Chief Executive Officer
Shire of York
York, a true historic town with a population of 3,439 residents, is the first inland town in Western Australia. Situated approximately 97 kilometres by road east of Perth in the Avon Valley, its unique blend of farming and heritage creates a natural getaway and tourist venue.
The Shire is seeking an energetic, outcome focused professional to implement its strategic direction and ensure optimal performance and customer service in the delivery of its vision. This includes timely implementation of Council decisions.
The successful candidate will be an experienced, proven strategic thinker with excellent communication skills. Also an ability to manage and work efficiently with diverse stakeholder groups to achieve a common purpose. The role requires highly developed leadership skills and business acumen to navigate complex issues.
The position is offered under a performance based contract of three to five years. An attractive remuneration package is offered and is to be set in accordance with the Salaries and Allowances Tribunal Band 3, negotiable up to $252,917 per annum. Salary and benefits are subject to negotiation and could include, but are not limited to; base salary, superannuation, private use of a motor vehicle.
An Application Package along with the Position Description can be obtained via email quoting CEO Shire of York in the subject line. Further information about the position is available by contacting Lydia Highfield on (08) 9213 2079
Applications should be sent to: or mailed to Lydia Highfield, Recruitment Services Manager, WALGA Recruitment , PO Box 1544, WEST PERTH WA 6872 marked “Private & Confidential – CEO Shire of York” by COB Tuesday 15 December 2015.
Please Note: Canvassing of Councillors will disqualify. The successful applicant is required to obtain relevant police checks, and to provide evidence of all claimed qualifications prior to commencing employment.
The other blog someone states anonymously some of us! Will never be happy will always find something wrong with any CEO at the Shire of York. As probably one of the some of us! I expect a person on $250,000 plus per annum. Would: part 1.
ReplyDelete1. Be able to control staff at SOY as a professional well respected establishment for all.
2. Make sure that all staff are educated in their roles they have been employed, and deliver correct precise information.
3. Educate and require from staff, they act in a professional manner at all times even if the customer is “Not someone they like or know".
4. I expect CEO has or, will gain the knowledge of the Local Government Act other Acts that govern his position and if in doubt at least looks it up for himself.
5. I expect the CEO to direct staff to have agenda's, minutes, follow up letters, etc out on time and correct.
6. I expect the CEO and the only employee under direct orders to the council, that he will serve the council with correct information, research, etc without fear or favour and direct and expect staff to do the same.
7. I expect the CEO to carry out, all direction from his employer the council, such as resolutions, research and providing accurate documentation, if council has for some reason made a mistake in resolution, provide and substantiate accurately, why a decision can be revoked legally.
8. I expect the CEO has exemplary communication skills, if he cannot answer answers at hand, has the professionalism to say so and arrange for another meeting, once answers are gathered.
9. I expect the CEO employs person’s as a rates officer who understands debt collection laws and a firm understanding of LG ACT and Rates and Deferments Act, not taking people to cour,t while they are paying off their debt, follows the guidelines provided by ASIC with regard to everyone who collects debts of any kind. In order to minimise burdens put on people who are already suffering hardship.
10. I expect to have a meeting with the CEO should I have a problem, I expect that he will be honest and helpful, listen to my problem and following it up with honesty researching himself when provided with information contrary to what he has been told by employees.
11. I expect the CEO be honest with his financial dealings within the SOY as in expenditure, reporting, and use of SOY equipment plant or property.
Part 2.
ReplyDelete12. I expect the CEO not act personally in interest for himself with any issues, developments etc. that are placed before the SOY.
13. I expect the CEO to provide to council every opportunity for grants, advancement etc. and to bring to fruition every opportunity to enhance York for the betterment of the youth the aged and every one in-between.
14. I expect he would be open to providing documents and training staff accurately with regard to FOI.
15. I expect to see the CEO on the street.
16. I expect The CEO provide all clubs, not for profit with information that may help with their advancement ie grants etc.
17. I expect the CEO employs person’s either having qualifications to carry out the role or are given training in how to carry out their role or opportunity’s for further training.
18 I expect the CEO gets everything in writing when directed from, or in regards to inquiry, legislation, complaints resolution, etc and direct, expect the same from staff, under documentation laws, local government, office and business management and record keeping. Verbal, phone call information backed in writing.
19. I expect the CEO to report any illegal, mismanagement, criminal behaviour by Staff, and Council, immediately and when requested to do so by, the council.
20. Bit extreme but as a common courtesy to the ratepayer and resident, I expect the CEO would direct staff that decorations would go up in the main street before they go up in the office.
I could go on, with what I expect for the wage of over $250,000, you all should expect, through the council, the CEO serves you, God forbid you are on the wrong side of a CEO with none of these quality's A Boss should expect, a CEO will for fill their duties in which they are employed, otherwise the position is un productive and detrimental to business.Pray the future holds, an exceptional professional in a leadership role, paramount for a successful outcome in all aspects of governance.If you consider that “some of us will never be happy” you may consider that “some of us” expect a professional to have certain quality’s, I am proud to be “some of us”
I would like to add to the list above:
ReplyDelete1. I expect the CEO to implement random drug testing for all employees, including Staff.
2. The CEO must be the only person to know who will be tested.
3. Testing must be random and without notice.
4. Make it a sackable offence if drugs are detected - the Mining companies do this.
If other Shire's have implemented it, and so should York.
Who would be left to work in the depot then?
DeleteWho cares - if they all test positive they don't deserve to be employed.
DeleteMaziuk throws her weight around as the union representative and provided everyone with a safe working environment.
Why is she so frightened of random drug testing?
One year ago we were lumbered with Graeme Simpson, a remarkable unremarkable man. Shortly after, the DLGC released its Probity Audit Report to the administration, not to the public, that did not come about until July 2015.
DeleteThe report identified some fairly significant recommendations, it is now clear that Graeme Simpson has done nothing for his 200K,
Anonymous18 November 2015 at 17:16 -
DeleteWhy is Maziuk against drug testing you ask? She has total control over them if she protects them!
She may be worried she could fail a random test herself.
Shire of York Local Law (Standing Orders) 1999
3.8 Agenda and Reports (1) The CEO may prepare for presentation to any meeting a report dealing with any matter which in the opinion of the CEO, should be drawn to the attention of the meeting or which, by law are matters that are required to be dealt with by the Council.
(2) Subject to the next section, the CEO shall send to each Councillor a copy of any report which the CEO proposes to present to a meeting. The report shall be sent to each Councillor not less than 5 clear working days before the commencement of the meeting.
14 . Notice papers, agenda etc., public inspection of (Act s. 5.25(1)(j))
(1) A local government is to ensure that notice papers and agenda relating to any council or committee meeting and reports and other documents which —
(a) are to be tabled at the meeting; or
(b) have been produced by the local government or a committee for presentation at the meeting, and which have been made available to members of the council or committee for the meeting are available for inspection by members of the public from the time the notice papers, agenda or documents were made available to the members of the council or committee.
So where is the agenda?
Have the Councillors got their agendas, if not why, and if yes, why is it not available to the public?
At least when Ray Hooper was on the throne, the agenda was out for the Wednesday and minutes were nearly always out by the first Friday after the meeting. It currently takes the administration nearly two weeks to publish the minutes for a meeting.
The agenda has just this minute gone up, although, there are no minutes published for the Special Council meeting 5 November when the Council f****d Simpson off.