IT IS JUST LIKE WINNING ‘LOTTO’ ……One POWERBALL and you could get a job as a Senior Local Government Officer with one of the 100-plus Rural,
Regional and Remote Shire Councils in WA- York.
What can you win? Normally a salary placing you in at least the top 5 per cent of wage earners in Western Australia, relocation and rental assistance, fully maintained vehicle or access to one, mobile phone laptop and landline payed for, probable use of a corporate credit card for meals, entertainment and sundry items, travel and further education allowances, your contract fully paid out even if you are totally useless- and you are hardly likely to be answerable to anyone important who is going to complain about your performance to anyone important.
What can you win? Normally a salary placing you in at least the top 5 per cent of wage earners in Western Australia, relocation and rental assistance, fully maintained vehicle or access to one, mobile phone laptop and landline payed for, probable use of a corporate credit card for meals, entertainment and sundry items, travel and further education allowances, your contract fully paid out even if you are totally useless- and you are hardly likely to be answerable to anyone important who is going to complain about your performance to anyone important.
is usually a 37.5 hour week, no weekend rosters and with the Christmas-New Year
break when many others engaged in community and customer services are working
their butts off.
Any ‘further education allowance’ is a bit of a furphy because you do not really need any relevant tertiary qualifications to reach the council employee pinnacles outside of the senior management level of city councils.
In the past travel allowances have been used to attend meetings and functions that bear no relevance what-so-ever to any local community wants, needs and aspirations. It is usually a holiday when you are pretending to be working.
The Shire Councillors are highly unlikely to know what you are really up to unless they are actually told about what you cannot hide through classifying it as confidential information and it is almost impossible to be charged with any form of non-compliance under the WA Local Government Act, 1995. (Councillors are prohibited from having any direct involvement in the day-to-day running of shire business other than by being informed of such matters by the CEO- at his discretion.)
If it gets a little too hot in the council’s gourmet kitchen, you resign taking all your massive entitlements and then get WALGA to promote you as an outstanding administrator to some other council whose members either do not or cannot read their daily newspaper about your financial destruction of another town.
You are at very long odds to be charged by WA Police with a criminal offence and the WA Corruption and Crime Commission, often called the three- C- circus, has had more mismanagement and corruption within its own ranks than successful prosecutions.
You are at even longer odds to be made accountable by your ratepayers because your Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) within your contract do not specifically qualify and quantify the results you must achieve. There are no performance requirements such as you must reduce community asset debt by at least $3 million per annum for the term of your contract, help increase tourist numbers by 20,000 per annum or the town’s overall commercial profitability by 10 per cent each Financial Year.
And, of course, the actual terms of your contract are normally withheld from ratepayers and any form of public scrutiny.
Some Councillors are unlikely to complain about your performance to anybody as you were either employed directly by Council or it approved your employment.
Any ‘further education allowance’ is a bit of a furphy because you do not really need any relevant tertiary qualifications to reach the council employee pinnacles outside of the senior management level of city councils.
In the past travel allowances have been used to attend meetings and functions that bear no relevance what-so-ever to any local community wants, needs and aspirations. It is usually a holiday when you are pretending to be working.
The Shire Councillors are highly unlikely to know what you are really up to unless they are actually told about what you cannot hide through classifying it as confidential information and it is almost impossible to be charged with any form of non-compliance under the WA Local Government Act, 1995. (Councillors are prohibited from having any direct involvement in the day-to-day running of shire business other than by being informed of such matters by the CEO- at his discretion.)
If it gets a little too hot in the council’s gourmet kitchen, you resign taking all your massive entitlements and then get WALGA to promote you as an outstanding administrator to some other council whose members either do not or cannot read their daily newspaper about your financial destruction of another town.
You are at very long odds to be charged by WA Police with a criminal offence and the WA Corruption and Crime Commission, often called the three- C- circus, has had more mismanagement and corruption within its own ranks than successful prosecutions.
You are at even longer odds to be made accountable by your ratepayers because your Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) within your contract do not specifically qualify and quantify the results you must achieve. There are no performance requirements such as you must reduce community asset debt by at least $3 million per annum for the term of your contract, help increase tourist numbers by 20,000 per annum or the town’s overall commercial profitability by 10 per cent each Financial Year.
And, of course, the actual terms of your contract are normally withheld from ratepayers and any form of public scrutiny.
Some Councillors are unlikely to complain about your performance to anybody as you were either employed directly by Council or it approved your employment.
Senior Local Government administrators often feel the need to have at least one personal, well paid ‘mini-strator’/manager/assistant for each major (and minor) role they undertake.
York is
no exception.
Executive Manager, Suzie Haslehurst, has the YRCC asset/ liability as one of her responsibilities. She will soon have the assistance of the Asset Management Officer as well as the support of CEO Paul Martin who has overall responsibility for everything and the YRCC Manager who is obviously in charge of running the YRCC. Then there is Paul Crewe and the Planning Officer.
Executive Manager, Paul Crewe, who has Asset Planning and Asset Maintenance as part of his portfolio-also will have the assistance of the Asset Management Officer as well as CEO, Paul Martin, the YRCC Manager, the Manager Works and Services, the Planning Officer and the support of Suzie Haslehurst.
The basic requirements to be an Asset Management Officer on the Shire of York’s Official Website is to be motivated, organized, able to cope with multiple projects and a team player, similar to the advertised requirements for a junior staff member at Hungry Jacks.
You also have to be able ‘to maintain relationships with the community and stakeholders to achieve positive outcomes for the organization’. Unless the emphasis has changed dramatically York’s community is the major stakeholder and the positive outcomes should be on behalf of the community as the stakeholders- not the organization.
The full position description can be found on the Shire of York’s website But possibly not.
The advertisement is for one position only, yet the website advisory rabbits on about ‘the successful person for ‘each role’ meaning it has not been proof-read for mistakes. It is a timely reminder that if you cannot ensure all your public information is correct then how can you administer a $9 million per annum organization? (If you cannot handle the ‘small stuff’ the ‘big stuff’ can be stuffed.)
So what will come next? Will Mr. Crewe need the able assistance of a Capital Works Controller and, Ms. Haslehurst, the support of an Administration and Governance Support Supervisor? (With Paul Martin as the executive backstop when required? supported by another half-dozen new officers?)
You can make up dozens of plausible, important sounding names for new positions as you go along with no real need for them or performance parameters to justify them, other than to Council who may be hijacked into thinking they are necessary.
It may well be the case that the more employees a Shire Council has- the higher the pay grade for the executive management?
The most annoying part is why the new Asset Management Officer position should be necessary!
It is because, since 2011, the Shire of York has not complied with an official local government edict to create and maintain a Local Government Asset Management Policy, Local Government Asset Management Strategy or a definitive Shire of York, Local Government Asset Register.
Instead it has turned long standing assets into huge financial liabilities by redirecting funding from established assets into new assets which are also now major liabilities- with the ratepayers bearing the brunt of every single, expensive, past mistake.
Mistakes must come to an end- and the best, in fact only time- is now! Future mistakes must not occur!
The Shire of York Council is investing around $3.3 million (or more) on behalf of the community in staff wages and benefits to get a mistake-free, positive socio-economic result in a reasonably generous time-frame.
With the acquisition of an Assets Management Officer you can add at least another $120,000 to the annual budget through wages, benefits, insurance, office space and ‘tools of trade’.
David Taylor.
Executive Manager, Suzie Haslehurst, has the YRCC asset/ liability as one of her responsibilities. She will soon have the assistance of the Asset Management Officer as well as the support of CEO Paul Martin who has overall responsibility for everything and the YRCC Manager who is obviously in charge of running the YRCC. Then there is Paul Crewe and the Planning Officer.
Executive Manager, Paul Crewe, who has Asset Planning and Asset Maintenance as part of his portfolio-also will have the assistance of the Asset Management Officer as well as CEO, Paul Martin, the YRCC Manager, the Manager Works and Services, the Planning Officer and the support of Suzie Haslehurst.
The basic requirements to be an Asset Management Officer on the Shire of York’s Official Website is to be motivated, organized, able to cope with multiple projects and a team player, similar to the advertised requirements for a junior staff member at Hungry Jacks.
You also have to be able ‘to maintain relationships with the community and stakeholders to achieve positive outcomes for the organization’. Unless the emphasis has changed dramatically York’s community is the major stakeholder and the positive outcomes should be on behalf of the community as the stakeholders- not the organization.
The full position description can be found on the Shire of York’s website But possibly not.
The advertisement is for one position only, yet the website advisory rabbits on about ‘the successful person for ‘each role’ meaning it has not been proof-read for mistakes. It is a timely reminder that if you cannot ensure all your public information is correct then how can you administer a $9 million per annum organization? (If you cannot handle the ‘small stuff’ the ‘big stuff’ can be stuffed.)
So what will come next? Will Mr. Crewe need the able assistance of a Capital Works Controller and, Ms. Haslehurst, the support of an Administration and Governance Support Supervisor? (With Paul Martin as the executive backstop when required? supported by another half-dozen new officers?)
You can make up dozens of plausible, important sounding names for new positions as you go along with no real need for them or performance parameters to justify them, other than to Council who may be hijacked into thinking they are necessary.
It may well be the case that the more employees a Shire Council has- the higher the pay grade for the executive management?
The most annoying part is why the new Asset Management Officer position should be necessary!
It is because, since 2011, the Shire of York has not complied with an official local government edict to create and maintain a Local Government Asset Management Policy, Local Government Asset Management Strategy or a definitive Shire of York, Local Government Asset Register.
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Instead it has turned long standing assets into huge financial liabilities by redirecting funding from established assets into new assets which are also now major liabilities- with the ratepayers bearing the brunt of every single, expensive, past mistake.
Mistakes must come to an end- and the best, in fact only time- is now! Future mistakes must not occur!
The Shire of York Council is investing around $3.3 million (or more) on behalf of the community in staff wages and benefits to get a mistake-free, positive socio-economic result in a reasonably generous time-frame.
With the acquisition of an Assets Management Officer you can add at least another $120,000 to the annual budget through wages, benefits, insurance, office space and ‘tools of trade’.
David Taylor.
Good article David.
ReplyDeleteRay 'crafted' his own KPI's.
Given the letters k, p and i are all in the alphabet, it's unlikely Tony Boyle and Pat Hooper understood their place in the English language.
Marvelous synopsis of the dispersal of responsibility in public authorities, York being a model example of how lackadaisical management works. Don't you just get that feeling of deja vu?
ReplyDeleteKeep them coming.
I thought Paul Crewe was hired because he had the qualifications qnd experience to manage our assets, why hire someone for him to delegate t.o, thats the problem we already have, the works manager delegates to the foreman, neither have any idea what they are doing so we all suffer. Now they get a new bloke on and he wants someone to delegate to, what about the works manager, whats he doing, we have no money and do no assett maintenance because we spend all the money on incompetant staff. The circle tightens.
ReplyDeleteIts a joke and its WALGA that is the common denomenator.
You're right about Mr Crewe, he already has asset planning and asset maintenance included in the ambit of his portfolio of responsibility according to the Shires senior staff description published on its intertweb. Clearly, Mr Crewe is not quite up to the task just yet and is reliant on a subordinate to identify the roads and buildings belonging to the Shire. God help us, it's easy, if its dilapidated, ruined, run down, falling apart or just plain f****d then it belongs to the Shire, easy!
DeletePaul Crewe is only interested in defending his Staff. Nothing has changed.
ReplyDeleteTime WALGA was disbanded.
What happened in the America elections should be a wake up call to all bureaucrats. People have had enough of funding top heavy Government departments full of highly paid useless people who won't listen.
Paul Martin and Paul Crewe are cut from the same cloth as Jimmy Best and that idiot Graeme Simpson, they are WALGA puppets through and through.
DeleteOur administration is in cover up mode. Nothing has been done to address the problems caused by having an incompetent workforce. The same men who assured council that all roads are built to standard are still employed long after the tabling of a government endorsed investigation that categorically states that the roads are not being built to standard. In the real world they would be held accountable and replaced with competent individuals that or the company they work for goes broke rebuilding the mess they make.
But no not in ourdemocratic society, WALGA steps in and the whitewash is applied.
So enter stage left with promises a plenty the two Pauls, we pay them plenty and they spin more WALGA endorsed babble.
Wake up Council, we are beeing shafted again.
The rebuild starts at the bottom, get us skilled grader operator, he will solve most of your reoccurring problems. And get the works manager a ute and a set of boots and tell him to lead the men. We don't need an arms length pressure merchant to manage our works, we need a leader.
Paul Crewe should join the Main Roads if he wants to ride a desk and drink coffee all day. If he thinks removing our workforce and replacing it with contractors is a good idea then think again, the Main Roads went down that path 16 years ago and we now have a black hole in the knowledge base in our communities. The multinational companies that won the contracts raped our assets and trained nobody.
All the skills we ever needed were in our communities because we trained our own people, we need leaders not managers.
Local Government is becoming the bloated tick on the side of a dying buffalo.
I wonder is council working to curb all this bureaucracy its going far to far now.
ReplyDeleteWA has the highest unemployment rate compared to other state, with rural areas being hit hardest, apart from York that is. Mr Martin is doing his bit by employing the world and its mother in roles not suited to or necessary in small rural towns.
ReplyDeleteIts the chosen few all over again, assistants to assistants, mates of mates, nothing has changed. regardless of Cr Wallace preaching otherwise.
Cr. Wallace said he didn't want to be Shire President, he felt he was not capable.
ReplyDeleteBureaucracy has gone far to far everywhere. York reflects a symptom of a much larger problem.
We have been saying enough is enough, but no one listens. Perhaps we need to start shouting it. They did it with Brexit and they did it in America.
People every where are sick of being dictated to by incompetent fools who bubble to the top of the swamp. The scum on the surface crave power and feed off the less fortunate.
In The Weekend West paper (Nov. 19th page 24) there's an article about the Human Rights Commission President, Professor Gillian Triggs. The Prime Minister of Australia Turnbull announced last Wednesday Professor Triggs would not have her contract renewed.
ReplyDeleteProfessor Triggs is a 'truth seeker', clearly the Australian Federal Government felt threatened by her.
Professor Triggs advised 'to challenge government policy is clearly not a good career move'. It's not a good idea to challenge government policy on any level.
We have the proof right here in York showing what happens when people challenge those working in the Local Government arena. The word arena is apt.
arena |əˈrēnə|noun
a level area surrounded by seats for spectators, in which sports, entertainments, and other public events are held.
• a place or scene of activity, debate, or conflict
York had one of it's best businesses destroyed simply because the owners dared to question the Shire of York Administration controlled by Ray Hooper. Several other residents had their lives turned up side down with false complaints being acted upon. Two were severely impacted by a vicious rumour started by Ray Hooper.
Questioning Council, headed by Tony Boyle and Pat Hooper brought the wroth of the devil to your door. Staff would be rallied including health, planning, rangers, DCEO and even a low life from the works section happily joining the SOY army to target those brave enough to speak up.
Thank God we have the blogs because there's no room in our society for truth seekers.
What's this! Its all too hard,lets contract out more jobs.It will be like stealing candy from a baby (from a contractors perspective). If a contractor can do a good job and make money out of it, then a reasonably well managed shire council could do a good job and save money.
ReplyDeleteThose early cartoon images on the blog and in our local paper of Hitler were closer to the mark than people ever realised.
ReplyDeleteThere's no where in the world free of evil within government. Sadly, it's trusting honest people that allowed this to happen, not realising the scum were taking over.
Don't be surprised if Ray Hooper rises to higher echelons - he is exactly the sort of evil entity Governments on all levels are looking for.
Professor Triggs was way too intelligent for the Federal Government - she was a threat to their plans.
The problem in York is, those standing up for truth are also way more intelligent than the past or current Shire President(s) and Ray Hooper, which is why the shire rallied their troops to try and crush them. They didn't succeed because thankfully we got the blog.
Don't forget David Wallace was part of the council that approved Ray Hoopers behaviour and credit card spending and he did nothing to stop it. David Wallace was right when he said he didn't think he was up to the job - he is being mentored and controlled from the sidelines. Heaton was anointed so she could be his backstop.
s funding Currently being redirected from other Core avenues to boost Risky new strategys for roadwork, enabling the shire to show council whats in one hand whilst not clearly seeing the other.
ReplyDeleteBoyle, Hooper, Wallace, Duperouzel, Smythe, Fisher, Walters and Randell were all involved to some degree in approving the YRCC, accepting the ex CEO’s Credit Card expenditure and allowing him to have total control. Councillors chose to irgnore warnings from residents over a long period of time. Those involved should be held financially accountable for failing in their duty of care.
ReplyDeleteA number of councillors participated in the bullying of residents. It was disgusting and shameful. These people should never be given the opportunity to represent us again.
I heard Smythe wants to be Shire President. I pray to God every night to protect us.
Majority of current Councillors have been reprogrammed to protect the 'brand' of Local Government. Councillors are ‘encouraged’ to attended Local Government 'training sessions'. These sessions are nothing more than a brainwashing programme, an insurance policy, set up by the Department of Local Government to protect itself.
Majority of the Councillors have forgotten they were chosen to stand up for the shareholders - the ratepayers.
Wallace, Smythe, Randell and Walters began their training some time ago and graduated with Honors.
At least two new Councillors willingly rolled over, accepting the reprogamming without a second thought to the faith and trust gifted to them by voters. Heaton submitting is not a surprise, she’s Marwicks ‘captains pick’ and back up for Wallace. Ferro fooled us. She was beating her drum for almost two years in preparation to launching herself onto Council. Tactics like asking hard hitting questions at Council meetings and public meetings in the Town Hall gave those attending the impression she cared about the people of York. It was smoke and mirrors.
The first warning bell rang loudly - and lost her my vote - when Ferro openly promoted a fellow candidate during the election campaign, claiming he was intelligent and honest therefore deserved our support. This was an astonishingly stupid thing for her to state, given she had just met the man and knew absolutely nothing about him. Speaks volumes about her judgement capabilities.
That leaves us one councillor - Cr. Saint.
Someone in a previous comment likened York to marrying into a controlling religous sect. I am beginning to agree. Shock sets in when you eventually discover the horrible truth. Unless you worship ‘sect leaders’ of York you are not welcome, your opinion has no value and you are blocked by ‘the machine’ if you attempt to do anything positive for the Town. It’s difficult, if not impossible, to join groups here with the criteria for joining is known only to a select few in each group.
I’ve seen some genuinely good, intelligent and worthwhile people nominate for council but ‘sect leaders’ make sure they don’t get the numbers.
If voters continue to appoint incompetent people onto Council, those who ‘chose’ to make York their home, willing to contribute to the community because they thought it was a nice place to live may as well leave.
Wonderful to see Peter Kenyon recognised for what he has done for his community and our State. Yesterday he was named WA Senior Australian of the Year for 2016.
ReplyDeletePeter lived in York for a time, also believing it was a nice place to live.
It's a shame York failed to accept or appreciate what Peter had to offer this community when set up his 'Bank of Ideas' in the building he lovingly restored - now owned by the Vet.
We have all heard of BREXIT. This morning I was shocked to over hear the term YEXIT used in the CBD.
ReplyDeleteWhat do the people have to do to make our Councillors realise this Town is in crisis?
There's two sets of rules in York? One set for those people council approve of and one set for the rest.
What are we missing? Certain people apply for road closures and it's approved free of charges, another person ( volunteer) wanting to run a Christmas Parade to bring back some much needed joy and happiness to our Town is told it will cost up to $5,000.
Seems York Council has reverted back to the secret society it was under Boyle and Hooper and that is the fault of David Wallace, however some responsibility must fall at the feet of councillors because the secrecy must have agreed to collectively by them. Perhaps it makes them feel important, gives them some kind of sick power over the rest of us.
There's even talk several councillors don't live in York. People can be forgiven for believing this talk because councillors are never seen. Before Councillors jump up and down, I would say, this is your own fault because you have alienated yourselves from the community. You are not seen in the CBD, you do not want to talk to people in case they ask you questions you are forbidden to answer. You've all forgotten where your loyalty should be. You've allowed yourselves to be controlled and gagged.
Promises made prior to the election conveniently forgotten or were hollow rhetoric.
Whether Councillors realise it or not, people on the ground are more than a little pissed off and the trust has gone.
Wake up Councillors - York is teetering on the edge of a bloody big sink hole?
Just read the Agenda for the next Council meeting.
ReplyDeleteItem No. SY145-11/16 - Interesting to read how many contracts were not completed under the so called expertise of Ray Hooper and Tyhscha Cochrane. This is proof of their incompetence.
Ray and Tyhscha were bloody quick to get their own contracts signed and sealed weren't they.
Perhaps Tony Boyle and Pat Hooper will acknowledge they backed the wrong nags. They should be ashamed because they both failed to heed warnings from residents. Boyle & Hooper were too arrogant and pig headed to take notice of those speaking up, instead they approved and joined in the targeting of these residents in an attempt to shut them up. Two of those targeted ended up closing down their popular and successful business. Shame on Boyle and Hooper, you are both a disgrace to our community.
As a ratepayer I suggest before Council vote to hit us with any more rate increases in 2017 to cover the past financial stuff ups including the YRCC (and other stuff ups or financial hits yet to be revealed), they should instigate legal action against Ray Hooper, Tyhscha Cochrane, James Best, Tony Boyle and Pat Hooper on behalf of Ratepayers
Councillors were appointed to act in the best interests of the Ratepayers, NOT to hit us with the debts incurred by fools.