Shire of York

Shire of York

Friday 26 June 2015


Form 1
[reg. 16]
Local Government Act 1995
Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996
TO: The President (Commissioner) of Shire of York Western Australia
1....... Under section 5.28 of the Local Government Act 1995, the electors of (3) York Western Australia whose names, addresses and signatures are set out in the attached list and who comprise (1) 100 electors/5% of the number of electors request that a special meeting of the electors of the district be held.
2. ..... The details of the matter to be discussed at the special meeting are —
·         The Shire of York Annual Budget 2015/16.
·         Purchase of Lots 800 and 801 South Street York WA.
·         Borrowing $625,000 to fund the purchase of Lots 800 and 801 South Street York.  
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3....... This request is served on behalf of the listed signatories by —
Name:    .................................................................................................
Signature:   ...........................................................................................
Contact details:  ...................................................................................

Date:   Monday 29 June 2015

260 signatures.....well done to those involved


  1. The Northern end of Avon Terrace needs covering, can a copy of the petition be left at the York Palace?

  2. Poor York. This town really needs a bit of community spirit. It looks like a town that is ripping itself apart.

    At this rate, there will not be be anything left to fight over. Hope that all will be satisfied with this.

    We were shocked at how the community and town is looking desolate. There was so much going for this town. I am not sure that these blogs and the displays on the main street (85 Avon Terrace) help to improve the impression of your to the outside community.

    York looks to be a very divided community.

  3. If we do really live in a democracy, surely we will have an Electors Meeting?

  4. I personally thought it was great to see a crowd of visitors reading the truth in the window of a local business this morning.
    As for being divided, your dam right we are!
    There is 'them' (Local Government) and there is 'us' (York community) and we the community is working to take back the power from the bullies who have had control for too long.

  5. Anonymous 18:24 your right poor York but let me put this to you, by your comment I assume and please correct me if I am wrong have not suffered at the hands of the Shires actions in the past, some people in town have suffered financially, to their health and more because procedures policies laws and codes have not been followed.
    For this community to pull together for the benefit of all not just some there needs to be honest and open accountable policies and procedures put in place.
    A outstanding example is recently at a few council meetings the topic of FOI was on the table, people that required FOI which is a statutory requirement ( meaning the Shire has to provide certain information pertaining to you or things that you need to know or want to know) people at the meeting objected to the cost of this being on the agenda apparently $80,000 odd for something they have to do FOI is Statutory the decision only creating dissention in the community between those asking for FOI and those not.
    Commissioner Best said as justification for this to be on the agenda and I quote those there can verify this " it is important to keep the community aware of where their ratepayer money is going it is his obligation to the community" and then goes and purchases or commits to purchase a building for $625,000 without telling anyone not only that he has committed to it its in the budget a document that not many of the average community member reads.
    Where is his obligation to the community to tell them where their rate paying money is going to here? I have also put this on the other Blog Voice of York as I think that question needs an answer.

  6. So not only did he verbally make the remark I Quoted in the previous post but also states in Minutes of the 28th April 2015 financial management duties and obligations does the act only apply to FOI I think not.
    Taken from minutes 'It is incumbent upon the Council of the Shire to, given its financial management duties and obligations under Part 6 of the Local Government Act 1995, to adequately and purposefully explain to all ratepayers why rates and charges are being increased and what the actual costs are that all ratepayers bear as a result of the Shire’s officers dealing with FOI applications received by the Shire'.


    260 York residents were able to add their names to the petition for a Special Meeting of Electors to discuss:
    1. The Shire of York Annual Budget 2015/16
    2. Purchase of Lots 800 and 801 South Street, York WA
    3. Borrowing $625 000 to fund the purchase of Lots 800 and 801 South Street York

    Many residents wanted to sign but couldn’t with the limited time we had: Saturday and several hours on Sunday. Many came into the gift shop today with the intent of adding their names to the petition. Had we had a few more days, the number would have increased many times over.

    The petition was presented to ACEO Simpson this morning (Monday). I was told) he was visibly shaken. James Best was not in the office this morning, but no doubt he was made aware very quickly.

    The Special Meeting of Electors must be advertised in a local paper and give a minimum of one week’s notice for those wanting to attend. Once the date and time are set, we will publish the information on the blog, broadcast it through our databases, put signage up around time (possibly a banner in the empty car park on the corner of Avon Tce and South St) and ask everyone to spread the information. We want the Town Hall filled to overflowing to discuss these important issues.

  8. Thank you Jane,260 signatures is brilliant over a 24 hour period,it shows a high level of public concern. I'm not at all surprised that Simpson was "visibly shaken", the man is an idiot, what rational thinking CEO would ever allow a transaction which is so obviously underhand and secretive to come about in the first place?

    I always thought Pat Hooper and Tony Boyle suffered from cronyism but James Best takes the biscuit, did he honestly think no one would notice his little deal with the Bliss's?

    Paul West is not totally without blame on this deal either. He came from the Wheatbelt GP network and carries lots of baggage. There were many financial anomalies under his watch and according to people in the know he left the organisation under a cloud.

    I feel sorry for Matthew Reid being stuck with a lemon like Graeme Simpson, its Ray Hooper all over again, Matthew's going to have to watch his back with Maziuk and Simpson. Don;t forget Maziuk had an awful lot to say to David Morris prior to Councils suspension.

  9. Agreid (get it).....Matthew Reid is in exactly the same spot as he was when Hooper and Cochrane were CEO & DCEO respectively.
    We certainly do not want Best staying on for one minute more than is necessary.

  10. What an amazing effort. We must thank those who did the work to get the petition under way and signed. This result is a clear message to anyone from the dark side who thinks they can get into council and dictate to us again.
    We've all heard the rumours Boyle is grooming certain people to do his bidding - once removed because Boyle operated under remote control from Ray Hooper.
    The people of York spoke loud and clear when Matthew Reid stood for Council and they have just spoken again with this 24 hour petition.

    Well done the people of York - lets keep the momentum up. We must all stand up and give as much support as we can muster for Matthew, Denese and Dave to get them through until we can get more honest people into to help them.

  11. It is imperative that we elect several honest people, with integrity and no agenda other than doing what's best for York and its residents. Remember, the new Councillors will be joining Matthew and David, whose terms span another 2 years. Please encourage and personally invite anyone who you believe fits these criteria to nominate for Council.

    It's only fair that all aspects of our community are represented on Council. There is no need to be concerned - as long as we have enough who act from integrity, honesty, justice, etc to prevent a repeat of the domination of those who preferred their own agenda. We all know the names of those Councillors who were easily manipulated in carrying forth autocratic rule rather than truly represent the ratepayers who elected them during the reign of RH – actually, until they resigned.

    It is up to us to ensure we elect a majority of Councillors who will not allow power to overtake their consciences. A majority of good men and women on Council can overrule any proposals not for the benefit of our community.

  12. Was due process followed for the purchase of the Chalkies building? I don't think so.
    Mr. Best is now calling a special meeting to consider a 'draft business plan'. I would have thought that would be the first thing to do.

    1. What does he mean by 'consider'?

      I suspect the story will be the usual one: he considers the plan in his role as 'Council', accepts it, and York is stuck with it.

      Meanwhile, I infer from Richard Bliss's letter in YDCM that Mark Duperouzel is planning to run for Council again in October. We mustn't forget Mark's about-face on SITA. Nor should we forget his suggestion that people who failed to turn up to Best's 'visioning' meetings should be 'named and shamed'.

      I think most of us have had more than enough of authoritarian personalities who think persons in authority like James Best (who was not elected but imposed on us) are automatically entitled to respect. How much respect has Best shown the people of York?

      I have zero respect for people, whoever they may be, who betray a fiduciary duty to advance their own personal interests or those of their friends. In that, I'm sure I'm not alone.

      Meanwhile, the DLGC, true to form, refuses to get involved. They were happy to get involved when doing so gave them a chance to bring down an honest shire president. I suppose we get the bureaucrats we deserve.

  13. I doubt very much that ex Councillor Duperouzel will run for Council, he's a boy in a man's world, no prejudice intended. I would put money on it that Bliss wrote his letter to the Editor before Thursdays meeting to adopt the budget, he was merely blowing smoke up James's arse, keeping him sweet so the deal went through to bail him out.
    As for his relationship with ex Councillor Duperrouzel, what a two face ******* Mr Bliss is, I remember having a conversation with Mr Bliss and I can assure everyone he did not have a good word to say about him. Mr Bliss is one of those who runs with the hare and hunts with the hounds.
    I look forward to the special Council meeting in early July, to discuss the business plan for the purchase of lots 800 & 801 South Street. Good luck Dick.
