Shire of York

Shire of York

Sunday 23 October 2016

YORK Ref: 50-14553 TYRES & FIRES ETC.


As you will see below the Hon. Albert Jacob, MLA, Minister for the Environment& Heritage did respond in a positive manner with regard to the hideous old tyre suppository in the main street of York. 

The Shire of York also acted positively by enforcing a demand for the removal of the tyres to the maximum amount required by law. The Shire claims the removal was done by the business owner, at no cost to the ratepayer, with none of its employees, including former staffer Christian Chadwick, involved. 

This action has removed a potential fire hazard and health risk, but only to a certain extent because some tyres still remain.

The question that is yet to be answered is to why this tyre pile was allowed to exist for so long in the middled York’s highly acclaimed, national heritage precinct. The answer is most likely through self-proclaimed local personalities engaging in self- interested local politics to the detriment of the rest of the community. In other words, some past Councillors who would gerrymander the democratic process!

There are three main towns in the Avon Arc- Toodyay, Northam and York with York the oldest and most historic.

Each of the others has well- appointed fuel service stations with all modern amenities.York has two fuel outlets that look like ramshackle public outhouses. (Dunnies if you prefer.)

These two establishments are branded by, and represent, two major, multi-billion dollar fuel companies, Shell and Gull.

Therefore it is about time that the Shire of York, representing the interests of a major historic town, wrote to both companies politely demanding that they improve the ambiance and quality of these outlets to reflect and show respect for their historic location and bring the overall services they provide into the second decade of the 21st Century.

If Shire of York staff does not have the ability to engage in such correspondence, pointing out the logical, commercial need for a positive response, then there are plenty around who can.

Another, yet to be properly explained, conundrum is why there is a large weed-infested, wire fenced-in, ghetto style, undeveloped block, smack in the middle of the commercial heart of York.

Based on its important location, the pertinent building authority should have placed a prerequisite caveat over the purchase and use of the property demanding that it must be developed within a certain time frame or severe penalties would apply.

Who would have been the building authority at that time? It is highly likely that it was the Shire of York, overwhelmed by the promise that a large commercial/residential premise was allegedly going to be built there. Who were incompetent?-guess!  Who got screwed?- the community

The Shire of York is in the process of navel contemplation being its Major Strategic Review 2016, full of extremely important  principles and guidelines that will take York through to the next decade.

Unfortunately, when someone wants to build a shed to house their pet elephants on a residential block, guidelines become a dysfunctional slide-rule, not the original principle commonly agreed to in the overall community interest.

Therefore, based on the standard Shire procedures and processes, there is absolutely nothing preventing current building codes and land occupancy requirements being amended to reflect a demand that the vacant block in question must be developed. If that is not the case, then it is germane that the community is told by the Shire exactly why it will not happen.

By the end of this month, York’s three senior shire amigos will be saddled up and ready to herd the town towards a new dawn.

Unfortunately a few community assets have already left the herd. Two iconic cafes have gone and another popular enterprise may soon follow.

Yet there is a possible commercial plus- York has a bus for hire. It is there to meet the massive local demand in the corporate, club and group, tourism and wedding markets. Probably not in York, because the business is called Avon-minibus-hire and the strength of York’s market demand is questionable.

It is the brainchild of York’s Donald Trump style entrepreneur, Mark Duperouzel, a former short-term Shire Deputy President, a self-proclaimed admirer of everything Ray Hooper had to offer, especially advice, and an unbelievably keen supporter of the Allawuna Farm, Perth refuse dumping project.

Mr Duperouzel may still find it regrettable that the project never came to fruition as it may have offered a daily ‘Big Day Out- Trip to our Tip’ tourist experience requiring the hire of his minibus.

Finally it is 12 months since the current Council members of the Shire of York council were elected.

There are still many unanswered questions, not the least of which is the future of the York Recreation and Convention Centre, how dire is the Shire’s real financial situation is, how it will rectify this situation and in what positive directions will York progress.

There is quality among the Councillors, but serious questions have been raised regarding one particular Council member that should be addressed. This is regarding personal dedication and adequate performance of the duties involved. York cannot afford a disinterested ‘bum on a seat’ and payment of a sinecure- no matter how pitiful the amount is.

A holistic overview of where York stands today, given all circumstances, local and peripheral, is that it is a glass half-full, or half-empty. The choice is yours.

One thing is certain, there will be no ‘quick-fix’! Four years will probably be the minimum term necessary for a raft of required, substantial positive results to emerge.

One more thing the community of York can be sure of is that its Council and shire administration will be monitored more closely than it has been in its entire 185-year-old history and there will be zero tolerance for any form of poor governance.

York ratepayers are investing in their future by paying the Shire’s three senior executives the equivalent of the annual base salary of three Federal Members of Parliament. So it should now be the understanding that everything created by the Shire is of a highly creditable standard- including the simplest of public communications.

Recently an official email
(below) was sent from the Shire offices advising members of The Avon Park Working Group of a meeting. The day/date was wrong but more importantly the structure of its content was a literacy nightmare. It was unprofessional, a tautological mess that a twelve-year-old should be ashamed of.

Some may consider this small change, but in overall quality control in showing the required degree of competence- it is a big ticket item.

David Taylor

Dear Working Group Member,

Thank you for your willingness to be a member of the Avon Park Working Group for the Shire of York.

As a member of the Working Group, we ask you to participate in the first Avon Park Working Group meeting.

The Avon Park Working Group meeting will be held on:

Revised Date & Time: Wednesday 27th October 2016 at 4pm
Shire of York Meeting Room
1 Joaquina St, York

The Shire of York looks forward to meeting you and values your contribution towards this project.

Kind Regards,

 Sharla Fythe
Technical Services Officer
Shire of York
Ph: (08) 9641 2233
Fax: (08) 9641 2202


  1. Could it be that Mork and Leaf were hoping to conduct tours of the Allawuna Farm facility and prematurely purchased a minibus in anticipation of it going ahead? Although after thinking about it he's probably unaware that SUEZ has pulled the pin and thinks is still in to make an oily quid!
    I take umbrage that you likened Mark to Donald, its grossly unfair, Donald's no fool and doesn't drive a minibus for sure. The girls at school always said 'Mark was more minibus than coach', what could they have meant?

  2. Is it true the Avon Park Working Group is yet to meet?

    What exactly is a Technical Service Officer?

    Duperouzel backed the wrong horse when he went with the Landfill. He lost a lot of loyal customers when he let us down. He was seen as a traitor to the town.

    The Shire President should provide a list in the Shire's page YDCM of formal training Councillors have undertaken since last October and tell us which Councillors have attended all briefings/meetings.

    1. Is it true the York Deputy Shire President is employed full time in Northam and shows up for minimal required SOY meetings?

      Has she done any training this year?

  3. I am sure if we the mortals were privy to the salary figures for Shire employees, we the ordinary people would discover that close to 35% of the total wages go on the three 'amigos'.
    Are we getting value for money.....>? Don't think so!

  4. Well done David! Like you I think we're looking at 4-5 yrs before any real change even begins. It's going to take that long just to bring the appearance of the town back up to par. All the economic development talk is positive, but they need to start by fixing what we've already got. I suggest they all just take a long walk around the town and perhaps get the perspective of a few visitors. Locals have become complacent because the ugliness is now the norm.

  5. Yes well done Dave, great article.

    That 4 to 5 years is thanks to Ray Hooper, and the incompetent councillors who followed his every word.

    I hope Mukinbudin councillors read the blogs - they need to keep a very close eye on their A/CEO, if they don't, they may find themselves in the same boat as York.
