the list until after the 2017-18 Annual  Budget is released.)

If the Shire is still looking for a way to profit from its main-street asset that has failed miserably in the past, leading to litigation, ugly, vindictive bounty hunting and lots of legal fees, then it is suggested it does not go there again.

There is the recent strange case of Mr. and Mrs Anonymous, who claimed that York was a loser because adverse reactions to current shire rule and a negative sentimentalised population had forced them not to fire-up a gourmet/boutique probably called ‘Highly Unlikely Pizza ’.

Would this Shire have demanded that they purchase parking bays for their main-street business based on a Frankenstein formula developed, long ago, by Ray Hooper and his senior executives in the irritable bowels of its local government office? The answer is between highly likely and extremely possible!

The Equation- passing foot traffic x’s walking sticks, Zimmer-frames and motorised wheelchairs= x 2 disabled parking bays at $5000 each, or p- off.

The shire’s past demand that businesses purchase 2 metre by 4 metre chunks of bitumen, surrounded by fading painted lines, outside their commercial premises is well documented, but more than is commonly known and, more than likely, still happening.

You have to give the Shire an “A” for a seriously damaging Effort if they are. It is an outrageous impost on small business in a rural town that guarantees a commercial burial site.

In the main it is a farce and a scam, with the possible exception of the Settlers House debt that is never to be repaid.

However it is a potentially highly profitable con-job.

If a commercial district streetscape is 1kilometre long and the Shire demands rent of $5000 for each car parking bay, then that could mean an instant return of around $1.2 million.

Obviously there are two sides to every street- so make that $2.4 million.

Then when the business collapses, you ask the new tenant to pay a new lease for a parking area they legally cannot own and where anyone can park anyway.

The first instalment would pay off the Shire’s debt for the 2015-2016 Financial Year- with change.

Given this, recent rate increases make it feel like the Shire considers every ¼ acre block in York as a car park with a Gross Rental Value related to its perceived car park value of $625,000-at $625 per square metre.

Unfortunately for the Shire of York Real Estate Agency the actual market value, in York, for a ¼ acre block is around $60,000, if you are lucky.

If the Shire wishes to create an unconscionable revenue stream from a known asset, such as Avon Terrace, then it puts in parking-ticket vending machines.

This will not happen because those who want to be re-elected to Council in October, can say a serious ‘bye-bye’ to their chances.

As June 30, 2017, looms large, everyone involved at the Shire of York, from the President to the window cleaner, should realise that the shire’s current performance is statistically well below that of Ray Hooper and his cronies in 2013-2014 and that should spell total embarrassment.

The only semi-legitimate excuse would be that Hooper’s scorecard was based on fake news and false information. But that’s still not much of an excuse!

(To a particular anonymous –I’ll be coming to wipe the dribble off your chin-OK!)

David Taylor.

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